Bill Clinton’s Outrageous Remarks
Laura: Bill Clinton is beneath contempt. He was in Egypt and said in defense of the ground zero mosque, that it should be built and dedicated to the 60 muslim victims of 9/11. What about the non-muslim victims? What a disgusting display of pandering. I’m so sick of our political leaders excessive pandering to muslims. If they are going to speak before muslim audiences, why not at least have the courage to condemn the oppression and
violence in the name of islam? Why couldn’t Clinton have condemned the persecution
of Coptic Christians in Egypt while he was there?
World Leaders Ignore International Law
I have been arguing with American Eagle all week about the Mandate and the law and now Hertz has laid it all out for us. Exactly what I was saying. Ted Belman
By Eli. E. Hertz
The U.S. Administration, the European Union, the United Nations, and Russia’s decision to rewrite history by labeling the Territories ‘Occupied Territories,’ the Settlements as an ‘Obstacle to Peace’ and ‘Not Legitimate,’ thus endowing them with an aura of bogus statehood and a false history. The use of these dishonest loaded terms, empowers terrorism and incites Palestinian Arabs with the right to use all measures to expel Israel.
The Jewish People’s Right to the Land of Israel The “Mandate for Palestine” & the Law of War
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the European Union Foreign Affairs Chief Catherine Ashton became victims to the ‘Occupation’ mantra their own...
Obama Is Wrong To Sell Arms To The Saudis
Divest from Israel? No, divest from the U.S.
Meir Kahane long argued (and I concur) for divesting from America. Three to five billion dollars in aid is not critical to Israel. If we rejected U.S. aid, we could insist on no subsidies to Arabs, either—and foreign money is critical to them. We could even call for an embargo on arms sales to the Middle East. Israel produces reasonable weapons; the point is not to accumulate more but to stop Arabs from acquiring modern weapons. U.S. aid ties our hands politically and militarily. Since 1948 and, especially, 1956 America has imposed unprofitable armistices on Israel. The Middle East today would be very different had we marched into Cairo or carpet-bombed Tehran. Now instead you have the Islamic Brotherhood definitely coming to power in nuclear Egypt, and nuclear mullahs are not far behind. Last, but perhaps first, is national pride. We shouldn’t depend on aid, absolutely not. We depended on Egypt, and Assyria, and Rome, and Persia...
Understanding The Islamic Threat
Laura: Europeans still do not understand that muslim immigration to their nations doesn’t merely represent a clash of cultures. Islam is waging war against their very civilization and way of life. Europe’s muslim masses seek to replace their free societies with sharia law. I’m afraid Americans also do not understand the seriousness of the islamic threat against our very civilization, a threat greater than the prospect of occasional terrorist attacks. It is a threat to our very existence as we know it, to replace our constitutional freedoms with sharia. I fear we are headed down the same road as Europe. Though Americans may choose to focus on the economy and jobs, they do not have the luxury of avoiding the islamic threat. A war is being waged against us whether we choose to fight or not.
Why Europe Still Doesn’t Get Islam
Daniel Greenfield, the Sultan Knish
Like an old car starting up on a cold winter’s day,...
It’s official: Israel stands alone!
This poll does not surprise me in the least, in fact it confirms everything I have been saying re: depending on America or Americans for many many years. Israel Stands Alone and should not expect help even from our ersatz friends. Once this message hits home, we should act accordingly and do what must be done no matter what to ensure our own survival even if America and the world is not pleased. This is the same world that stood by when 6 million of our brethren were slaughtered like sheep and they would do the same today and that I’m sorry to say includes American Jews, at least most of them. I wonder what happened to all our Christian Zionist friends? I assume this poll includes them proportionally as well. Yamit
CBS Poll: Israel Can’t Count on US Public If Iran Attacks
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Israel would find it itself without widespread support from the American public for US Army reprisals against Iran if Tehran attacks the Jewish State, according to a new CBS poll.
Phyllis Chesler: Potentially, Israel Faces a Second Holocaust
A mass rally-demonstration entitled “For the truth, for Israel” will be held in Rome this Thursday. It is being organized by Fiamma Nirenstein – journalist, MP, and vice president of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Italian Chamber of Deputies –and other leading European personalities. Information at www.truthforisrael.eu, www.fiammanirenstein.com.
Potentially, Israel faces a Second Holocaust.
Indeed, many Europeans continue Hitler’s war against the Jews by supporting fifty seven Islamic apartheid nation states against the single Jewish democratic state.
The worldwide media has become totally “Palestinianized” and Stalinized. Palestinians—even the haters, terrorists, and torturers, are naught but noble, innocent victims. Israel has literally become Orwell’s 1984 “Goldstein,” whom propagandized mobs are taught to scapegoat for their every conceivable sorrow.
The ideological assault against Israel has escalated. Daily, hourly,...
Is Iraq Ready to Lose an American Military Presence?
By Andrew L. Jaffee, netwmd.com
A seemingly farcical and losing battle by American-backed Iraqi forces raises some serious questions about the future of the fledgling Middle East democracy (which today we find has the 2nd largest oil reserves on Earth).
1) Has President Obama’s announcement that the, “American combat mission in Iraq has ended. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over,” scared the heck of out Iraqi citizens and emboldened Islamist enemies of democracy? After all, “…nearly 60 percent feel it is the wrong time for U.S. soldiers to leave…” 2) Has living under the dictatorship of Saddam created a sense of sheepishness in Iraqis — a lack of venturousness, innovation, initiative…? 3) Is the average Iraqi military recruit sheepish? 4) Why are some of Iraq’s Sunnis and Shi’ites very un-sheepish about killing each other? 5) Do American military strategists really understand the complexities of “Urban...
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel