Defining Lies Obama, Pastor Terry Jones and Free Speech What Christine O'Donnell and Cal Ripken Have in Common
A pure Republic allows the people the power of choice. They may retain their right to choose or waive it for what they believe is profitable or for gain. People change and governments change. It has been said, “All roads lead to Rome”, but if we turn around, repent, all roads lead to the Kingdom of God. It is all about which direction you choose to go, which path you choose to take......
by Brother Gregory Williams
The President of the United States of America, General Patreus, Hillary and even the Pentagons top man Robert Gates have jumped into the Koran burning fray regarding Pastor Terry Jones of the Evangelical Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville Florida. They are trying to intimidate him into cancelling his plans to torch 200 Korans on the anniversary of 911........
by Roger Fredinburg
Politicians on both sides of the aisle still don't get it. In Delaware, the GOP is backing liberal good old boy, Mike "screw the will of the people" Castle. The People/tea party patriots have rallied around conservative Christine O'Donnell. They are confident, as their U.S. Senator, O'Donnell will keep her promises and show up for work every day to pursue their best interest to the best of her ability; a refreshing old fashion......
by Lloyd Marcus
Sunday, 12 September 2010
September 11, 2010
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Britannia Radio