There were three major Brown successes. First, the establishment of the MPC, although not the magical answer to all our problems, was a decided improvement on what went before and helped to bring stability. Second, Brown kept us out of the euro when Tony Blair wanted to take us in. Third, he successfully steered the economy through the banking crisis. Interestingly, two of these successes occurred very early. It is important that governments get off to a good start. That is when the fruits of opposition are fresh, the next election is far off and blame can readily be heaped on the previous administration. This has clear lessons for the current government. It has made a good start by announcing the formation of the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR), but the coming mini-Budget, the Pre-Budget Report and Comprehensive Spending Review in the autumn, and the first full Budget next spring, will have to keep up the momentum. Strange to credit it now, but Brown's fiscal policy was initially very tight. For the first two years, government spending was flat. Incredibly, Brown was at first known as "the Iron Chancellor". He subsequently opened the floodgates for two reasons. First, it was what he wanted to do all along. Remember "Prudent for a Purpose"? Second, he was encouraged by some very favourable economic and financial figures. Mind you, it was his choice to believe in them, rather than be sceptical of their sustainability. The equivalent danger for George Osborne is that he will be tempted to cut taxes by too much, too soon. It is important that the deficit reduction programme be given priority. And the structure of the economy must be right. That means low interest rates and a weak pound, which means going easy on the tax cuts for a while. Having started well, why did Brown go so badly off the rails? A large part of the answer was his cliquishness and tribalism, allied to his early success. Both kept him from good advice. There were few people in his inner circle capable of standing up to him and telling him painful truths. The old-style, distinguished, Treasury knights were gone. They were replaced, in influence anyway, by Ed Balls, who was Brown's protégé, with ambitions to lead the party from the left - hardly the sort of chap to be restraining Brown's enthusiasm for spending. Brown succeeded in keeping the UK out of the euro even though large parts of the establishment were viscerally in favour of British entry, as was the media. This success owed much to the strength of the intellectual position adopted by Ed Balls, but this drew on work by non-consensual, outside, thinkers, and was powerfully supported by the pressure groups, New Europe and Business for Sterling. There doesn't have to be a parallel to the euro issue for the current government but I think that there is – climate change. Again this has a European and a quasi-religious aspect to it. There are both fervent adherents and sceptics within the Cabinet. The UK is committed to incurring enormous costs to meet ambitious targets for reducing CO2 emissions at a time of economic stringency at home, and when large parts of the world are hell-bent on emission-creating economic growth. Scepticism about man-made climate change is growing and, despite the position of the Prime Minister, the orthodoxy may well be overturned at some point. Brown has still not received enough credit for his role in the international financial crisis. Even so, he must bear a good deal of responsibility for the position that we found ourselves in the first place. He presided over the financial sector's free-for-all and used the benefits of an unsustainable boom to finance a spending spree rather than "repairing the roof while the sun was shining". Again, it would have been easier to avoid these pitfalls if he had been less inclined to believe his own publicity material. The new government should periodically conduct a critical exercise involving outside experts considering what could go wrong, not just fiscally or financially but more generally. The danger is not so much now, when there are plenty of things looking wrong enough anyway, but rather in a few years time when things may seem to be going right. Chancellors must never under-estimate the capacity of the British economy to trip them up. Roger Bootle is managing director of Capital Economics and economic adviser to Deloitte.Studying how Brown went bad will keep Osborne on the right track
There are two good sources of valuable lessons in life –
great successes and terrible failures.
The last government gives an ample supply of both.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
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Britannia Radio