The Sword & Shield to Stop the Islamization of America
God’s Gift of Unalienable Rights & Article VI of the Constitution:
By Publius Huldah , CFP
This is an encouraging paper, because it explains the moral and constitutional justifications to stop the islamization of our country.
We face a grave threat – the Muslims are infiltrating our country and taking over. We seem powerless to resist: Our governments won’t acknowledge the threat; we are told Muslims have “constitutional rights” to come here, proselytize everywhere, build mosques, and implement shariah in their communities andin the public square; and our governments are letting them do it.
The Muslims seek to replace our Constitution with shariah – their totalitarian political, economic, military, social & legal system – with the goal of incorporating our Country into a global Islamic caliphate.
They are making progress in islamicizing our Country because we are not resisting.
And the dreadful message we are getting from all sources is that...
Keeping tabs on Palin
Real Clear Politics: Palin Leads Obama “If You Put in the 2004 Exit Poll Numbers”
Gov. Palin Wins Right Nation 2010 Presidential Straw Poll
Mark Levin Rejects The GOP Establishment
A Passionate Pep talk by Mark Levin: There is non better in Talk radio or any other media!
Click here to view the embedded video.
Mike Pence Wins Value Voters Presidential Straw Poll
The Mike Pence I know
By Ed Lasky, American Thinker
Indiana Congressman Mike Pence was on fire over the weekend at the Values Voters Summit in Washington. This was a conservative crowd, and they found a candidate to rally behind. They showed their enthusiasm in a very American way: a straw poll that put Pence at the top of their preferred presidential picks — and that also favors him for the number-two slot.
Reports the Washington Times:
Indiana Rep. Mike Pence edged ahead of television talk show host and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee for first place in the Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit 2012 presidential straw poll Saturday.
FRC President Tony Perkins said the poll results jibe with the results of a number of recent Republican primary elections for federal and state offices.
“Voters support candidates who are truly conservative both fiscally and socially,” he said.
TIME Journalist, Karl Vick, Looks At the Facts . . . After the Fact
It’s About Time: Time Magazine’s Karl Vick Tours Samaria
Jon Voight Calls Out “Time” Magazine’s Anti-Semitic Bias
Seriously? The “Jerusalem Bureau Chief” of Time Magazine had never gotten into a car and traveled 30 minutes to visit Judea and Samaria, but he published a huge article criticizing it? How long has he been in Jerusalem?
I just can’t understand what passes for “journalism” today. My dear journalism professors of days past would be aghast.
No journalist, at least no journalist that I ever knew when I was studying to be a foreign correspondent, would EVER think of writing a story about a place they had never been to, about people they had never met, or about events to which they had no knowledge.
“That,” my dear Doc Laak would say, “is not Journalism, it is fiction!”
Such hack journalism was reserved, in those days, to the National Equirer and the Star. Now, such fictions can be seen in the hallowed pages of...
Soros’s Anti-Human-Rights Agenda
Republicans and conservatives must stop leaving the important field of human rights to anti-American relativists.
George Soros’s enormous gift of $100 million to the non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch is a serious shot across the bow for Republicans and conservatives. Billionaire Sheldon Adelson once said he would become “the Right’s answer to George Soros,” but he has not. Although “human rights” is the most powerful political currency of our time, no one on the right has stepped up to the plate, and Soros has the playing field to himself.
The significance of his gift can be understood only by appreciating the web of connections associated with this human-rights organization and its resulting influence.
Thirty years ago, the undisputed leader among international human-rights NGOs was Amnesty International. Founded in order to shine a spotlight on individual prisoners of conscience and victims of torture, Amnesty had a focused...
Israel bids to end global oil dependency by 2020
Government plan, to be reviewed Sunday, will make Israel a global center for alternative energy technology.
By Avi Bar-Eli , HAARETZ
An interministerial committee charged with finding ways of turning Israel into an international hub for technology to reduce global oil consumption will present its findings to the cabinet today.
The government plans to invest NIS 2 billion in the decade-long program from 2011 to 2020, alongside another estimated NIS 1.8 billion investment by the private sector.
The plan calls for the appointment of a project manager on behalf of the Prime Minister’s Office, backing for private initiatives, a bigger budget for research and development and international cooperation. The committee is headed by Prof. Eugene Kandel, head of the National Economic Council; he submitted the report to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week. The cabinet is scheduled to discuss it today.
In February, the ministers decided that reducing global oil consumption...
When Jewish Boys Bow to Allah
O Rabbis of the Lunatic Left: the jig is up. You’ve been found out and exposed, and your mask of sanctity is disappearing faster than the bagels at a Yom Kippur breakfast.
You can’t hysterically blackmail us with your moral superiority anymore, shoving your fellow Jews into submission to the Allah-pushers, just because you think it’s so adorably universalist.
Nope, the days of the liberal progressive regime are coming to an end. You can’t emotionally extort us into endorsing the Ground Zero Victory Mosque, even if six hundred of you were on a conference call with the president, who begged you to turn Yom Kippur into a rally for Mosque-Building USA.
And we’re not going to chirpily “dialogue” with professional Jew-haters who enjoy momentarily posing as “moderate Muslims” to gain your puppy dog trust — and who then turn around and call us “sons of monkeys and...
The Jewish Left Is The Greatest Danger To Jews
Laura: The psychologically damaged Jewish intellectual left will be the cause of a second holocaust. They present a greater danger to Jews than hamas, hezbollah or the genocidal Iranian regime. It is the Jewish intellectual left which is abetting these forces against Israel. I differ with Barry Rubin in that I don’t believe the Jewish left is throwing away their own interests for the rest of humanity. The Jewish left is actually extremely selfish and cowardly, willing to sacrifice the Jews of Israel in order to make life more comfortable in the diaspora for themselves.
Barry Rubin, Pajamas Media
It’s always fascinating to find historical parallels to contemporary events. When one discovers an...
Muslim Soldier Condemns U.S. Army On Al-Jazeera
Laura: There was a time in America when if a soldier went on enemy television defaming the U.S. military, it would have been considered an act of treason. But these days even the U.S. military has become so infected with political correctness, that not only did a muslim soldier appear on al-jazeera essentially declaring himself an enemy of America, he did so with the full knowledge of his superiors who said he had the right to express his opinion. This of course is bullshit. Soldiers do not have the right to publicly express political opinions or to bad mouth their superiors or the military. Doing so is grounds for dismissal. General McChrystal had to step down for criticizing obama in a Rolling Stone interview. But this guy is a muslim so the rules don’t apply to him. We have a potential malik hassan on our hands but no action will be taken against him because the Pentagon apparently believes its better that...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel