Eighty years ago, “Jews, go to Palestine” was a common slogan in Germany and a common thought elsewhere in Europe. Recently, Spanish schoolchildren bombarded the Israeli Embassy with postcards suggesting that the Jews free Palestine for the Arabs. So that is a bit inconsistent. Short of extermination, Jews have to be either welcomed for assimilation in your societies, or helped in establishing a society of their own. Not surprisingly, the Germans have evolved into supporters of Israel, which keeps the Jews of German descent, who are eligible for German citizenship, away from Germany. Certainly, German support for Israel is overrated, and trails far behind German cooperation with Iran. Certainly, the political correctness of institutionalized guilt plays a role. Certainly, the German intelligence community respect their Israeli colleagues. But most importantly, Germans have the good sense to recognize that Israel provides the only answer to the perennial... From Bloomberg The Palestinian Authority is “well-positioned” to establish a state, though it remains donor dependent and economic growth is unsustainable, the World Bank said. “If the Palestinian Authority maintains its current performance in institution-building and delivery of public services, it is well-positioned for the establishment of a state,” the World Bank said in a report to donor countries. “Sustainable economic growth in the West Bank and Gaza, however, remains absent.” Limitations imposed by Israel on imports and access to east Jerusalem and other areas are major impediments to increased private investment, the report said. Israel says access restrictions are necessary to stop attacks by militants. The Palestinian Authority also needs to implement legislation that would improve the investment climate, the report said. Read More The news report is parroting the actual World Bank report in headlining that the PA is in good shape to... Mesbah Yazdi’s definition of Islam meets the objective definition of evil (adharma to Hindus) Democracy and Human Rights Have No Place in Islamic Theology states that Mesbah Yazdi from Ayatollah Khamenei’s Office proclaimed that “Democracy, freedom, and human rights have no place” in Islamic theology. Natural Law, the foundation of all genuine religions, says that human beings have natural rights; the Declaration of Independence says these rights come directly from God. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, Yet Mesbah Yazdi says these human rights have no place in Islamic theology, thus making his depraved version of Islam a hostis humani... Fresno-Zionism Our common goal remains two states for two peoples. And we are committed to a solution to the conflict that resolves all issues for the state of Israel and a sovereign, independent, and viable state of Palestine living side by side in peace and security. I’ve argued that the PLO/Fatah which presently dominates the PA does not accept either of these principles. They do not believe that there is a Jewish people — they insist that there is only a Jewish religion — and they do not accept the... Stuxnet malware targets utility systems: Computerworld - Last month’s disclosure of a sophisticated malware program targeting control system software from Siemens AG has renewed long-standing concerns about whether the U.S. power grid can withstand targeted cyberattacks. Stuxnet malware is ‘weapon’ out to destroy … Iran’s Bushehr nuclear plant? Cyber security experts say they have identified the world’s first known cyber super weapon designed specifically to destroy a real-world target – a factory, a refinery, or just maybe a nuclear power plant. Laura: Given that Turkey is aligning itself with the jihad axis of Iran, Syria, hamas and hezbollah, the country ought to be treated with pariah status and kicked out of NATO. But instead of treating it as the enemy it has become, we are rewarding Turkey with advanced fighter jets and treating its recent measures towards greater islamization and away from secularism as though these are democratic reforms. In fact we should be aiding the Kurds in their struggle. The west is its own worst enemy. Caroline Glick – CarolineGlick.com You have to hand it to Turkey’s Islamist leaders. They sure know how to get their way. In the seven years since they first took power, the Islamist AKP party has successfully transformed Turkey from a staunch ally of the US and Israel and a member of NATO into a staunch ally of Iran and a member of NATO. And that’s not all. Turkey’s Islamist leaders have used the Western language of democracy and freedom not... By Andrew L. Jaffee, netwmd.com Hell hath frozen over: Fidel Castro, the longtime president and leftist icon who stepped aside during a health crisis but still leads the Cuban Communist Party, has told a reporter that Israel definitely has the right to exist. “Yes it does, without a doubt,” Castro, 84, told visiting US journalist Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic magazine, according to a new article published Wednesday. In the same interview Castro criticized Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for denying the Holocaust and said in an interview Tehran should acknowledge Israel’s fears for its own survival. … So what are all the dogmatic, mindless “progressives” — who think Castro is a god — going to say now about Israel? As Jeffry Goldberg, the reporter who interviewed Castro, says: As I return to the subject of Fidel Castro and the many things he said to me on my recent visit to Havana, I’m struck again and again by a wonderful... Blaze Mix Video! Top 20 Pro Socialism Sound Bites of Obama, Click here to view the embedded video. Michael Moore: The New Face of Jihad? Family Security Matters report Moore made an appeal to his supporters on the ninth anniversary of 9/11 for donations to the construction project, pledging to match contributions up to $10,000. Less than 48 hours later, five times that amount had poured into the contribution coffers as hundreds of people from around the country heeded Moore’s call. “Times are tough economically, and supporting our Muslim brothers and sisters is not a popular thing to do right now,” Moore said on his blog. “I am truly touched by your generosity — and people around the world will know that you, too, represent an America they rarely get to see.” The proposed mosque, known as Park51, will...To our friends among anti-Semites
World Bank: PA ready to become a (welfare) state
Mesbah Yazdi Declares War on Civilization in the Name of Islam
by Bill LevinsonPalestinian Arabs prove they don’t want a state
The negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) are supposed to result in “two states for two peoples”. Even US negotiator George Mitchell thinks so. Here is what he said last week at Sharm el-Sheikh, where Israeli and PA negotiators began a second round of talks:
The ‘two peoples’, for Mitchell, are the Jewish and Palestinian peoples. And finding a solution means, in particular, that the PA will drop its claims against Israel.“DEADF007.” Israel’s New Undefensible Weapon?
By Mark ClaytonThe cyber worm, called Stuxnet, has been the object of intense study since its detection in June. As more has become known about it, alarm about its capabilities and purpose have grown. Some top cyber security experts now say Stuxnet’s arrival heralds something blindingly new: a cyber weapon created to cross from the digital realm to the physical world – to destroy...
Turkey Should Be Treated As An Enemy
Castro — El Jefe — ‘firmly backs Israel’s right to exist’
Michael Moore: The New Face of Jihad?!
Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore says he has raised over $50,000 for the construction of a mosque and Muslim community center near Ground Zero.
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Friday, 24 September 2010
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Britannia Radio