>> MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2010
The deluge of BBC greenie propaganda continues. Today we have sea urchins resisting ocean acidification caused by climate change. As any ful no (apologies to the wonderful Ronald Searle), (for CHRISSAKE!), oceans are not acid, despite what greenies say. They have framed the debate in this way to deliberately cause alarmism. At the current rate of alleged change (even on the most alarmist figures, and accepting that they knew how to measure pH values accurately 250 years ago)) it would take 3,500 years for the seas to be no longer alkaline. And even if they do so change, they have been of a lower pH value in the past and sea life SURVIVED AND MULTIPLIED. Who are the BBC idiots who write and sub such nonsense?
Then there is Richard Black, faithfully reporting their highnesses' voices from the Japan ecofascist biodiversity talks, that we need a minister of greenness to frame and enforce green laws, extract green taxes and prevent us turning a single new clod of soil if it is deemed to be "natural". It's accompanied by the usual warnings that there are too many people and that we are all going to die unless we roll over and supinely accept such authoritarian claptrap. What's so sickening about this is that normally, Mr Black and his liberal cronies would project as repressive any steps that increased government control. But because it's being done in the name of protecting the environment, anything goes. The BBC hated John Gummer when he was a Tory minister (note how Mark Easton refers to him "shoving a burger" down his daughter's throat during the BSE scare), but now he's an ecosaint, his words are reported with unqualified reverence.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
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Britannia Radio