West increasingly currying favor with Islamists while ignoring their murderous tendencies When philosophy professor Tom Hickey, one of the initiators of the on was asked why he refrained from imposing a boycott on the US and Russia too over their actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Chechnya, he responded without flinching that these states are too big and powerful, making such boycott ineffective. Indeed, too often size dictates one’s position, even when it comes to philosophy professors, who on normal days would be horrified by the very thought that their students would seek to apply ethical principles based on considerations of size, power, and effectiveness. and so, the greater the Islamic threat becomes, the more we see the Free World growing silent on the moral front. The clear tendency of Hickey and his ilk is to endorse almost any Islamist... Al-Foxman represents everything I hate in American Jews. Yamit ADL starts interfaith coalition to help US Muslims One month after taking a stand against construction of the proposed Islamic Cultural Center near Ground Zero in Manhattan, the Anti-Defamation League has started an interfaith coalition meant to help American Muslim communities who are facing opposition in building mosques. The Interfaith Coalition on Mosques (ICOM) is a newly-formed organization composed of individuals and Christian, Jewish and Muslim groups, and is meant to provide support and stand with Muslims when their rights are being violated. Its charter members include ADL national director Abraham Foxman, Park Avenue Synagogue Rabbi Elliott Cosgrove, and Rabbi Yitz Greenberg, founder of the Center for Leadership and Learning and former chairman of the United States Holocaust... This essay seems to support Ted Belman’s viewpoint. Yamit By David Bukay Islamic Da`wah is a threat to the Free World, because it does not accept the basic principles of freedoms and civil rights and because the Muslims really and deeply believe in the message of Islam to rule the world. This formidable enemy hidden in a Trojan horse constitutes an imminent danger to the Free World’s basic freedoms and its existence. Da`wah is the other operational arms of Jihad to conquer and to submit. It is the secretive lethal enemy of which we are not even aware. It is a stealth strategy of coercion, a concept of missionary activity to proselytize; and above all the religious legitimization basis to invite all human beings to believe in Islam as the only supreme religion. It is intended to change our minds and our behavior and to subvert our mode of thinking. It is a cultural coercive strategy aimed at... By Ted Belman A few days ago I cautioned that readers should not automatically embrace what Debbie Schlussel had to say. Within hours I got an abusive email from her. More on this later. But it caused me to have a discussion with Lawence Auster, View from the Right. He brought to my attention his post onKeeping Up With the Anti-Joneses. A great read. Here are some of the people who are among the anti-Joneses Settlers shift pressure from Netanyahu to Obama ZOA director endorses settlers’ decision to pressure Obama through English-language media campaign. The Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip changed its tactics on Monday when it decided to shift pressure to end the 10-month construction moratorium in Judea and Samaria from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to US President Barack Obama. The decision came after Obama revealed over the weekend that he had asked Netanyahu to continue the moratorium and then the prime minister hinted that the freeze could partially continue. The settlers said they realized that Obama holds the key to the decisions that will be made before the freeze is set to end at midnight between September 25 and 26. By Ted Belman I first became aware of Lawrence Auster (View From the Right) when in 2002 I came accross his essay Immigration and Multiculturalism. In it, he brilliantly dissected Multiculturalism. To get a listing of the titles to all his key writings with links go here. Then I came across A REAL ISLAM POLICY FOR A REAL AMERICA by Lawrence Auster. It is a major essay. In it he suggests the speech the President should make; For these reasons further steps are needed, aimed not just at stopping and reversing the growth of jihad support in America, but at stopping and reversing the growth of sharia in America. And to reverse the growth of sharia in America means to reverse the growth of Islam in America, through the forcible or voluntary... The Statistics Speak For Themselves! There is currently a massive flight from the dollar worldwide. The Yen appreciated just in the last month 28% against the dollar. IMF has just sold Large quantity of Gold. Bangladesh just bought 35 metric tons of Gold. China has just about stopped purchasing American debt and is selling off dollars reserves. Yet most Americans seem oblivious to what is really happening. An insolvent America will impact on everyone not just Americans. How will it impact on the wars America is fighting or Americas ability to fight other future wars? How will it impact on American influence even with countries like Israel? What is evident is that Americas indebtedness is not sustainable for much longer and what is also apparent is that America will not be THE dominant global force for anything in the very near future. Israel like all other countries better wake up and smell the coffee and do a complete rethink of our current world outlook and where we fit in the... By Steven Simpson, AMERICAN THINKER The Islamic terror attacks of September 11, 2001 did not come as a bolt out of the blue. For close to thirty years, America’s record of dealing with the hydra of Islamic terror was at best abysmal. Two earlier attacks, however, and the lack of American retaliation to these attacks, might very well have paved the way for the atrocity of 9/11. These two attacks were the Iranian takeover of the American embassy in Tehran in 1979 and the bombing massacre of the Marines in Beirut in 1983. On November 4, 1979, hundreds of so-called “Muslim students” or “militants” stormed the American embassy in Tehran, Iran, taking dozens of Americans hostage. The “Iranian hostage crisis” had begun. After 444 days of brutal captivity, fifty-two American hostages were released on January 20, 1981. The attack, sanctioned by the government of Iran, may be considered the date when fanatical Islam began its official war on America. ...The West’s unholy alliance
Dhimmi Kapo Jew: ABE FOXMAN Fawning Up To Muslims
By JORDANA HORNInterfaith Coalition on Mosques formed to support Muslim communities who are facing opposition in building mosques.
The Role of Da’wah in the Islamic Onslaught against Civilization
School of Political Science – The University of Haifa
SummaryKeeping Up With The Anti-Joneses
-Sarah Palin, Brigette Gabriel, Pamela Geller, Bill O’Reilly, Michelle Malkin, Dan Reil and Glen Beck. Included is what they had to say and the inevitable fisking of their remarks.Settlers appeal to American people
“Obama is the most hostile American president toward Israel in recent history,” council director-general Naftali Bennett said. “He’s trying to twist Netanyahu’s arm into tearing apart the...Ban Jihad and Sharia support in America
In the last week or so many conflicting opinions have been offered here on how to fight Islamification. I took the position that the US should outlaw Jihad and Sharia and their supporters not knowing that Auster agreed with me and then some..AMERICA: Before The Fall !
America’s Odyssey with Islamic Terror: The Failure to Retaliate
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Thursday, 16 September 2010
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