How the Rich Conduct Class Warfare: Do you know that between 1979 to 2007 income for the bottom fifth of the country went up by just 16%, but for the top 1% income it went up a staggering 281%?
One in five American children is living in poverty: The Census figures are for 2009, and the number living in or near poverty has no doubt continued to increase this year, with the official unemployment rate remaining near 10 percent and the combined rate of unemployment and underemployment at nearly 17 percent.
As the Aging Stoop to Their Labors, Well-to-Do Pundits Lecture Them About Sacrifice: Politicians who once might have spread myths about “welfare queens” are now describing retired people as “greedy.”
Bank of America warns of new fees after financial reforms: Bank of America will charge clients new monthly fees if their accounts do not meet a minimum balance, the bank's CEO Brian Moynihan said on Tuesday.