LONDON – A video recording of “Oseh Shalom” by Britain’s Chief Rabbi, recorded to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, has just passed 1 million hits on YouTube. The recording features Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks with soloist chazzans Jonny Turgel, Shimon Craimer and Rabbi Lionel Rosenfeld along with the Shabbaton Choir and children from the Moriah Jewish Day School in London. Posted on YouTube in May 2008, the video has been seen as far away as Asia and Africa. A third of hits have come from the US. “The 1 million hits is testament to the love of Jews across the world for the State of Israel,” Sacks said. “The words of ‘Oseh Shalom’ reverberate with us all and lift our hearts to a miracle of a land rebuilt.” Shabbaton choir director Stephen Levey, who composed the new version of the song, paid homage to the chief rabbi. “I’m absolutely amazed at the response it has had. To reach 1 million hits is beyond all expectation. I cannot thank enough all those who made it possible and to the chief rabbi whose belief in the project inspired us all,” Levey said. On 24th November 1984 one of the most famous music recordings in history, "Band Aid", took place at a studio in North London. On 30th April 2008, this arrangment of Oseh Shalom was recorded in the very same studio.
The recording was made in the same London studio as the famous 1984 Band Aid video, which raised money for famine relief in Ethiopia, and was produced by leading producer Trevor Horn. The song was part of the Home of Hope music CD released by Sacks to mark the state’s 60th anniversary two years ago.
Featuring the Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom Sir Jonathan Sacks, this song if the finala to the Home of Hope double CD featuring music and words to celebrate Israel's 60th Anniversary.
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The sheet music for this arrangement can be obtained here www.stephenleveymusic.comRatings: 1473 Comments: 880 Favorites: 2,045 Likes: 1383 Dislikes: 90 Date Link Views Mar 29, 2009 First referral from related video - Shira Chadasha Boys Choir - Yizkerem 8,779 Sep 20, 2008 First referral from related video - Shalom 10,678 Jun 27, 2008 First referral from related video - Barbra Streisand Sings Hatikvah and Talks to Golda Meir 20,371 Jun 24, 2008 First referral from related video - Shalom Israel 19,893 Jun 03, 2008 First referral from YouTube search - shalom 12,560 Jun 02, 2008 First referral from - 11,242 May 31, 2008 First referral from YouTube search - oseh shalom 28,367 May 31, 2008 First referral from - 27,152 Gender Age Male 55-64 Male 45-54 Female 45-54
Friday, 29 October 2010
British chief rabbi’s song gets million hits on YouTube
October 29, 2010
Total Views: 1,022,169
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April 30, 2008
Ladbroke Grove
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Britannia Radio