One of the constant idiocies of the BBC's reporting of climate change is the misleading choice of pictures used in stories. Power stations are picked, for example, to show hazardous "smoke" - the reality is that what is shown is steam. Then there's endless pictures of ice shelves, icebergs, cracks in the ice, not to mention stormy seas, or the aftermath of mudslides, hurricanes, monsoons and the like. All of which are perfectly natural, though not in the BBC's book; they are the harbingers of doom. Heatwaves are a bit more tricky of course, because it's difficult to represent "heat" as such. Have no fear, though, Richard Black has come to the rescue in his latest one-sided alarmist nonsense, a warning from lunatic Cleggeron and Friends of the Earth spokesmen that power stations should in future be built to avoid rising seas (even though they haven't risen yet). The heat dimension is cunningly illustrated with a glass of wine, with the caption that a consolation of us all frying in the heat will be that it will at least be possible to cultivate home-grown wine. Well I have news for Richard. Although the British climate is not ideal,English wine-producing grapes have been grown in the UK since Roman times, and in Norman England, there were 39 vineyards. By Henry VIII's reign, the number had grown to 139. What reduced wine production in the nineteenth century was not climate but a switch to free trade and a reduction of duties on wine imports which meant that British producers could not match the prices of their more intensive French competitors. A further twist in the knife came during the first world war with sugar rationing. The actual number of vineyards in production today is 381, which is 50 less than in 1988 when the current phase of warming is supposed to have started. In 1991, there were about 1,000 hectares of vineyards, roughly the same as now (although the figure went up by 200 hecatres in 2009, no doubt fuelled by the warmist propaganda about better growing conditions). And the year of the highest amount of wine produced was 1988, when temperatures were supposedly one degree less than now. A picture is worth a thousand words...of BBC propaganda. Right then. B-BBC has been gaining an increasing amount of media attention with more and more people realising that we provide an invaluable daily guide to the bias of our State Broadcaster. With the Daily Mail and places like Conservative Home also paying attention, I do think it is important that all who comment here ensure that they use language that does not leave the site open to criticism for being vulgar and just a wind-up. You and I know we are serious people doing our best to expose the bias rampant in the BBC. Crude words and vulgarity does not help us in any way. I'm asking you PLEASE to keep the comments as family friendly as possible as otherwise we reduce the impact of the site. I am also making you aware of the fact that there are those out there who wish this site ill. In recent days we are aware of attempts by certain parties to discredit this site. Do not help them by adding irrelevant vulgarity. We will deal with them behind the scenes. Many thanks for your co-operation. Okay. here’s another egregious example of the BBC’s hatred of Israel. Please cast your mind back to July, and the “Rape by Deception case.” Various news organisations heard that an Israeli court had convicted a poor Arab Israeli of rape just because he tricked a silly loose woman into believing he was a Jew. “Oh!” they cried. “In the eyes of an Israeli - sexual intimacy with an Arab is tantamount to rape!” “See how very racist they are!” they all screeched,jumping up and down with glee. I blogged it here after hearing Ed Stourton in full flow on the above theme. However. Not only is there more to this story than meets the eye. Not the bit about him being married with children, which he was. Nor the bit about the strong support for him from many Israelis that made him feel really really integrated; which there was, though we can’t be sure how it made him feel. Now it has emerged that the verdict was a result of a plea bargain - ill-advised though it surely turned out to be - to protect the victim, a damaged and vulnerable woman. The full story can be read here, and I heard about it when it came to light at the beginning of this month through Israeli journalist Lisa Goldman's article, which was also the source of the BBC's report. Somehow or other it has taken a couple of weeks to be given the BBC treatment, emerging as this story, deceptively entitled “Unravelling the Israeli Arab ‘rape by deception’ case”. The deception, Dina Newman whoever you are, is all yours. Because you have left, in true BBC fashion, the sorry tale well and truly ravelled. You reiterate the racist innuendo, cast doubt on the veracity of the woman’s testimony, focus on various protestations of innocence by the accused, re-tell the tale which was contrived for the plea bargain - that she went to the police two weeks later when she found out he was an Arab - and omit the part that says “he then assaulted her and raped her, leaving her naked and bleeding – which is how the police discovered her.” You omit to mention [...] “By the time the verdict was published, Kashur had been under house arrest for nearly two years, wearing an electronic monitoring device, presumably living in the same house as his children and his wife while he was on trial for raping another woman.” So Dina Newman, unravel that. Update. So as I don’t stealth edit my error without an explanation, I apologise for misinterpreting the last quote - he wasn’t accused of raping ‘another woman’ The ‘other’ alludes to a woman apart from his wife. Thanks to Dez for pointing that out. The first three items in this FOOC have something in common. The first report by Jonathan Head is about Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The more we hear the more we fear. Kate Adie’s flippant introduction to Jennifer Pak’s report from Kuala Lumpur belies the tragic consequences of life in a regime where sex outside marriage is taboo and illegitimate babies are abandoned. From Senegal, Angus Crawford briefly reflects on the wisdom of his own meddling. In a place where 4 year old boys are sent away to Islamic ‘schools,’ beaten and made to beg, a BBC crew trails after a nine year old boy being reintroduced to the family that rejected him. There’s an uncertain outcome. Three BBC items each featuring a terrible aspect of Islam. Yet news aboutthe increasing likelihood of terrorist attacks in the UK is still not enough to compel the BBC to join the dots; they just continue whistling happy tunes about street cleaners. So, our security services disrupt what appears to be a terror plot to kill Roman Catholics in London. Elsewhere in the media we discover they are of"North African" origin, possibly some Algerians. I'm guessing Mohammed might be a common name. The BBC tells us what they are NOT! God but they are so dhimmfied. Tim Montgomerie, in his opinion piece, accompanying the Daily Mail editorial about whinge watch, observes: WINE LIES...
Unravelling a Deception
Faulty Connection
We are afraid that it is not utterly inconceivable that she could win the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, and we are afraid that if she did so she would lead the party to a 1964-style debacle, accompanied by unnecessary losses down the ballot.
David is entitled to his view but why not provide time for someone who believes that Palin is a force for good and a genuine star in the US political constellation? No, get a Beltway elitist on who will say what you want. The BBC use talking heads who say what is expected.WHINGE THREE
Most BBC staff members probably make every effort to leave their political views at the door of the recording studio, but if you are surrounded by people who have only ever worked for the state and have never been part of the wealthcreation process, you struggle to think any differently.
What utter nonsense, the sort of thinking that means that the ills of the BBC will never be tackled by politicians, "poor dears, they are under all sorts of pressures, and they don't really mean to be biased". The reality is that most BBC staff spend every moment of their working days calculating out how to diss their enemies,and how to ignore points of view that they don't agree with. On their agenda (for starters): their eternal love-in with the EU; their admiration of Islam, and the follow-on anti-Semtism and anti-Christianity; their love affair with terrorists; the eco-crusade; their hatred of anything that might be called "right-wing"....
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Smug metrosexual leftist elitists hate Sarah Palin. The prospect of her standing for the Presidency and even, gosh, WINNING it, induces a cold sweat amongst BBC types. So, it's important to ensure she never gets an even break, Cue interview with David Frum, former Bush speechwriter, (a decent guy who I have corresponded with) but who is an on-the-record Palin's Frum from last year.
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Britannia Radio