Thursday, September 09, 2010
Castro Concedes Cuban System Doesn't Work
Justice Delayed Again in USS Cole, Khobar Cases
On Terrorism and the Mosque
Mauritania Frees Islamist Prisoners
Venezuela's Poor Growing Disillusioned
An Invisible Heir-Apparent for North Korea
China to Raise Deposit Rate?
'This is What a Disarmed Nation Looks Like'
Is Islam Conquering Europe?
Rebels Call 911 on Secret Iranian Nuke Plant '311'
North Korean Defectors Vow to End Kimist Regime
Friday, 10 September 2010
Better late than never.
Cuban Communist leader Fidel Castro conceded to an American journalist that his country's Soviet-style system is no longer working. Click here for the story.
There may be more to that "mosque in the hood" than meets the eye.
Click here to read all (there is to report, apparently) about Kim Jong Un, North Korea's hard-to-picture heir-apparent.
Will China raise a benchmark interest rate to combat erosion of savings from inflation? Click here for the answer (sort of).
Anti-regime rebels accuse Iran of building a secret nuclear arms known only as "311." Click here for the report.
Amid forced celebrations in the giant concentration camp called North Korea, as reported in the above video, a new organization in South Korea, claiming it includes more than 100 former North Korean military members, has vowed to end Pyongyang's government and unify the Korean peninsula. The North Korea Peoples Liberation Front also says it has support from current members of the communist state'
Posted by Britannia Radio at 08:37