Friday, 29 October 2010

The parable of the EU serfs

The EU arrived one day, took the key from under our plant pot, opened the front door and with the connivance of our idiot big brother it moved into our house… It has since gone on to take over the master bedroom, control access to the bathroom, decide what we can and cannot buy, chosen who we can have as friends, demands feeding at huge expense and won’t let anyone else use the TV remote. It has quietly raided our wallets for years… Now, increasingly emboldened, it is openly ordering us to re-decorate in its chosen scheme, disable the burglar alarm, turn out the money from our pockets and is taking from the piggy bank in our room. The EU has turned us into serfs, guests in our own home and ensures our big brother repeats ad nauseum that we cannot survive without it, despite dissent from our other serf siblings… Our paternal political class is craven, cowers in the EU’s presence and hasn’t got the balls to shove it out of the door. Someday though the siblings will be strong enough to overcome the big brother, reject the weakness of the parents and remove the EU from the house for good.

But for now the EU still holds sway, despite the spin and deception of the Cleggerons. A 2.9% increase in the EU budget is a victory for the EU and a defeat for the hard pressed British taxpayer.

The EU’s budget will increase at a time our own public expenditure is being swollen, despite the moronic rhetoric of cuts. We will pay more than £435m extra to that overseas entity per annum and the UK government will spend £43bn moreof our money by 2015.

So much for a low tax economy that allows business to grow and flourish. The fatted calf is watching as the slaughterman’s van pulls into the farmyard.

How much longer will people tolerate this?

2 Responses to “The parable of the EU serfs”

  1. WitteringsfromWitney29/10/2010 at 10:35 am

    The EU control our government and our government control the media, AM. As a result the people will never be told the truth and need to get off their butts and hunt for the truth themselves.

    It is, hopefully, through our efforts that they will learn the truth.

  2. Sickle29/10/2010 at 11:57 am

    This is how a political minuet is danced. First the EU proposes a 6% increase if it wants 3.9%. Then little Dave demands 3.9% and the EU reluctantly agrees with a mincing back-step and a flourish. Simples! Little Dave goes home to rapturous cheers leaving the EU council with the Cheshire Cat’s smile.
    The political class has so much to answer to the people for. We need many many more new lamp posts to provide for the coming day.

    Cast Iron Dave resorts to begging

    Prime Minister David Cameron says a 6% rise in the EU budget would be unacceptable, as he arrives in Brussels for a summit meeting of the European Council.

    However, Cast Iron Dave then tempers his faux intolerance of this insane largesse by meekly pleading that the increase is limited to the ‘lowest possible’ amount. Our national leader is reduced to the humiliating role of beggar.

    But then, it’s all sophistry.

    The fact is unless Cameron can secure the support of a majority of the Council in rejecting an increase in the EU budget – which he will not – nothing he says makes any difference at all. The Tories are fond of arguing they should remain aboard the EU gravy train in order to have ‘influence in Europe’. But issues such as this underline the fallaciousness of that self serving argument. We have no influence over the EU. The bureaucracy is beyond our reach.

    Even the Prime Minister – the most powerful UK politician – is incapable of preventing the EU from doing what it wants. The desire of the political class to be at the ‘heart of Europe’ has cost this country dear. Not only has our sovereignty been eroded, we are increasingly paying the price in pounds and pence too. The EU means Britons have no say over how Britain is governed and means Britons have less money in their pockets.

    None of the limited and questionable ‘benefits’ of EU membership necessitated this loss of sovereignty and drain on our wallets. We get nothing from the EU that make any of this a price worth paying.

    In any evaluation of a European Council meeting, we always have to be conscious that we have an ignorant media which cannot get its head round the fact that we are seeing the routine meeting of an institution of the European Union. It is never, therefore, going to report the proceedings intelligently or accurately. It is not capable of so doing.

    At least, though, 
    The Guardian has got some things right. It tells us:
    Europe is in a mess. The European Union is in trouble. Today's summit in Brussels is unlikely to do much to help. David Cameron, like his fellow leaders, can only hope to limit the damage: and even as he does so he can hear the ghoulish sound of Tory Euroscepticism rising from the grave.
    The problem is that only four of the first five words are really spot on ... it is not "Europe", but the European Union. And as for Dave's little games with the EU budget, had any one of the hacks so breathlessly reporting on the issue cared to look at the agenda, they would have seen this:
    The President of the European Council intends to restrict the agenda to the items which will actually be examined by the European Council. The conclusions of the meeting will be brief and will focus on decisions and general policies approved by the European Council.
    That's Van Rompuy calling the shots – and the budget is not on the agenda, because it will not be (and has not been) examined by the European Council. That is for the very good reason that it is not within its jurisdiction. Hence, all the hyper-ventilation about said budget is smoke and mirrors.

    Even the BBC has the "decency" to 
    mention that small fact. But that doesn't stop the hacks drafted in to cover the event turning up the volume of hyperbole, to give their equally ignorant London editors a suitable fairy tale to print in this morning's editions. This is precisely what the Daily Mail is doing. Dave "has won the backing ... " it warbles, complete with a picture of a suitably grim-faced Dave, walking into Justus Lipsus - and what a revolting sight it makes.

    By such means, they are conveying a sense of theatre and drama that simply does not exist. They are, as always, taking the piss - politicians and media pack alike.

    Similarly, the talk of a new treaty is getting lost in the miasma of ignorance which so obscures these issues. In short, if the "colleagues" want a new treaty, there are various defined procedures. However, there is a now confirmed tendency for those same "colleagues" to make the rules up as they go along, and then legitimise them afterwards.

    And we've now 
    got a statement from Rompuy about how they're going to do it. Not one in a thousand who actually read the statement will fully understand it, and even less will actually care. Get your brains round this, if you are in a masochistic mood:
    Further to the report of the task force and in order to ensure balanced and sustainable growth, heads of state and government agree on the need for member states to establish a permanent crisis mechanism to safeguard the financial stability of the euro area as a whole and invite the president of the European Council to undertake consultations with the members of the European Council on a limited treaty change required to that effect not modifying Article 125 (of the Lisbon treaty) - the no bailout clause.
    This is "slime talk", otherwise known as "Eurospeak". You are not supposed to understand it. You just weigh it and then slice it off by the centimetre. All it says – as it always says – is "you're gonna be screwed".  The detail doesn't matter - stick to the high ground and you will never go wrong.

    The only thing of even marginal interest, therefore, is precisely how and when we get screwed. We don't know that yet - or not all the details. And the media will never tell us until it's too late. Because they know so little about the EU, and understand even less, they only find out afterwards, if then.  Usually, the dogs have barked, the tents are folded and the caravan has moved on to another soap opera - there are always some buried miners, or something, somewhere, to keep the proles entertained.

    So, for the moment, after a brief flurry of interest when the media have done their best to turn the European Union into a soap opera - with as much of a London tint as they can manage - we can all go back to sleep. We can try to convince ourselves that it is really a dream we're experiencing and not a nightmare, but sooner or later, there will have to be an awakening.

    Sooner or later, the people - who knows in which country and when - will rise up and start killing these bastards.  That will happen, because it always does.  The politicians can take the piss for so long before people get sick of it and exercise some practical vermin control. And the media won't even see it coming - they never do.