Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Worldview Weekend Newsletter
Featuring Brannon Howse and Friends


Item #1

Kingdom/Dominion Theology - Part I
By Dave Hunt
There are many factors that make up the growing apostasy and seduction of the church. One of the most alarming, least understood, and fastest spreading errors is the teaching that earth instead of heaven is the ultimate home for the church, and that her goal is to take over the world and establish the kingdom of God. Only then, it is said, can Christ return-not, however, to take us to His Father's house as He promised His disciples in John 14, but to reign over the Kingdom which we have established for Him. As we mentioned in the last chapter of Seduction, if the real Jesus Christ is going to catch His bride up from earth to meet Him in the air (1 Thes 4:17), then those who work to build a kingdom for a "Christ" whom they will meet with their feet planted on earth have been under heavy delusion indeed! They have been working for the Antichrist!

Dear friends of Worldview Weekend,

It has been my privilege to speak in over 35 cities the last two years with Brannon Howse. The impact of the Worldview Weekends in thousands of lives across this country not only affects individuals and families, but also our Nation. What Brannon does is even more amazing since he does it on a "shoe string" financially. With his office and radio/tv studio at home, he works without renting office space or paying a secretary. He handles most of the workload with his dedicated wife and family. The sacrifices they make are because of their love and passion to see America and the Church stay true to their heritage and purpose. The potential impact of this ministry for the good of our country is only limited by financial resources. With so many crucial issues facing America and the church, let me encourage you to partner with Worldview Weekends by a generous financial investment. Your gift to the Worldview Weekend Foundation will reap not only results now for our country, but eternal dividends in the lives of thousands of families and individuals. Please click here to make your tax deductible contribution right now:

Dr. Ron Carlson, President
Christian Ministries International

To read these stories look under our national and international news section at:

Nervous Americans want easy access to their cash Gold Prices Surge to Record Highs
The Temporal Delusion Part 1
Obama to Deliver Second Back-to-School Address
George Soros vs. judicial elections
Since Sept. 11, imam has frequently denounced America
Pakistani plea: Make Obama supreme leader of Muslims

Item #2

Worldview Matters with Brannon Howse
Topic One: 2 John 9-10 tells us that a certain sign of a true Christian is that he abides in the doctrine of Christ. Topic Two: "The Fellowship" is an organization started in 1935 and they are best known as the sponsors of the "National Prayer Breakfast". U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators reportedly live on the grounds of The Fellowship. Is this group, that reportedly takes a vow of secrecy, made up of members of Congress that believe in dominion theology? Topic Three: C. Peter Wagner is known as the founder of the New Apostolic Reformation that promotes Kingdom Theology and Dominion Theology. This belief system proclaims that Christians will take over America and the world politically, socially, and economically and usher in God's kingdom on earth. On today's program Brannon explains how the NAR fits with the goals and objective of people like Glenn Beck, Mormonism, and those pushing ecumenicalism. Those that make up the Emergent Church, Mormonism, dominion theology, social justice and The New Spirituality are all playing on the same team whether they know it or not. How are all these different religious groups merging to set the stage for the deception of the last days warned about in the Bible? Topic Four: C. Peter Wagner called for various religious groups to come together and called it the "The Third Wave". Wagner called for a merging of "conscientious Liberals, Evangelicals and Charismatic Pentecostals" along with Catholics. Wagner also called for a course in "Signs, Wonders and Church Growth". When the anti-Christ shows up performing "counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders" as the Bible says will occur, will many that follow this movement and many that follow pagan spirituality be eager to follow what they see as a real spiritual awakening? Topic Five: Like the Mormons, those practicing Wagner's brand of dominion theology are striving for a theocratic government that will usher in the Kingdom of God on earth. According to Despatch Magazine "Wagner is awaiting a 'critical mass' of Christians to arise to take over the political systems of the world." Topic Six: Like the Mormons, many that practice dominion theology, believe that America will face a huge financial and constitutional crisis and that a spiritual revival will come from the "prophets", "prophetess" and "apostles" that are handpicked by God for "anointing for business and other areas of society". Topic Six: Mormons believe that the Mormon Prophet is above the Bible and that the prophet receives new revelations from God that replace the old revelations. Those that practice Wager's brand of dominion theology believe in a rhema word of God. "The rhema is regarded as a more immediate word from God which we do not find in the 66 books of the Bible." In other words, they believe in extra Biblical revelations. Topic Seven: Those that practice pagan spirituality have for years been promoting the coming of the New Age or New Order. A NAR produced conference brochure stated that "this conference will cause the Body to understand God's 'new' order for this coming era." Topic Eight: Several, self-professed Christians have e-mailed Brannon to tell him that Satan is using him in his opposition to Glenn Beck's "spiritual" "revival" and "uniting of all faiths". True believers need to understand that when they defend Biblical truth they will be increasingly told they are bringing division and doing the work of the devil. A March 2001 article in the Plumbline reported, "When asked what he (Wagner) thought the main stumbling block would be, that would keep leaders from embracing the Apostolic Reformation, Wagner cites, 'a commitment to tradition amongst ministers.' Wagner states: 'I think that some are bound by religious forms and functions that are ineffective and I think in many cases it is demonic influence." Sound familiar? Now perhaps we know why "Christians" are telling Brannon he is doing the work of Satan by opposing the ecumenicalism that was being promoted by Glenn Beck and his 240 Christian leaders, pastors, apostles, prophets and imams? Topic Nine: We take your calls.

The Worldview War of Islam.
Brannon Howse Interviews Egyptian-born Usama Dakdok

Two DVDs featuring the three, one hour interviews that were broadcast on the prime-time, national television program, The Worldview Weekend Hour with Brannon Howse.
The Worldview War of Islam

Item #3

Witnessing to "the Witnesses"
By Ed Decker
It's a rare door that hasn't felt the knock of the Jehovah's Witnesses more than once and it's an even rarer Jehovah's Witness who has heard the gospel message at one of those doors from the resident Christian. The reason is simply that it is a far from simple task to witness to a Witness. It's easier to just close the door and avoid the difficult task of sorting through a maze of confusing doctrines. Let's try to make it a bit simpler.

When a Nation Forgets God: Seven Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany by Dr. Erwin Lutzer

The elimination of Christian holidays in the schools, paganism mixed with Christianity, seminaries, churches and Christians rejecting the authority of the Word of God, dividing one's worldview between the secular and the sacred, an economic crisis and the rise of socialism are just a few of the worldview issues facing America. However, another nation in another time confronted all of these issues and more. How the German people and the church in Germany responded to the rise of Hitler and his Nazi party can teach the American church many important lessons for how we should respond to America's worldview revolution now taking place. In this gripping keynote presentation, Dr. Erwin Lutzer reveals seven lessons we must learn from Nazi Germany. These lessons include: 1. When God is separated from government, judgment follows, 2. It's always the economy, 3. That which is legal might also be evil, 4. Propaganda can change a nation, 5. Parents—not the state—are responsible for a child's training, 6. Ordinary heroes can make a difference, 7. We must exalt the cross in the gathering darkness.

Jesus versus Mohammed by Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Dr. Lutzer’s keynote presentation is based on his experience visiting the locations of the seven churches of Revelation. He’ll share the lessons we need to learn from these churches, which experienced significant conflict with Islam. He’ll answer questions such as:

• Does Islam’s victory over these churches prove its superiority over Christianity, as they claim?
• What options do Christians have if they live in a Muslim country?
• What does this conflict mean to the future of Europe and America?

There is no example in history where Muslims have given Christians equal

rights. All Muslims who take the Koran seriously believe that they should work toward having a Caliphate, that is, the Muslim rule of the world. Clearly, our conflict with Islam is here to stay. Because Islam is also an ideology, only the church can confront the ideological/theological issues that are involved in this religion. Passivity is not an option so how should Christians respond is one of many questions Dr. Lutzer answers in this timely presentation.
Erwin Lutzer 2010

Item #4

Understanding The Times with Jan Markell
Dr. Jobe Martin has a delightful testimony which he calls "the evolution of a creationist." Even after he became a Christian, he hung onto evolution. Yet today he is sounding the alarm that evolution in our schools and universities is creating a disaster in the lives of young people just as his life was a disaster until he became a Christian and dumped evolution. And that didn't happen instantaneously. Jobe and Jan also talk general science such as the age of dinosaurs, old earth vs young earth, global flood vs local flood, and much more. The hour is both educational and entertaining. Take a break from bad news!

Freemasonry, Masonic Lodge and the Shriners: Are They Compatible with Biblical Christianity?
By Dr. Ron Carlson

After hearing this presentation, several men in attendance repented of their involvement with the Masonic Lodge, cancelled their membership, and committed to returning home to reveal to their friends and family members the need to also reject the unbiblical teachings of the Masonic Lodge. In this presentation, that includes multiple graphics, Ron reveals the beliefs, doctrines, and rituals of the Masonic Lodge and the Shriners from their own authorities. Dr. Carlson has studied the original writings of these groups and through their own words and through Dr. Carlson's study of the Word of God, he reveals why no confessing Christian can take part in the works of darkness of these two groups.
In this fast paced, graphically rich, presentation Dr. Carlson reveals the following: Their historical background, the Blue Lodge and initiation ceremony, the goal of a universal religion, the religion of morality and works, revival of the ancient mystery religions, their view of the Word of God and Jesus Christ, the secret password to Masonic deity, Masonic salvation versus God's truth in the Bible and finally the worldview of the Shriners. Hear the stories of church pastors, deacons and elders who have been members of the lodge and how their church ministry exploded when their leadership repented and rejected the false teaching of the Masonic Lodge. Hear the story of one church that sand blasted the Masonic symbol off their church after hearing this presentation.

Why Bible Prophecy Matters by David Arthur

David Arthur of Precept Ministries International examines 2 Peter 3:1-18 and brings incredible application for today's Christian. So many voices are flooding the Christian space with teachings of prophecy. Charts, scary pictures, proclamations, predictions are running wild in the evangelical world. It has become such a buzz that some people seem to be drunk with “new” insights, definitions and descriptions of what is to come. Prophecy is not about making charts – but rather shaping hearts! Peter says he wants to “stir up our minds” – How, with what, and why? The application that comes loud and clear from the text starts in verse 11 and continually grows stronger through the end of the chapter. David Arthur takes you through an in-depth study using the inductive Bible study approach. David's talk is appropriately non-denominational and stays away from millennial views so regardless of your eschatology; you are certain to gain Biblical insight and instruction from this powerful presentation.
David Arthur / Ron Carlson 2010

Item #5

Salvation in the Tribulation: Revisited
By Dr. Thomas Ice
During the last couple of years, the most frequently asked question I have heard at prophecy conferences, relates to salvation in the Tribulation. It goes something like this: "If a lost person hears, understands and rejects the Gospel before the Tribulation, would he or she be able to be saved during the Tribulation?" Some think the answer is "No," while others think it is "Yes." I believe that people will have the possibility to be saved in the Tribulation regardless of how much they have been exposed to the Gospel before the Rapture. Here's why:

Dear friends of Worldview Weekend,

It has been my privilege to speak in over 35 cities the last two years with Brannon Howse. The impact of the Worldview Weekends in thousands of lives across this country not only affects individuals and families, but also our Nation. What Brannon does is even more amazing since he does it on a "shoe string" financially. With his office and radio/tv studio at home, he works without renting office space or paying a secretary. He handles all the workload alone with his dedicated wife and family. The sacrifices they make are because of their love and passion to see America and the Church stay true to their heritage and purpose. The potential impact of this ministry for the good of our country is only limited by financial resources. With so many crucial issues facing America and the church, let me encourage you to partner with Worldview Weekends by a generous financial investment. Your gift to the Worldview Weekend Foundation will reap not only results now for our country, but eternal dividends in the lives of thousands of families and individuals. Please click here to make your tax deductible contribution right now:

Dr. Ron Carlson, President
Christian Ministries International

Item #6

Separate the wheat from the chaff
By Henry Lamb
Within moments after the second plane hit the World Trade Centers on that fateful day nine years ago, the nation knew that the world would never be the same. No one knew what the world would look like today, but everyone knew it would never be the same.

All 10 Branson Worldview Weekend 2010 Keynote Presentations on 5 DVDs

Brannon Howse: Grave Influence Part Two: The Worldview Revolution That's Leading To Global Governance

Brannon Howse: Grave Influence Part Three: An Educational Abduction

When a Nation Forgets God: Seven Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany by Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Jesus versus Mohammed by Dr. Erwin Lutzer

What is in and what is out on America's High School and College Campus by Dr. David Noebel

What is right with America by Dr. David Noebel

Freemasonry, Masonic Lodge and the Shriners: Are They Compatible with Biblical Christianity?
By Dr. Ron Carlson

Why Bible Prophecy Matters by David Arthur

Matthew 24: Jesus' End Time Prophecies by Dr. David Reagan

Finding Strength for the Journey by Dr. David Jeremiah
All 5 Branson 2010 DVDs

Item #7

Obamacare, Genocide, and the War on the Unborn
By Cliff Kincaid
The "eco-terrorist" shot to death in Maryland hated humanity, especially unborn children. But this mentality should not be considered out of the mainstream. He was just more of an activist about it. After all, the "womb war" that Alveda King talked about at Glenn Beck's rally has already cost the lives of more than 50 million children through abortion.

Grave Influence book and DVDs #1 - 3
Normal Retail Price: $42.00
Special Price: $29.95
Grave Influence book and DVD #1 - 3

Order your free copy or copies of Worldview Weekend Digest.

Articles In this issue of the
Worldview Weekend Digest:
  1. Why Christianity and Marxism Cannot Co-Exist
  2. Why The Globalist Will Not Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste
  3. The Most Important Test You Will Ever Take: 10 Hallmarks of A True Convert From The Book of First John

Item #8

The Worldview War of Islam (Part Four)
By Brannon Howse

Brannon Howse Worldview Library
6 Books, 9 DVDs (16 Presentations)
Normal Retail Price $209 Special Price: $49.95
Brannon Howse Worldview Library

Item #9

United Nations' Curriculum in America's Schools (Part One)
By Brannon Howse

21 Radicals and Their Worldviews that Rule America from the Grave

This is it, the one book you need to read if you want to understand the big picture, connect all the dots, and understand current times, and future events and trends that will be unfolding. This ground-breaking book by best-selling author Brannon Howse is the result of thousands of hours of research over many years and is must reading for every teenager and adult.
Grave Influence Book

Item #10

United Nations' Curriculum in America's Schools (Part Two)
By Brannon Howse

If you have the DVD Grave Influence Part One From Last Year, You Need To Order Grave Influence Part Two and Three That Was Just Filmed at our April 2010, Branson Worldview Weekend:

Grave Influence Part Two: The Worldview Revolution That's Leading To Global Governance

In this presentation Brannon reveals how the worldviews of Aldous Huxley, Sigmund Freud, Margaret Sanger, Julius Wellhausen, Betty Friedan and Christopher Columbus Langdell have all helped to lay the foundation for the worldview revolution taking place in America. This revolution involves the globalist declaring war on Christianity, capitalism and national sovereignty. One of living radicals leading this revolution is Maurice Strong who was head of the United Nation's Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 and is one of the leading forces behind global governance and Sustainable Development. Maurice Strong has proclaimed, "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" And guess who the globalist and radical environmentalists blame for the world's ecological crisis? You guessed it, Christians and the Biblical worldview. Understand sustainable development and you will understand why the radicals are pushing abortion on demand, active euthanasia through the rationing of healthcare, radical environmentalism, paganism, the elimination of private property, parental authority and religious liberty. Brannon explains how the radicals are using the four E's to push their sustainable development: Education, Economy, Ecology, and Ecumenicalism.

Grave Influence Part Three: An Educational Abduction

In this presentation Brannon reveals how the worldviews of Roger Baldwin, John Dewey, Alfred Kinsey, Benjamin Bloom, B.F. Skinner, and William James are seeking to seize the hearts and minds of America's children. These radicals laid the foundation for outcome-based education, values clarification, situational ethics, promotion of homosexuality, promotion of sexual promiscuity, psychological manipulation, behavior modification, computer tracking of a student's worldview, national youth service, social justice curriculum, collectivism, group think and elimination of parental authority. Brannon's twenty years of research on this topic is evident in this cutting edge presentation that every parent and grandparent must view.
Grave Influence DVD #2

Fall 2010 Worldview Rallies

Little Rock, ArkansasSunday Night, September 19, 2010
Wichita, KSFriday Night, September 24, 2010
Lincoln, NebraskaSaturday Night, September 25, 2010
Mitchell, South DakotaSunday Night, September 26, 2010
St. Louis, MissouriSaturday Night, October 2, 2010
Carbondale, IllinoisSunday Night, October 3, 2010
Columbus, OhioFriday Night, October 8, 2010
Pittsburg, PASaturday Night, October 9, 2010
Morgantown, West VirginiaSunday Night, October 10, 2010
Milwaukee, WisconsinFriday Night, October 15, 2010
Duluth, MinnesotaSaturday Night, October 16, 2010
St. Paul, MinnesotaSunday Night October 17, 2010
Pensacola, FloridaSaturday Night, October 23, 2010
Orlando, FloridaSunday Night, October 24, 2010
Nashville, TennesseeSaturday Night, November 6, 2010
Chattanooga, TennesseeSunday Night, November 7, 2010
Kingsport, TNSaturday Night, November 13, 2010
Richmond, VirginiaSunday Night, November 14, 2010
Peoria, ILFriday Night, November 19th, 2010
Des Moines, IowaSaturday Night, November 20, 2010
Rockford, IllinoisSunday Night, November 21, 2010
Branson, MissouriApril 29, 30 & May 1, 2011