Europe's sovereign debt crisis and fears of a US double-dip recession have driven recent demand for the yen as a "safe haven" currency. Japan's economy remains lack-lustre, but investors have been determined to diversify away from the euro and the dollar. Last Tuesday, when the ruling Democratic Party of Japan's leadership contest was resolved in favour of Prime Minister Naoto Kan, the yen hit a 15-year dollar high of Y83.82. After all, it had been Kan's defeated challenger, Ichiro Ozawa, who'd championed taking action to weaken the yen. With Ozawa out of the picture, Bank of Japan intervention looked far less likely. So when the victorious Kan on Wednesday ordered a wholesale yen sell-off, the country's first currency intervention in six years, the markets were entirely wrong-footed. That allowed the yen to be pushed down by 3.1pc against the dollar and 3.4pc against the euro. Since then, Japan's yen manoeuvre has attracted much economic comment – as pointy-headed analysts have recalibrated their complex models and updated their spreadsheets. In the real world, though, currency interventions are strategic, not scientific. This one, too, should be analysed through an unashamedly political lens. Kan's decided to sell the yen, having just defeated Ozawa, in order to bolster his position in the Diet – Japan's Parliament. After a hard-fought campaign, Kan secured the support of just 206 members, only six more than his rival. A year after its historic win over the long-ruling Liberal Democrats, the DPJ has disappointed the public and remains deeply split. Kan's leadership has been plagued by torpor and indecision – hence Ozawa's challenge. What better way to cement a slim victory, just hours after you've won, than boldly adopting the weaker-yen policy at the heart of your defeated opponent's campaign? The yen's recent rise has deeply unsettled Japan's powerful export lobby. Kan's decision drew rare public praise from carmakers such as Toyota and Mazda. Adding to the air of euphoria, the Nikkei index of leading shares soared by 3pc on Wednesday, as the yen fell. With the Ministry of Finance declaring that "the strong currency can no longer be over-looked", more selling may be in the pipeline. Japan's currency, after all, remains higher than just three weeks ago. Market participants put the scale of the intervention at around Y2,000 (£15bn). On Thursday, Kan said his government was ready for "further resolute action". Exporters are pushing for Y90 to the dollar – not least because the Korean won is heavily managed and, when it comes to cars and electronics, South Korea has been taking lumps out of Japan's once-impregnable global market share. For all Kan's huffing and puffing, though, I can't see the yen falling that much any time soon. With so much economic uncertainty in Europe and the US, "safe haven" flows into the yen are likely to remain strong. More importantly, further weakening will require the co-operation of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank – and that simply isn't going to happen. On the contrary, America and Europe, usually Japan's allies when it comes to global financial co-operation, are furious Tokyo chose to "go it alone" in a bid to weaken the yen. Jean-Claude Juncker, who chairs the eurozone's Finance Ministers' group, is "insisting" Japan "steps back from unilateral currency interventions". Sander Levin, Chairman of the US Congressional Ways and Mean Committee, said Kan's decision was "deeply disturbing" and Senate Banking Committee Chairman, Chris Dodd, said it "broke international accords". Western governments question that the yen is strong in the first place. Japan has run large trade and current account surpluses for more than a generation, so why should it weaken its currency to make its exports even more competitive? And while the yen has risen in nominal terms in recent years, once deflation is considered Japan's real trade-weighted exchange rate is close to its long-run average. Beyond such technicalities, the US and Europe are upset because they don't like the taste of their own medicine. Creditor countries like Japan argue – with some justification – that Western governments are implicitly allowing their currencies to slide over the long term, not only to stay competitive but also to lower the real value of the debts they owe Asian governments. That brings us to China – the Western world's biggest single source of sovereign credit and the major reason Japan's currency tricks generated such anger, particularly in the States. With the US mid-term elections now looming, the Beijing-bashing season is in full swing. The US grew by just 1.6pc during the second quarter of 2010, down from 3.7pc during the previous three months and 5pc the quarter before. This isn't what a recovery looks like. The Obama administration needs scapegoats. On Thursday, the US Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, was due to testify in Congressional hearings on "China's currency peg". Desperate to defend American manufacturers from "unfair" competition, US lawmakers blame Beijing for keeping the yuan "artificially low". Since 2005, China's currency has strengthened by around a fifth against the dollar, rising 1.5pc since the dollar-peg was officially abandoned in June. Congress, though, desperate for an excuse to slap yet more "emergency tariffs" on Chinese imports, wanted the Treasury Secretary to attack Beijing in no uncertain terms. Tokyo's move, the day before Geithner's testimony, made that much more difficult. How could the US government accuse Beijing of "currency manipulation" when Japan, a G7 member, had just done the same? The White House has long been frustrated that Tokyo has soft-peddled on China's currency policy, and has refused to join in when America and Europe have criticised Beijing. Now the Japanese Prime Minister seems to have timed a currency intervention to make Geithner's life as difficult as possible. Japan's solo effort at currency adjustment belies its lack of faith in a multi-lateral approach. That pours cold water on any hope of a grand international bargain being struck at the November G20 summit in Seoul – along the lines of the fabled 1985 Plaza Accord. With China having recently replaced the US as Japan's biggest trading partner, US diplomats are now starting to think big thoughts. Is Japan embarking on a long-term strategic realignment? In the here and now, if the Western world endures another "systemic shock", or looks as if it might, the yen will remain subject to upward pressure. Having just caved in to the export lobby, who's to say the hapless Kan won't soon succumb to the charms of other powerful Japanese conglomerates, those who want a stronger yen seeing as that helps them acquire assets cheaply abroad. In the end, only structural reform, not short term fixes, will allow the Japanese economy to recover in a meaningful way – a lesson that holds in the UK as well. When I've argued against "quantitative easing" and debt-fuelled Keynesian boosts over the last two years, I've often been met with a glib one-word response: "Japan". Many UK policymakers have been brain-washed into thinking Britain needed to print money like crazy and prostrate itself with more state debt in order to avoid a Japanese-style "lost decade". This was always dangerous nonsense. Japan didn't stagnate because it refused to do QE and a massive fiscal expansion, or because it waited and did both half-heartedly. Japan suffered a 10-year slump precisely because its too-big-to-fail, politically-connected "zombie" banks were allowed to stagger on, acting as a massive drain on the broader economy. The same is now happening in the UK. That's the real lesson from Japan – a lesson that Prime Minister Kan, with his myopic currency move, has shown he is yet to grasp.The real lesson we can learn from Japan's dramatic currency sell-off
Europe's sovereign debt crisis and fears of a US double-dip recession have driven
recent demand for the yen as a "safe haven" currency. Japan's economy remains
lack-lustre, but investors have been determined to diversify away from
the euro and the dollar.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
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Britannia Radio