Tuesday, September 07, 2010
On Ending the Iranian Threat: Attacking Key Nuclear Arms Development Sites Would Only Be a Good Start
Monday, September 06, 2010
IAEA Suspects Iran Working on Nuclear Warhead
More bad news from the U.N. nuclear watchdog. International sanctions have failed to stop Islamonazi Iran's atomic advance, as reported here and here also.Amid Burqa Ban Controversy, Paris is Islamizing
Iran Pays Taliban to Kill US Troops in Afghanistan, Plots Violent Overthrow of Pro-Western Bahrain
Iranian imperialism in action. Click here and here for the reports.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Thoughts on ending the Iranian threat before it is too late....
Israel has the conventional military capability to end Iran's nuclear program--that is, to successfully attack the Iranian nuclear facilities that matter most. Disregard all the talk about having to destroy dozens of impossibly hardened sites. There are no more than nine key sites, all vulnerable to Israeli aircraft.
But nuclear facility-focused attacks would leave Iran with major retaliatory capabilities--more specifically, an arsenal of long-range missiles capable of hitting Israel. And, given that Hezbollah has enough long-range missiles to hit every city in Israel, Iran and its Lebanese proxy could together make good on the turbaned tyranny's vow to "burn Tel Aviv."
Of course, should its population centers come under that kind of bombardment, Israel would be compelled to strike back with nuclear weapons.
Thus, the case for a preemptive Israeli nuclear attack on Iran--in order to avoid the unacceptable risk of sacrificing the lives of thousands of Israeli civilians--seems stronger every day.
Alternatively, the United States could/should end the Iranian threat--to Israel and the Gulf states and to the U.S. itself--and let Israel defeat Hezbollah (and Syria, too, should it make the mistake of joining the conflict). In contrast, with Israel, the U.S. has the conventional capabilities to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities and missiles, armed forces, state apparatus and economic infrastructure--within days.
In fact, the Pentagon has enough stealth bombers and cruise missiles to destroy thousands of targets in Iran in a few hours.
Appeasement, the perfidious policy of the Obama administration, has made war with Iran inevitable--on Iran's terms.
Where is the outrage?
Not on the Left, certainly. The international Left has picked the fascist side this time around. Communists, anarchists, and legions of left-wing loons are banking on Islamism in general and on Islamist/Islamonazi Iran in particular (a) to destroy Israel, and (b) to drive the United States from the Middle East--for starters. It is increasingly clear that many, if not most, European left-wingers would applaud and dance in the streets should the U.S. be struck by a nuclear weapon.
Incredibly, this is even true on the fringes of the American Left. Like Radical Islam and the Radical Right, the Radical Left is rabidly antidemocratic and anti-American. As this reporter's international relations mentor once said with regard to members of the Weather Underground, "They don't need political science professors; they need psychiatrists."
An alarming report--over here and in the above video--from the City of Light.
Which arguably should be renamed the City of Darkness.
Illegal occupation of a public street by menacing Muslim fanatics protected by private security guards and a perfidious ban on police intervention ... shocking proof of the privileged status that Islam has achieved in Paris, France. The Friday prayer sessions are clearly meant to serve a political purpose, to serve as demonstrations of radical Islam's rising power--the fact that Islamists can conquer sections of the city.
Not since World War II has such official cowardice and collaboration with fascism been seen in the French capital.
Where is the outrage?
Not in the White House, certainly. U.S. President Barack Obama has intervened in France's internal struggle--on the side of burqa backers--while supporting Turkey's bid to join the European Union, even though the U.S. is not an EU member. Will Obama, having come out in favor of building a 9/11 victory mosque in New York City--only two blocks from and overlooking Ground Zero--also support prayer sessions on illegally occupied city streets?
POSTSCRIPT: France's dirty little secret is that the government has decided that on any given day, tens of thousands of violent Muslims could descend on Paris and basically burn it to the ground. Hence, the government's decision to designate no-go (for the police) Muslim areas in the suburbs and, it seems, now also in certain sections of a city that was once synonymous with progress and modernity. One can only hope (and pray) that the enlightened citizenry will demand and put an end to the madness.
A government that is committed to pursuing a foreign policy of imperialism--meaning a policy aimed at overthrowing the status quo--cannot be appeased. That is the lesson of the run-up to World War II, a chapter in history that U.S. President Barack Obama apparently never studied throughout his (still secret and sealed) academic career.
He should be impeached ... for allowing Iran time to develop nuclear weapons ... for seeking to actually align with the Islamonazi regime ... which clearly intends to destroy America's ally, Israel, and drive the United States from the Middle East ... for effectively advancing sharia and the Islamist cause at home and abroad and undermining still secular governments in mainly Muslim lands in the name of outreach to the "Muslim world" (an inherently menacing, Islamist concept contrary to America's national interest).
Posted by Britannia Radio at 08:39