A Pledge to America - An Analytical Opinion Communists to Be Welcomed at Progressive March Take Back America: What Does It Mean? Cleaning GOP house while shredding progressive liberals
>From the consent of the governed would imply that in order for the government to take any action, if they truly believe that their power is derived from the people, then they would not be able to make something illegal for the people that they themselves do routinely under the color of law. For instance let’s take a quick look at Social Security – You work, the government takes money from your check, without your permission (we call that stealing), and tell you that it is your social security pension. Yet.....
by Michael LeMieux
The October 2 rally in Washington, D.C. is designed to counter the Tea Party, a grass roots movement of citizens devoted to limited government, and the recent “Restoring Honor” rally in the nation’s capital sponsored by Fox News personality Glenn Beck. Questioned on the involvement of communist groups, McPhearson shot back, “What is radical? We are trying to bring everybody together under one tent........
by Cliff Kincaid
"Take Back America" is the battle cry of the Tea Party Movement. It originally meant taking back our country from an out-of-control, Obama administration, deaf to the will of the American people and aggressively forcing socialism down our throats. The mission of the Tea Party Movement has evolved into.....
by Lloyd Marcus
Thank God the Tea Party groups are not owned by any political group and represent, law abiding, angry and freedom loving America. Many on the left want desperately to paint the Tea Party as a deranged, racist and radical arm of just the GOP, however, enough media and Americans know that is total bull rot. Since the GOP.....
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 24 September 2010
September 24, 2010
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Britannia Radio