Saturday, 11 September 2010 06:47 'The US has encircled the world with a web of military bases that today amount to more than 700, in 40 countries. It's one of the most powerful forces at play in the world, yet one of the less talked-about. Why do countries like Germany, Italy, Japan still host hundreds of US military bases and thousands US soldiers?' Saturday, 11 September 2010 06:39 'Throughout this nation it is becoming commonplace for state and federal governments to raid food buying clubs, private food co-ops, family farms and even micro farms. The reason these raids are taking place is that the FDA has determined that we are not smart enough to decide what we want to eat. They are making sure that we have a hard time getting food that is actually good for us and fulfilling their public health mission. This is the first in a three article series profiling two cases in the state of Missouri to illustrate what will be terrifically commonplace once Senate Bill 510, (The Food Safety Modernization Act-third article) is in place.' Saturday, 11 September 2010 06:24 Forget the U.S. Constitution. Forget basic human rights. Forget the fact that research shows flu shots don't work most of the time.. A group of the nation's leading infectious disease experts are demanding forced vaccinations for all healthcare workers. Read more: Healthcare Workers to Be Fired if They Refuse Flu Shots, Medical Group Demands Saturday, 11 September 2010 06:17 'The National Forestry Commission of Mexico in conjunction with the Swiss government recently held a conference to discuss the possibility of new, centralized climate change legislation. If enacted, the legislation will change the way Latin America governs its forests, and potentially set a precedent for how governments around the world manage their resources. But many at the conference expressed concerns that such legislation will end up benefiting a few wealthy elite while depriving local communities of their natural resources--all in the name of protecting the climate.' Read more: Climate Change Legislation Benefits the Elite, Not the People Saturday, 11 September 2010 06:08 'President Barack Obama’s Wednesday speech on the economy in Cleveland, Ohio was an exercise in deceit and demagogy. Presenting himself as a defender of the middle class against the wealthy, Obama outlined a “jobs plan” based on a series of corporate tax give-aways that have long been championed by the Republican Party. The president made no proposals for direct job creation. The Cleveland speech is part of a campaign to stave off what are widely predicted to be major losses for the Democrats in the upcoming November elections. It comes on the heels of Obama’s Labor Day speech in Milwaukee and in advance of a Friday press conference on the economy. Obama’s new plan hinges almost exclusively on tax breaks for corporations, justified with the threadbare claim that the windfalls will convince firms to hire more workers. This ignores, for one thing, the fact that US banks and corporations are already sitting on a cash hoard of over $1 trillion.' Read more: Corporate Welfare: Obama Unveils Pro-Business 'Jobs' Plan
That's no exaggeration, either. A position paper just released by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) calls for mandatory flu vaccine for all healthcare personnel. And if you work in the healthcare field and refuse? SHEA, which is organization of epidemiologists and infectious disease physicians, says you should be fired from your job or, if you are applying for one, denied employment.'
Saturday, 11 September 2010
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Britannia Radio