Thursday, 9 September 2010

September 9, 2010

Farming Without a License is a Criminal Enterprise
Throughout this nation it is becoming commonplace for state and federal governments to raid food buying clubs, private food co-ops, family farms and even micro farms. The reason these raids are taking place is that the FDA has determined that we are not smart enough to decide what we want to eat. They are making sure that we have a hard time getting food that is actually good for us and fulfilling their public.......
by Doreen Hannes

I am sure some of you are very uncomfortable right now. That’s ok. You see, I am one of the few dinosaurs remaining in America who have not given over the use of the English language to the thought police. As any good umpire would tell you, I call them as I see them. Others may see it differently, and they have the right to, but their version of the truth does not trump mine. America could use a little bit of honesty........
by Coach Dave Daubenmire

Tea Party Express endorses Christine O'Donnell in Delaware
I sang at the Tea Party Express press conference in Delaware supporting Christine O'Donnell, Constitutional Republican for U.S. Senate. O'Donnell is a "real deal" Tea Party movement candidate; create more jobs, cut spending & debt, lower taxes and protecting our core values. However, I was struck by the number of tea party groups, volunteers and ordinary concerned citizens who showed up in support of O'Donnell. It confirmed that despite the media's attempts to convince us that the energy of the tea party.....
by Lloyd Marcus

Iraq War: Bush’s Mission Not Accomplished
How do you measure the Iraq War? Bush based it on his deceptions of “Weapons of Mass Destruction” ready to blow up America by a hedonistic sandbox dictator named Saddam Hussein. Another dozen tyrants around the globe enjoyed more power and weapons. Looking back to 1965, Lyndon Baines Johnson foisted the “Gulf of Tonkin Incident” onto the American people as his rational for killing several million human beings in South Vietnam. Later, the architect of the Vietnam War, Robert McNamara, who......
by Frosty Wooldridge