It’s not just inexcusable, it’s inexplicable. It’s as if everyone forgot why we have primaries in the first place. This has been a gut-check moment for Republican leadership, and with a few exceptions, they have failed it. Rush: Maybe Rove should have gotten this excited about Democrats “Let’s go balls to the wall for Christine O’Donnell,” Rush Limbaugh implored listeners on his show today, but Rush knows that his listeners are the choir to which he is preaching. It’s the party establishment and the center-right commentariat that needs to hear the message, and in that vein, Rush took on Karl Rove on today’s show. Rush demanded to know why Rove and other establishment figures want to make Christine O’Donnell’s character the issue, when it’s the character of the current administration and Democratic leadership in Congress that should get the focus. Instead of issuing self-fulfilling prophecies of doom, shouldn’t the Republican establishment start fighting for... [Belman. Assad would never accept this deal.] DEBKAfile Exclusive Report September 16, 2010, Following the two-day Israeli-Palestinian face-to-face supervised by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, US Middle East envoy George Mitchell prepared for a major US diplomatic breakthrough during his visit to Damascus Thursday: The possible revival of Syrian-Israeli peace talks. He carries with him for Syrian president Bashar Assad a detailed map drawn up by Binyamin Netanyahu to represent Israel’s proposed withdrawal from much of the Golan. This map is a DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive. The Israeli prime minister refused to go into borders between Israel and the future Palestinian state at the talks he held with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at Sharm el-Sheikh Tuesday, Sept 14. First he wanted to dispose of other issues such as security. Laura. Daled Amos reviews Alex Grobman’s book “The Palestinian Right to Israel”. It debunks all the historical revisionist claims by leftists and muslims of Israel as a colonial outpost and documents the Jewish presence dating back to 70CE. Book Review: The Palestinian Right to Israel Saudi Arabia and the smaller Gulf states, meanwhile, emerged from treaties that their... By Ted Belman Yesterday I attended a lecture by Daniel Pipes in Jerusalem on the matter of Islam. As you can imagine his oft repeated line “Radical Islam is the problem, moderate Islam is the solution”. He acknowledge that his criticism comes the the right who insist that there is only one Islam. He said that when I ask them what is their answer, they have none. He prefers to look to moderate Islam which is showing no signs of life. He still espouses the belief that the Palestinians must be utterly defeated before negotiating peace. He took pains to note that the American people were waking up, even if the liberal progressives weren’t, to Islam as evidenced in the Mosque and Koran burning issues. The Arabs calling themselves ‘Palestinians’, are the AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OF THE WORLD. The worlds pets to be coddled ,fed, excused and protected by a world bent on destroying the Jews once and for all. They are one of the worlds current weapon of choice for implementing the final solution. Yamit ‘Palestinianism’ no more than political construct, rather than legitimate national identity Palestinianism, inherently meant only one thing: the rejection of a Jewish state in any... “To the Moslem, the world is divided into regions under Islamic control, the dar al-Islam, and regions not subjected as yet, the dar al-harb. Between this ‘area of warfare’ and the Muslim dominated part of the world there can be no peace. Practical considerations may induce the Muslim leaders to conclude an armistice, but the obligation to conquer and, if possible, convert never lapses. Nor can territory once under Muslim rule be lawfully yielded to the unbeliever. Legal theory has gone so far as to define as dar al-Islam any area where at least one Muslim custom is still observed”. The current building was originally constructed as a church between 532 and 537 AD on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian. In Greek, it means Holy Wisdom.In 1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottomans and Sultan Mehmed II ordered the building to be converted into a mosque. Of the three monotheistic religions, Judaism is... Laura:There are those in hollywood who believe in the racist notion that Jews should be forbidden to live in certain parts of Israel. Many of them of course are themselves “Jewish”. Take note of these artists and entertainers who support the Arab-muslim practice of apartheid and boycott them. A New Kind of Theatre: Actors Against Israel Once, the world’s reigning Hollywood and theatre people were satisfied with their glamour, wealth, fame, and endless, torrid affairs. That is no longer enough. Now, theatre people adopt “causes.” They sign petitions. They march. They make unexpectedly long speeches at the Academy Awards apologizing for America’s extermination of native Indians and for slavery. They adopt politically correct children as well as causes. Thus, it is no surprise that the current crop have elected to join the worldwide de-legitimization of Israel project. Thus, Israeli...Rush Limbaugh: “WASHINGTON VS. THE COUNTRY”
Mitchell to hand Assad Netanyahu’s proposed Golan withdrawal map
His tactics for Syria are quite different. Three months ago, Netanyahu showed President Barack Obama detailed maps of the Golan showing how... Jewish Rights to Israel
By Daled AmosAnd that is one of the reasons I enjoyed Prof. Alex Grobman’s new book. The accusation that Israel has colonialist roots because of its connection to the British Mandate is ironic, since most of the Arab states owe their origins to the entry and domination of the European powers. Prior to World War I, the Arab states of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan did not exist, but were only districts of the Ottoman Empire, under different names. They became states as a result of European intervention, with the British putting the Hashemite family in power in two of these countries.
The threat of Sharia and a new beginning
Which brings me to my hobby horse of late, Islam is a danger to us (America) and we must defend ourselves. I collaborated with Mathew Hausman resulting in his article Freedom of Belief is absolute, freedom of practice isn’t. Others articles posted here fortified...Who are the Palestinians?
Prime Minister Netanyahu has called upon Palestinian leaders to recognize the right of the Jewish people to national self-determination – “two states for two nations.” But are Palestinian Arabs a nation, or a people? What is “Palestinian national identity” based on? Although taken for granted today, Palestinianism has neither a long, nor distinguished history, which may explain why the peace process between Israel and the Arabs has failed and will continue to fail.
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Friday, 17 September 2010
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Britannia Radio