Friday, 10 September 2010

September 10, 2010

Thin skinned Oregon's ex-governor faces his first political test
After hanging up the phone yesterday at the conclusion of a newspaper interview about Oregon’s governors race, I sat and thought about the posture former governor John Kitzhaber is taking towards his opponent, former Trailblazer Chris Dudley, and how differently he responded to me back in 1998, which was Kitzhaber's last statewide general election. Upon reflection, I suspect that the 2010 General Election will be in reality John Kitzhaber's first real race......
by Bill Sizemore

Rich have another name - Employer
The LA Times proudly proclaims, “Obama blasts continued tax cuts for the rich!” But every time you hear leftists refer to “the rich,” remember that “the rich” are also known by these other terms: employer, investor, self-reliant, self-starter. Attacking “the rich” is a direct assault on the people who invest and employ. Hate the rich if you must, but don’t force them into poverty or off-shore solutions. If you hope to bankrupt the rich, you have only seen the beginning of the economic collapse to come........
by JB Williams

The 911 Cover-Up: Same Song, Different Verse, Part 1
I watched with great hope and anticipation as two generations of Americans demanded justice for JFK’s murder as most of the country rejected the official governmental explanations with cries to reopen the investigation into his death. Unfortunately, these cries fell upon arrogant, deaf ears. From the late 1960’s through mid 1990’s people such as Jim Marrs, Oliver Stone and Bill Kurtis kept the pressure on the mainstream media which forced them to give some scant attention to the fact that many did not.....
by Dave Hodges

Our right to privacy is nearly gone
Step by step, no leap by leap, we are being observed, watched, analyzed, sold out and tracked. We have Government, utilities, corporations and leaders pushing what they call the ‘Smart Grid’ so that computers and technology can track practically everything in our home….how much we do laundry, use our air conditioner, turn up the heat and play our stereo. The whole idea and push behind ‘Smart Grid’ is to not only reveal more information as to how much energy and electricity consumers are using, but......
by Laurie Roth