READ THE NEWS ON ONE CLICK 1. Watch Activist Daniel Ellsberg On WikiLeaks READ THE NEWS ON ONE CLICK
A former United States military analyst, Daniel Ellsberg is the man who turned public opinion against the Vietnam War by releasing the Pentagon Papers. In this video interview with Dylan Rattigan, Ellsberg entirely supports WikiLeaks and Bradley Manning. He says: "All government officials lie and nothing they say is to be believed, that is to say nothing they say is to be taken as the last word... Truth to the public is not much of a consideration for the military... Your duty is to live up to the Constitution and tell the truth..."Since the end of the Vietnam War, Daniel Ellsberg has been a lecturer, writer and activist on the dangers of the nuclear era, wrongful U.S. interventions and the urgent need for patriotic whistleblowing.
Dylan Rattigan Interviews Daniel Ellsberg
2. Legal Update - Free Bradley Manning
Leading into our International Days of Action, here are some updates on Bradley’s legal case we can share. From Bradley’s civilian attorney, David E. Coombs: “I spoke with PFC Bradley Manning today. I let him know that so far the defense has received $10,000 from Courage to Resist; $5,000 from Mr. Michael Moore; and $860.00 from direct donations. Brad is aware of the fact that events are happening from today through the 19th. He has asked me to express how very thankful that he is for the support that he has received so far. Brad also told me that he looks forward to the day that he can express his gratitude in person to those that have rallied to his defense.” Mr. Coombs has filed multiple motions on behalf of PFC Manning to ensure that at every stage of the process Brad’s rights are being protected. The case is currently on hold until a Rule for Courts-Martial 706 board can be completed. The 706 board is designed to ensure that PFC Manning is in good mental health. This type of board is common whenever it is believed that a soldier charged with an offense is under extreme emotional and mental stress. The board will likely begin its work in early October and will take about six weeks. The defense has filed a motion to have its own forensic psychiatrist sit in on the board. Once the board is complete, the government will likely move forward with an Article 32 Investigation (pre-trial hearing). At the Article 32 investigation, the defense will be able to call witnesses on PFC Manning’s behalf and to cross-examine the government’s witnesses. The Article 32 will likely take place sometime in early 2011. A court martial could take place 2-4 months after the Article 32 hearing.
Jeff Paterson, Bradley Manning Support Network
Related Links:
* Get With The International Programme! Free Bradley Manning Action Days, September 16 – 19
Katharine Dawn, Bradley Manning Support Network
* Collateral Murder
US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff
Information Release, WikiLeaks
3. Twin Babies Die Minutes After Measles Vaccination
Sunil Sharma can’t believe his twin daughters Avika and Anika are no more. The textile merchant from Ghaziabad had never imagined that a measles vaccine at a private nursing home in the town would take the life of the his nine-month-old daughters. Sunil claims his daughters died minutes after being administered the vaccine, usually given when a baby is nine months old, at Divya Nursing Home. Akhil Sharma, an uncle of the twins, said: “I took them for the vaccination around 6 pm on Wednesday. They were given the vaccination around 7.15 pm. In 15 minutes, the children started breathing heavily. We rushed to the doctor who gave them oxygen. But the babies had died by them. Still Dr Satyaveer Singh referred them to Sarvodya Hospital.” The Indian Medical Association’s local president Dr Santosh Aggrawal, who visited the hospital after the incident, confirmed that the health of the twins deteriorated after being administered the vaccine. “The doctor had a fresh supply of the vaccine. Still there could be something wrong with the batch of vaccines. Similar deaths have been reported from Kanpur and Lucknow,” he added.
Pragya Kaushika, Indian Express
Related Links:
* Health Workers Reinstated After Deadly Measles Vaccine Kills Four Babies
Indian Express
* Four Babies Killed By Measles Vaccine
NDTV Correspondent, NDTV
4. “Unethical” Lightning Process Pilot Study In Children Receives Ethics Approval
A pilot study on the controversial Lightning Process led by Dr Esther Crawley using children as young as eight has received the go ahead from a South West Region Research Ethics Committee (REC), despite widespread public concern and condemnation by two UK national patient organisations. The organisations said: “We are issuing this joint statement due to widespread public concern, together with our own serious reservations, about a forthcoming study of the psychologically-based Lightning Process on children." In June, ME agenda reported that Alastair Gibson, who had previously identified himself as one of two Lightning Process coaches involved with the NHS study, was the subject of an Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) ruling. The ASA upheld a complaint about unsubstantiated claims made for the efficacy of the Lightning Process in ME and CFS in an advertisement for Mr Gibson’s “Withinspiration” company. The So uth West Regional Manager for the National Research Ethics Service (NRES) confirmed to me, in May, that there is apparently no process through which REC decisions might be challenged by the public.
Suzy Chapman, ME Agenda
Related Links:
* Presence Of Murine Leukemia Virus Found In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients
FDA Press Release
* Detection of MLV-related virus gene sequences in blood of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and healthy blood donors (FULL TEXT)
Shyh-Ching Lo, Harvey J. Alter et al PNAS
* Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Judy A. Mikovits et al, 10.1126/science.1179052, Science Express
Friday, 17 September 2010
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Britannia Radio