Vatican bank chief investigated over money laundering claims Germany demands internet code of practice Paper: Global Cooling began in 2003 American People To Congress: Shut Up And Get The Hell Out Of Office President Ahmedinejad Threatens U.S. With War ‘Without Boundaries’ • China tells U.S. to keep out of South China Sea dispute Obama’s Aunt: ‘If I Come Here As An (Illegal) Immigrant, You Have The Obligation To Make Me A Citizen’ • Hillary Clinton Gives $50 Million In Taxpayer Money To UN For Cooking Stoves
The head of the Vatican bank has formally been placed under investigation in an inquiry into a suspected violation of Italy’s money-laundering laws, judicial sources said today.
The Great Divergence: Private Investment and Government Power in the Present Crisis
Private saving and investment are the heart and soul of the dynamic market process. Together they provide and allocate the resources used to augment the economy’s productive capacity, generate sustained long-run economic growth, and thereby make possible a rising level of living.
State senator Tom Duane to reintroduce mandatory flu vaccinations for healthcare workers
As flu season rolls in, lawmakers are breathing new life into a controversial measure that would force health care workers to get vaccinated.
The German government has reacted to public privacy concerns about Google Street View by demanding internet companies work out a code of practice to protect the data they collect.
Climate scientist Roger Pielke Sr has posted today an in-press paper which demonstrates that ocean temperatures flattened in 2001-2002 and have been on a negative trend since.
Americans are sending a pretty clear message to Congress members who have continually pushed hugely unpopular legislation this election year – shut up and get the hell out of office.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad warned the Obama administration today that if Iran’s nuclear facilities are attacked, the U.S. will face a war that “would know no boundaries.”
“If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen.” Those are the words from 58-year-old Zeituni Onyango of Kenya in a recent exclusive interview with WBZ-TV. Onyango is the aunt of President Barack Obama. She lived in the United States illegally for years, receiving public assistance in Boston.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
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Britannia Radio