Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 15 September 2010
"The status quo is unsustainable. Now that doesn't mean that it can't be
sustained for a year or a decade or two or three." [NO RUSH TO SUICIDE]
Secretary of State Clinton speaking in Jerusalem after meeting with
President Shimon Peres
15 September 2010
It's not just that Israeli have a planning horizon that considers a decade
an eternity - so three decades is profoundly irrelevant. No one has an idea
what the region will be like in the coming decades - with the possibility
that developments will make the existence of a sovereign Palestinian state
even more of an existential threat to Israel than critics consider it today.
And of course, the other side of the coin: if the sustainability of the
status quo may be a problem in 2040, there is certainly more than enough
time available for Israel's leaders to come up with solutions that don't
involve the creation of a potentially life threatening Palestinian state in
Israel's very heart.
Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
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