Subject: Mark Steyn-CANADA
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Below is a letter I forwarded to Ed Holder, Conservative MP, for London, Ontario. Muslims in Canada believe that they have a right to stop freedom of speech, expression and debate, and the London Conference Center refused to allow Mark Steyn to speak because of Muslim groups threats and intimidation.
Dear Sir:
It was with dismay that I recieved a e-mail this very day that stated the London Conference Center had cancelled a speech by Mark Steyn. Mark Steyn is a journalist of some importance who, along with Ezra Levant, shone light on the Liberal party ideology of Human Rights that has for decades had closed tribunals and violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of all Canadians to freedom of speech, expression and debate.
The LCC which you have had a close association has refused to allow Mark Steyn to speak at a city owned facility because Muslims in the area demanded that freedom of speech, expression and debate not be sanctioned by this facility. I will be forwarding my commentary here to the London City Mayor's office with a demand to remove the heads of the LCC for violating Mark Steyn's right to be heard at the London Conference Center.
Muslims in Canada have to give way to our Canadian way of life, customs and Constitution with all its inherent wisdom in giving all Canadians the right to speak freely on any subject, no matter how abhorrent it may be to some in Canada. If we give the right to George Galloway to speak on behalf of Muslims, then we must certainly give the same right to Mark Steyn, and at the London Convention Center venue. George Galloway you, may not, know has ALLEDGEDLY-illegally handed thousands of dollars in funds to Hamas that was witnessed by video presentation and yet he has been given the opportunity to speak in Canada. Mark Steyn has not committed any kind of illegal act and yet is denied the right to speak at the London Convention Center.
Thank you for your time and patience.
xxxxxxxxxxxxx LJM
Posted by Britannia Radio at 09:54