Obama Endorses Global Taxes on Eve of U.N. Summit Mexico Celebrates Its Centennial And Bicentennial 31 Scared Democrats want tax cuts for all now
In a classic case of misdirection, while the media are preoccupied with the fate of the Bush tax cuts, President Obama is preparing to attend a United Nations summit next week to endorse “innovative finance mechanisms”—global taxes—to drain even more wealth out of the U.S. economy. A draft “outcome document” produced in advance of the September 20-22 U.N. Summit on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) commits the nations of the world to supporting “innovative financing mechanisms” to......
by Cliff Kincaid
This year, 2010, Mexico is celebrating both its bicentennial and its centennial. This may seem rather puzzling to those unfamiliar with Mexico’s complex history. What is being celebrated? How can 2010 be both a centennial and a bicentennial? In Mexican history, the Independence struggle and the Revolution are two separate historical periods, separated by about a hundred years. So this year, the country celebrates the bicentennial of the former and the centennial of the latter........
by Allan Wall
I’m laughing as I’m writing this. 31 Democrats have signed onto a letter to Pelosi saying they want tax cuts for all, not just those making under $250,000 a year. Naturally, those 31 are most concerned about re election campaigns. With what they have seen already with the focus, power and fund raising ability of that ‘domestic terrorist, ‘racist’, ‘radical’ and ‘UN American’ group…..the Tea Party folks, they should be concerned......
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 17 September 2010
September 17, 2010
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Britannia Radio