Worldview Weekend Newsletter
Featuring Brannon Howse and Friends
Item #1
Glenn Beck Rally Set Stage for "Christians" to Accept Paganism, and Mormons Say Beck Achieved 200 Year Goal of Getting Evangelicals to Declare That Mormons Are Christians
By Brannon Howse
I tried to warn evangelical leaders about Glenn Beck's rallies but most of them laughed at me. Now Satan is the one laughing at them as "Christians" run head-long into embracing non-Biblical theology and call it "Christian". Greg West in the Mormon LDS Examiner validates my pre-Beck rally warnings to Evangelical leaders on my radio program, columns, e-mails, and phone conversations. I told them that partnering with Beck in a spiritual enterprise would send the message that Mormons are Christians.
Get All Three Worldview Weekend Intelligence Briefing DVDs: Normal Retail: $60 Special Price for all three: $24.99
To read these stories look under our national and international news section at:
Gold Rallying to $1,500 as Soros's Bubble Inflates
Putin hints will return to Kremlin in 2012
Jewish state orders military fuel from U.S. Defense Department
Ron Paul questions whether there's gold at Fort Knox
NRA Warns Against New Gun Control Push ... From EPA
Lack of skilled workers threatens recovery
Germany to roll out ID cards with embedded RFID

Item #2
Glenn Beck and Jim Wallis Are Both Pushing Social Justice and an Earthly Kingdom
By Brannon Howse
Am I on the only one that watched Glenn Beck's 8-28 rally with red flags going up non-stop? The mixture of Glenn's Mormon theology wrapped in Christian terms, combined with some of the Christian speakers made me very uncomfortable. The patriotic ecumenicalism was very unbiblical. The dominion theology of some Christians, combined with the "Kingdom of God" theology of Mormonism, combined with all faiths uniting and wrapped in the flag reveals that a one-world religion and a one-world leader will be easily accepted even by people calling themselves Christians.
If you have the DVD Grave Influence Part One From Last Year, You Need To Order Grave Influence Part Two and Three That Was Just Filmed at our April 2010, Branson Worldview Weekend: Grave Influence Part Two: The Worldview Revolution That's Leading To Global Governance In this presentation Brannon reveals how the worldviews of Aldous Huxley, Sigmund Freud, Margaret Sanger, Julius Wellhausen, Betty Friedan and Christopher Columbus Langdell have all helped to lay the foundation for the worldview revolution taking place in America. This revolution involves the globalist declaring war on Christianity, capitalism and national sovereignty. One of living radicals leading this revolution is Maurice Strong who was head of the United Nation's Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 and is one of the leading forces behind global governance and Sustainable Development. Maurice Strong has proclaimed, "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" And guess who the globalist and radical environmentalists blame for the world's ecological crisis? You guessed it, Christians and the Biblical worldview. Understand sustainable development and you will understand why the radicals are pushing abortion on demand, active euthanasia through the rationing of healthcare, radical environmentalism, paganism, the elimination of private property, parental authority and religious liberty. Brannon explains how the radicals are using the four E's to push their sustainable development: Education, Economy, Ecology, and Ecumenicalism. Grave Influence Part Three: An Educational Abduction In this presentation Brannon reveals how the worldviews of Roger Baldwin, John Dewey, Alfred Kinsey, Benjamin Bloom, B.F. Skinner, and William James are seeking to seize the hearts and minds of America's children. These radicals laid the foundation for outcome-based education, values clarification, situational ethics, promotion of homosexuality, promotion of sexual promiscuity, psychological manipulation, behavior modification, computer tracking of a student's worldview, national youth service, social justice curriculum, collectivism, group think and elimination of parental authority. Brannon's twenty years of research on this topic is evident in this cutting edge presentation that every parent and grandparent must view.
Item #3
Worldview Matters with Brannon Howse
Brannon Howse welcomes guest Todd Friel of to discuss what took place at Glenn Becks 8-27 and 8-28 rallies. We play lots of sound bites of Glenn Beck in his own words. Topic One: Beck starts rally with Mormon theology that Native Americans are God's chosen people. Topic Two: Beck used the phrase "higher self" three times in the interview with Chris Wallace. No one talks that way unless they know exactly what they are saying. What was Beck talking about and how does it connect with his statement last week when he said "I Am That I Am is the most powerful phrase in any language as it is the name of god, never use it in vain; use it to create who you want to be. I am blank." Topic Three: Beck tells Chris Wallace that he is a Mormon and describes the Mormon theology of salvation. Topic Four: Dr. Erwin Lutzer predicted, at our Branson 2010 Worldview Weekend, that the conservative media would turn on Biblical Christians that stand for Biblical truth. That turning began with Glenn Beck himself last Friday when he used the term religious bigots when talking about a CNN article that quoted Brannon Howse and another Christian writer on why they could not spiritually unite with Glenn Beck. That turning continued today with a conservative talk show host that is a frequent face on Fox News Channel who reportedly railed on evangelicals for not uniting with Beck. We play the clip of Dr. Erwin Lutzer and his warning from last April as he explains how this turning on Bible obedient Christians will resemble what happen in another country and at another time. Watch it to greatly increase. Topic Five: Beck has set the stage for "conservatives" to accept a one-world religion and numerous leaders of the religious right pulled the ropes that raised the curtain on this ecumenical stage. Glenn Beck has accomplished what Oprah Winfrey or Shirley McClain could not. I believe that Beck used his conservative veneer and doublespeak to co-opt leaders of the religious right. Beck and these evangelical leaders have sent the message that it is acceptable for millions of "Christians" to embrace humanistic spirituality and paganism for the purpose of social activism and social change. (original air date August 30, 2010 at 1pm CT.)
When a Nation Forgets God: Seven Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany by Dr. Erwin Lutzer The elimination of Christian holidays in the schools, paganism mixed with Christianity, seminaries, churches and Christians rejecting the authority of the Word of God, dividing one's worldview between the secular and the sacred, an economic crisis and the rise of socialism are just a few of the worldview issues facing America. However, another nation in another time confronted all of these issues and more. How the German people and the church in Germany responded to the rise of Hitler and his Nazi party can teach the American church many important lessons for how we should respond to America's worldview revolution now taking place. In this gripping keynote presentation, Dr. Erwin Lutzer reveals seven lessons we must learn from Nazi Germany. These lessons include: 1. When God is separated from government, judgment follows, 2. It's always the economy, 3. That which is legal might also be evil, 4. Propaganda can change a nation, 5. Parents—not the state—are responsible for a child's training, 6. Ordinary heroes can make a difference, 7. We must exalt the cross in the gathering darkness. Jesus versus Mohammed by Dr. Erwin Lutzer Dr. Lutzer’s keynote presentation is based on his experience visiting the locations of the seven churches of Revelation. He’ll share the lessons we need to learn from these churches, which experienced significant conflict with Islam. He’ll answer questions such as: • Does Islam’s victory over these churches prove its superiority over Christianity, as they claim? • What options do Christians have if they live in a Muslim country? • What does this conflict mean to the future of Europe and America? There is no example in history where Muslims have given Christians equal rights. All Muslims who take the Koran seriously believe that they should work toward having a Caliphate, that is, the Muslim rule of the world. Clearly, our conflict with Islam is here to stay. Because Islam is also an ideology, only the church can confront the ideological/theological issues that are involved in this religion. Passivity is not an option so how should Christians respond is one of many questions Dr. Lutzer answers in this timely presentation.
Item #4
Worldview Matters with Brannon Howse
Topic One: A Mormon writer for the LDS Examiner declares a 200 year victory because Glenn Beck has succeeded in getting evangelical pastors to declare that Mormons are Christians. Is this not what we warned these pastors about? Did we not tell them this would happen? Topic Two: On his radio program on Monday Glenn Beck said, "As a member of a faith that is the only faith in American history to have an actual governmental document calling for the extermination of people based on religion; we are the only people in the history of America that has a government document from the 1800s where… that made it ok to kill a Mormon because they were Mormon; period. You've never, you've, you don't hear Mormons crying about that; but we understand; we've seen it before." Is this true? On October 27, 1838, the Governor Lillburn W. Boggs of Missouri issued an executive order that in part stated, "I have received…information of the most appalling character, which entirely changes the face of things, and places the Mormons in the attitude of an open and avowed defiance of the laws, and of having made war upon the people of this State." Now this changes this does it not? So it was not "because they were Mormon; period" but because some Mormons in Missouri were in "avowed defiance of the laws" and had "made war upon the people of this State." Is this not the second time in two weeks that Beck has not told his radio or TV audience the full story about an issue important to Mormons? He did not reveal the Mormon relevance behind the Bat Creek Stone and he did not tell his audience that some experts considered it a fraud. Is it not also true that he did not tell his audience the complete story behind the 1838 incident in Missouri? Glenn tells us to "question boldly". Perhaps more people should start to question Glenn's real goals and agenda with the growing talk of his Mormonism. Topic Three: Brannon reads excerpts from the 1912 book entitled, "Mormonism, the Islam of America." Here is just one example of the chilling information Brannon reads from this book by Bruce Kinney. Kinney documents this quote by Mormon leader Brigham Young, "I have many a time in this stand, dared the world to produce as mean devils as we can. We can beat them at anything. We have the greatest and smoothies liars in the world, the cunningest and most adroit thieves, and any other shade of character that you can mention. We can pick our elders in Israel right here who can beat the world at gambling; who can handle the cards; can cut and shuffle them with the smartest rogue on God's footstool…We can beat the world at any game. We can beat them because we have men here that live in the light of the Lord; that have the holy priesthood and hold the keys of the kingdom of God. (News, VI, 91). Commenting on this quote Kinney writes, "It is to be doubted if any more blasphemous statement can be found in the English language than the reasons why Mormons "can beat the world." (original air date, August 31, 2010 at 1pm CT)
Freemasonry, Masonic Lodge and the Shriners: Are They Compatible with Biblical Christianity? By Dr. Ron Carlson After hearing this presentation, several men in attendance repented of their involvement with the Masonic Lodge, cancelled their membership, and committed to returning home to reveal to their friends and family members the need to also reject the unbiblical teachings of the Masonic Lodge. In this presentation, that includes multiple graphics, Ron reveals the beliefs, doctrines, and rituals of the Masonic Lodge and the Shriners from their own authorities. Dr. Carlson has studied the original writings of these groups and through their own words and through Dr. Carlson's study of the Word of God, he reveals why no confessing Christian can take part in the works of darkness of these two groups. In this fast paced, graphically rich, presentation Dr. Carlson reveals the following: Their historical background, the Blue Lodge and initiation ceremony, the goal of a universal religion, the religion of morality and works, revival of the ancient mystery religions, their view of the Word of God and Jesus Christ, the secret password to Masonic deity, Masonic salvation versus God's truth in the Bible and finally the worldview of the Shriners. Hear the stories of church pastors, deacons and elders who have been members of the lodge and how their church ministry exploded when their leadership repented and rejected the false teaching of the Masonic Lodge. Hear the story of one church that sand blasted the Masonic symbol off their church after hearing this presentation. Why Bible Prophecy Matters by David Arthur David Arthur of Precept Ministries International examines 2 Peter 3:1-18 and brings incredible application for today's Christian. So many voices are flooding the Christian space with teachings of prophecy. Charts, scary pictures, proclamations, predictions are running wild in the evangelical world. It has become such a buzz that some people seem to be drunk with “new” insights, definitions and descriptions of what is to come. Prophecy is not about making charts – but rather shaping hearts! Peter says he wants to “stir up our minds” – How, with what, and why? The application that comes loud and clear from the text starts in verse 11 and continually grows stronger through the end of the chapter. David Arthur takes you through an in-depth study using the inductive Bible study approach. David's talk is appropriately non-denominational and stays away from millennial views so regardless of your eschatology; you are certain to gain Biblical insight and instruction from this powerful presentation.
Item #5
Most of The Church is so Pitifully Weak that a Mormon Can Now Lead God's People. (John McTernan writes about both rallies he attended)
By John McTernan
My heart is very heavy as I write this. I attended two events led by Glen Beck. Friday night, I was at the Kennedy Center for a Glen Beck special. He had a gospel choir singing with a mixed group of speakers. Beck was freely talking about the "LORD." There were speakers from other religions. He was talking about the need for a spiritual revival, who can argue about that! The problem is that Beck is a Mormon with a different Jesus. There were several prayers offered at this event and NONE were made in the name of Jesus. I was deeply grieved after I left.
Worldview Weekend Intelligence Briefing #3 DVDNormal price: $19.99 Special Discounted Price: $14.99 25 Lessons America Should Have Learned From Nazi Germany Part One (30 min) Please understand that I'm not sensationalizing when making these observations. First Chronicles 12:32 says men of the tribe of Issachar were called wise because they "understood the times and knew what God would have them to do." To help you make your own assessment of the situation, I've distinguished 26 benchmark issues that clearly define the intensity of the tempest that is upon us. And yes, there are obvious comparisons with the growth of Nazism in Germany. I will point them out unabashedly because it's only reasonable to say so if something that looks similar to an earlier, dangerous historical parallel actually is similar. After all, storm warnings, by nature, foretell bad news. 25 Lessons America Should Have Learned From Nazi Germany Part Two (30 min) If the church in Germany had truly acted like the Church of Jesus Christ, if Christians had understood and lived out a Biblical worldview, Germany would never have accepted Hitler. I believe he would have been rejected and overthrown within weeks of his true worldview coming to light. Most American church members today are simply reflect the culture instead of correcting and changing it. If we are to quiet the brewing storm, apathy, political correctness, and intellectual laziness must be replaced with a passion for Biblical truth, sound reasoning, logic, and the desire to lead. Evolution Applied to the Law (30 min) "Twentieth-century jurisprudence is based on a Darwinian worldview. Life evolves, men evolve, society evolves, and therefore laws and the constitution's meaning evolves and changes with time." This observation by constitutional and legal scholar John Eidsmoe reflects the modern legal formulation known as "legal positivism." legal positivism is simply moral relativism-the belief that there is no such thing as moral absolutes-applied to the law. According to relativists, there is no standard of right or wrong for all people in all places at all times. How is this humanistic thinking robbing of our freedoms and how is it in direct conflict with the original intent of the Founding Fathers and the Word of God?
Item #6
Have We Anointed An Unworthy Shepherd?
By Jan Markell
Could we say that the church has failed to wake up very many people so, by default, a Mormon -- Glenn Beck -- has made quite a stir and has become an official spiritual leader? He rallied hundreds of thousands last weekend with themes of faith and love of our country. Americans are desperate and fearful of what is coming upon this land so they look to a Mormon for leadership. I am glad his Saturday event was successful for just some of these reasons:
All 10 Branson Worldview Weekend 2010 Keynote Presentations on 5 DVDs Brannon Howse: Grave Influence Part Two: The Worldview Revolution That's Leading To Global Governance Brannon Howse: Grave Influence Part Three: An Educational Abduction When a Nation Forgets God: Seven Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany by Dr. Erwin Lutzer Jesus versus Mohammed by Dr. Erwin Lutzer What is in and what is out on America's High School and College Campus by Dr. David Noebel What is right with America by Dr. David Noebel Freemasonry, Masonic Lodge and the Shriners: Are They Compatible with Biblical Christianity? By Dr. Ron Carlson Why Bible Prophecy Matters by David Arthur Matthew 24: Jesus' End Time Prophecies by Dr. David Reagan Finding Strength for the Journey by Dr. David Jeremiah
Item #7
Distinguishing Between Heroes and Pretty Good Friends
I received a fair amount of feedback concerning my last column taking Glenn Beck to task for his soft-endorsement of same-sex marriage. One thoughtful reader didn't appreciate my critique, because Beck, among his other positive attributes, "does point people toward faith in God." His mission, the reader noted, is "to show us the truth about what is and has happened in our country; and what may happen very soon if we don't all stand up." Interestingly, in the interim Beck has hosted a massive rally in Washington, DC where he proclaimed the importance of "faith."
Grave Influence book and DVD #1 - 3 Normal Retail Price: $42.00 Special Price: $29.95
![]() | Order your free copy or copies of Worldview Weekend Digest. Articles In this issue of the Worldview Weekend Digest:
Item #8
Mixed Messages from Glenn Beck
By Cliff Kincaid
Glenn Beck said that his "Restoring Honor" rally was going to be non-political, but Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., must not have gotten the memo. Speaking from the podium in front of hundreds of thousands of people, she declared that "the procreative foundation of marriage is being threatened," referring to the advancing homosexual agenda; said that the "womb war" must be ended in favor of life for innocent unborn children; and called for prayer to be brought back to the public square and the schools.
Brannon Howse Worldview Library 6 Books, 9 DVDs (16 Presentations)
Item #9
Understanding The Times with Jan Markell
Brannon Howse sits in for Jan and talks to Usama Dakdok, born in a Christian home in Egypt but highly knowledgeable about Islam. He reveals what he believes Obama's Islamic agenda in the U.S. is, states Obama is a Muslim, sites examples of how and why, chastises the church for cozying up to Islam, chastises pastors for not telling their people the truth about it, and sends out many other warnings. His ministry is also a gospel outreach to Muslims and he encourages Christians to do same.
21 Radicals and Their Worldviews that Rule America from the Grave This is it, the one book you need to read if you want to understand the big picture, connect all the dots, and understand current times, and future events and trends that will be unfolding. This ground-breaking book by best-selling author Brannon Howse is the result of thousands of hours of research over many years and is must reading for every teenager and adult.
Item #10
The Dominion Mandate and the Christian Reconstruction Movement
By Bob DeWaay
A recent theological movement known as Christian Reconstruction has made a significant impact on American Christianity in the past several decades. It is based on a Reformed, Calvinistic view of theology with some significant, unique twists. The most prominent one is the conviction that the Scripture gives the church a mandate to take dominion over this world socially and culturally before the bodily return of Jesus Christ.1 This teaching is known as the "dominion mandate." Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 9:1-5 and Matthew 28:18-20 are the principal Biblical passages used to prove the validity of this mandate. The key question to be answered is whether these passages teach the dominion mandate as understood by Christian Reconstructionism. The thesis of this article is that these Biblical passages do not teach a social or cultural domination of the world by Christians before the bodily return of Christ. This issue is important because one's understanding of the Great Commission is at stake. This paper will exegetically examine these passages to prove this thesis.