Okay. here’s another egregious example of the BBC’s hatred of Israel. Please cast your mind back to July, and the “Rape by Deception case.” Various news organisations heard that an Israeli court had convicted a poor Arab Israeli of rape just because he tricked a silly loose woman into believing he was a Jew. “Oh!” they cried. “In the eyes of an Israeli - sexual intimacy with an Arab is tantamount to rape!” “See how very racist they are!” they all screeched,jumping up and down with glee. I blogged it here after hearing Ed Stourton in full flow on the above theme. However. Not only is there more to this story than meets the eye. Not the bit about him being married with children, which he was. Nor the bit about the strong support for him from many Israelis that made him feel really really integrated; which there was, though we can’t be sure how it made him feel. Now it has emerged that the verdict was a result of a plea bargain - ill-advised though it surely turned out to be - to protect the victim, a damaged and vulnerable woman. The full story can be read here, and I heard about it when it came to light at the beginning of this month through Israeli journalist Lisa Goldman's article, which was also the source of the BBC's report. Somehow or other it has taken a couple of weeks to be given the BBC treatment, emerging as this story,deceptively entitled “Unravelling the Israeli Arab ‘rape by deception’ case”. The deception, Dina Newman whoever you are, is all yours. Because you have left, in true BBC fashion, the sorry tale well and truly ravelled. You reiterate the racist innuendo, cast doubt on the veracity of the woman’s testimony, focus on various protestations of innocence by the accused, re-tell the tale which was contrived for the plea bargain - that she went to the police two weeks later when she found out he was an Arab - and omit the part that says “he then assaulted her and raped her, leaving her naked and bleeding – which is how the police discovered her.” You omit to mention [...] “By the time the verdict was published, Kashur had been under house arrest for nearly two years, wearing an electronic monitoring device, presumably living in the same house as his children and is wife while he was on trial for raping another woman.” So Dina Newman, unravel that. Update. So as I don’t stealth edit my error without an explanation, I apologise for misinterpreting the last quote - he wasn’t accused of raping ‘another woman’ The ‘other’ alludes to a woman apart from his wife. Thanks to Dez for pointing that out.Unravelling a Deception
Sunday, 19 September 2010
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Britannia Radio