Sunday, 17 October 2010

17 October 2010

The Damage From Uncontrolled Immigration Just Goes On and On

Over the last few days a series of disconnected but illuminating news stories have thrown more light on the damaging impact of uncontrolled immigration on Britain, its culture, standards and traditions.

1. Three foreign-born members of the House of Lords face lengthy suspensions from the upper chamber and have already agreed to the repayment of substantial amounts of public money wrongly claimed as expenses. According to The Sunday Telegraph they will not face criminal charges despite undisputed evidence of wrong-doing.

All three were born abroad, not as British nationals. All three were elevated to the House of Lords on the initiative of Tony Blair, two during his regime, and two are known to have made substantial donations to Nu-Labour. Two are Muslims.

Born in Bangladesh, Manzilla Uddin arrived in the UK when she was 13. She was the first Muslim woman to be given a seat in the Lords. During her swearing in to the upper chamber of a democracy whose established religion is Christianity, Baroness Uddin chose to praise “Almighty Allah”. She is likely to be suspended for up to 18 months and has agreed to pay back £125,000.

Born in India’s Punjab, Swraj Paul moved to the UK in his 30s, and has become the 88th most wealthy man in Britain with a fortune estimated at £500 million. Despite that, Lord Paul saw fit to claim £40,000 to which he was not entitled, and faces suspension from the House for up to six months.

Born in East Africa, Amirali Bhatia is an Ismaili Muslim. He moved to the UK in his early 40s. Some £60,000 of public money was diverted to one of Lord Bhatia’s charities and he spent a further £10,000 on a research trip to Dubai. He faces a ban of up to a year and has agreed to repay at least £27,000.

2. Islamic students at London’s City University (the old polytechnic) have tried to enforce a Taliban-like regime of Sharia law, using intimidation, threats and abuse on staff and students alike. Members of the 180-strong Islamic society at the university have demanded that adulterers should be stoned, and women students forced to wear the hijab (Muslim veil).

3. Muslim supremacists in Tower Hamlets, London, are distributing leaflets supporting Lutfur Rachman, their independent Islamic fundamentalist candidate for the election of the local council mayor. No problem with that – except that Mr Rachman was sacked as the Labour Party candidate for the same election over fears of his close links to the Islamic Forum for Europe. Amongst other things, Mr Rachman had signed up entirely sham Muslim families as Labour supporters to back his original candidacy. His leaflet as an independent now claims that his Labour opponent is a racist, a wife-beater and a bankrupt – all lies.

After the general election in May, almost all the instances of electoral fraud came to light in constituencies with large Muslim populations.

4. Despite the serious cut-backs expected in this week’s government spending review, at least 500,000 more school places will be needed to cope with the rising demand for places from the immigrant community. According to Migration Watch, UK’s taxpayers now spend £12 million a day on educating migrant children. Within ten years the numbers of immigrant children at school will have doubled to over a million and some £95 billion will have to be spent to provide the resources needed.

Meanwhile, the indigenous population of the UK is falling, and the demand for school places from British families is also falling. To maintain our native population even at present levels a birth-rate of at least 2.1 children per woman is essential. At present it is 1.6. The UK’s Muslim population is growing at a rate of over five children per woman.

5. The Home Office, under a supposedly Tory Home Secretary, Theresa May, has agreed to an amnesty for some 135,000 failed asylum seekers, who are now being allowed to remain in the UK. The announcement, made quietly last week, admitted that this decision had been taken solely to clear an ever-growing backlog of cases. No mention was made of the consequences – that every potential asylum seeker in the world now knows that Britain has joined the long list of developed countries which can be expected to cave in on asylum applications. Join the queue!

To add to this lunacy, last week also saw the announcement that immigration red tape had prevented a world-renowned Indian scientist from taking up a research post at Cambridge University. Professor Rao, a research chemist tipped for a future Nobel Prize, was told that, because his part-time appointment involved a modest salary the UK Border Agency had insisted that “therefore” the post must be advertised! He walked away, and who could blame him?

6. Meanwhile, thousands of Indian workers who can claim only to have experience and modest qualifications will be allowed into the UK under new rules being imposed on Britain by the European Union. A so-called “free trade agreement” with India is expected to be signed in December, after which the flood gates to new migrants into the EU will open – and the UK will be able to do nothing whatever to stop it.

7. Even in Germany the rumblings against immigration are becoming louder and more strident. Chancellor Merkel has recently declared multiculturalism in Germany a disaster. More than 60% of Germans think their country is now “overrun with foreigners”.

Worrying though it might be to some, at last we seem to have something in common with the Germans!

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