Saturday, September 11, 2010
China Urges Japan to Make 'Wise Decision'
China Leading in Deep Sea Exploration
Turkey's Crypto-Islamist Government Poised to Win National Referendum on Constitutional 'Reform'
Turkey's secular system is apparently about to be hit by another blow.Nine Years After 9/11
Nine years after 9/11, left-wingers and liberals are bent on rewriting history and appeasing radical Islam.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
China urges Japan to make a "wise decision" and release a detained, Chinese fishing boat, caught in disputed waters. Click here for the story.
Russia, too, is interested in underwater riches, as shown by the video below.
The country's crypto-Islamist government (which U.S. President Barack Obama enthusiastically supports) seems poised to win a national referendum on so-called constitutional reforms--code for measures that will accelerate the Islamizing trend.
Click here for the biased (pro-Islamist) report in the Financial Times and here for even more biased coverage in the Christian Science Monitor.
America overreacted, the craven elitists say.
In their hearts, of course, millions of ordinary Americans know that America under-reacted. The war against radical Islam--misnamed the War on Terror so as not to offend the oil-rich Saudis and the nuclear-armed Pakistanis--should have been won in a matter of weeks or months, at most. And it could have been so had the President asked Congress for a formal declaration of war against Taliban-controlled Afghanistan--the country that sheltered and aided Al Qaeda--and used any and all weapons necessary in order to wipe the enemy off the face of the earth.
Not only would the use of tactical nuclear weapons have obliterated the forces responsible for the heinous attacks on Manhattan and Washington, DC--the worst-ever attacks on American soil--the swift, merciless and truly devastating retaliation that the nation expected and hoped for would have sent a powerful message to Islamists everywhere, including the mad mullahs of Iran. In fact, they, too, should have been eliminated in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, along with their Lebanese and Palestinian terrorist proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas. Israel could have taken care of those monsters, given a green light and an OK to take the gloves off--CNN and The New York Times be damned!
But the signal never came. The missiles never flew. The greatest military power that the world has ever seen took too long to do too little, relying on notoriously unreliable Afghan warlords for most of the fighting ... which made it possible for the defeated but not exterminated and supposedly "bottled-up" Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders and their most senior commanders to ... escape. Incredibly, they lived to fight another day.
And another ... and another....
Nine years after 9/11, America's first Muslim-born (according to sharia law, which he respects), Third World-American (his father was a Kenyan) President ... who, following his inauguration, actually bowed ... deeply and submissively ... to the Saudi King ... is backing the construction of an obvious victory mosque overlooking and only two blocks from Ground Zero ... a $100 million project opposed by an overwhelming majority of Americans but supported, naturally, by an adoring liberal media. These so-called news outlets, parroting the party line on the mosque project and on the Islamist menace in general, work night and day to persuade an exhausted, beat-down public that a fictitious problem--a supposedly irrational fear of increasingly influential and "peaceful" Islam combined with alleged bigotry and hatred directed at the swelling ranks of Muslim immigrants and citizens--is somehow both equal in importance to and a contributing cause of the worldwide wave of Islamist terrorism, violence, and aggression that threatens to destabilize and overwhelm secular societies and destroy Western civilization.
Nine years after 9/11, Afghanistan is on the verge of being overrun by the Taliiban, Osama Bin Laden's homeland, Saudi Arabia, is still exporting Wahhabi hatred and ideology, and Islamist Iran, a monstrous mullahocracy that the new American President attempted/still hopes to engage (code for appease and align with) is closer than ever to becoming a nuclear-armed state.
Catastrophe looms.
The good news:
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Britannia Radio