By David Warren, The Ottawa Citizen There was a moment this week in which I felt very proud to be Canadian. There could be moments like that in any week, but this one was unusual for its cause. It was something done by the government, that invoked principle, and required courage. That made it something rare, to be savoured. Pride is not always a sin, incidentally. Vainglory is sinful; conceited arrogance, very bad; the kind of pride that attempts to diminish God, downright satanic. The Greeks knew hubris as the deadliest of moral errors; Saints Gregory and Thomas rightly identified self-exalting pride as the “queen bee in the hive” of human depravities. And its vices are manifest in every kind of presumption, down to the most venial claim to be able to do something not within one’s competence. (Modern politicians make their livings on such claims.) Netanyahu’s supreme test The fundamental assumption underlying the diplomatic process in our region in the past 17 years is that peace in the western Land of Israel requires the establishment of a Palestinian state at the heart of Eretz Yisrael. This assumption was expressed in the slogan “Land for peace.” Through all those years, we’d been brainwashed to believe that peace is impossible without the establishment of a Palestinian state in addition to the one east of the Jordan River. We keep on slamming our heads against the wall, as leaders of the “Right” keep walking in the Oslo footsteps while reciting the Oslo lies. The “peace process” officially launched in September 1993 (and even before that, secretly) was marketed by Yitzhak Rabin as an experiment that can be terminated at any moment. However, the experiment in the lives of millions of people, both Jews and Arabs, was undertaken in contravention of the... After appearing on the View O’Reilley interviewed Dr. Jasser and he said about Obama “I understand why the president refuses to use the words Muslim Terrorists or Islamic Terrorists, because he must deal with heads of state and wants their cooperation, like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia” In the clip below he properly states that it was Muslims who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks and then he backtracked and called them Muslim terrorists and conceded that most Muslims are fine but just those few radicals we need to deal with. (My emphasis) Later in the program he took Obama to Task for killing the use of WAR On Terror in favor of using overseas contingency. Bill O’Reilly Gets Whoopi Goldberg & Joy Behar to Walk Off The View Click here to view the embedded video. Remember when Dubai wanted to operate American ports and Bush approved only to recant after the storm of national and media protest forced him to back out? Most Americans don’t know or seem to care who owns America as long as individually they can live in the lifestyle they have grown accustomed. Yamit by Lemon Here is the principle: “You shall not plow with an ox and an ass harnessed together” Devarim(deut). The hero of this story is 17 year old Daniel Pereg. As luck would have it, I met him two weeks ago on a tour of Judea and Samaria. He is a great kid. On his card which he gave me he described himself as a Future Knesset Member. Good luck to Daniel. Kol Hakavod.Canada stands tall
But a certain satisfaction in a job well done — we can wink at that. And when the satisfaction is in a job...Bibi must sever dangerous link between ‘peace,’ and concept of Palestinian state
Ron Breiman, YNETBill O’Reilly Caves to Political Correctness…….
Seems to me O’Riley either really doesn’t get it, is very confused or his Saudi bosses need to be pleased and appeased. YamitSelling off America
America is busy urging Israel to give away land for peace and to take on “peace partners”. America got this way by ignoring sound principles that are the basis of living a good life and remaining successful. Principles the founding fathers took seriously. George Washington warned of foreign entanglement.If you want to keep your nation secure and powerful you do not sell it off, give sections of it away (As Israel is doing) or hold it in low esteem. You do not take on your enemies as partners.You don’t water down your beliefs, goals...
Where there are no men, be a man
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Sunday, 17 October 2010
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Britannia Radio