Now we can see what these cultural kamikazes are helping bring about. In the east London borough of Tower Hamlets, a man with reported links to radical Islamism, Lutfur Rahman, has been elected Mayor of the borough, giving him control of a billion-pound budget and thus the apparent installation of a platform for the progressive intimidation and silencing of British Muslims who do not want to live under sharia law, let alone the non-Muslim majority in the area. In order to know anything about this crucial development, you have to read the Telegraph’s Andrew Gilligan who has been closely following what’s been going on in Tower Hamlets during the past year. He writes on his blog: For the last eight months – without complaint or challenge from Mr Rahman – this blog and newspaper have laid out his close links with a group of powerful local businessmen and with a Muslim supremacist body, the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) - whichbelieves, in its own words, in transforming the “very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed… from ignorance to Islam.” Mr Rahman has refused to denythese claims. We have told how the borough’s change from a conventional council leader to a mayoral system came about as a result of acampaign led and financed by these two groups – and how the IFE, in its words, wanted to “get one of our brothers” into the position. We have described in detail, again without complaint or challenge by Mr Rahman, his deeply problematic two years as council leader until he was removed from that post six months ago, partly as a result of our investigations. After he secured the leadership with the help of the IFE, millions of pounds were channelled to front organisations of the IFE, a man with close links to the IFE was appointed as assistant chief executive of the council despite being unqualified for the position and the secular, white chief executive was forced out. Various efforts were made to “Islamicise” the borough. Extremist literature was stocked in Tower Hamlets’ public libraries. We have described, once more without complaint or challenge from Mr Rahman, how he signed up entire families of sham “paper” Labour members to win the party’s mayoral nomination – acts which caused him to be sacked as the Labour candidate by the party’s National Executive Committee. Now, however, Mr Rahman has won as an independent – getting more than double the number of votes of the Labour candidate imposed in his place, Helal Abbas. As mayor, he will have far more power than he had as a council leader. And unlike a council leader, no-one can sack him, except the voters in four years’ time. Here also is a transcript of Gilligan’s earlier Channel Four Dispatches on the same subject. Yet as far as I can see, no-one apart from Gilligan has even mentioned last week’s seismic development. Gilligan himself generously ascribes this silence to the fact that only he has been given the resources systematically to track what has been happening in Tower Hamlets. True enough, no doubt – but I can’t help feeling that, in the current climate of intimidation and bullying, other media outlets are just too timid to take this on. Much responsibility for this debacle must be laid at the door of the Labour Party which, as the Labour MP Mike Fitzpatrick warned earlier this year, was failing to deal with Islamic entryism so that the IFE had effectively become a party within a party. This evening a brave Muslim, Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri who previously issued an anti-terrorism fatwa and is is currently facing death threats from al-Qaeda and the Taliban, is due to issue another anti-extremism call at a meeting in east London. But what chance does he have given the failure of the British ruling class to tackle Islamic extremism? Elsewhere, the indigenous culture of this country is under siege. Today, the Mail on Sunday reports that the diocese of Bradford may disappear altogether because so few Christians are worshipping there any more, outnumbered two to one by Muslims: Insiders said the crisis was particularly acute in parts of the country where population shifts had accelerated a general decline in churchgoing, hitting church collections which feed diocesan coffers. One said: ‘Some areas with a high concentration of Muslim migrants have experienced “white flight” and the Church is struggling to maintain a foothold.’ Statisticians have predicted that there will be more Muslims in Britain’s mosques on Fridays than Anglicans in church on Sundays within a decade – though Church spokesmen point out that Anglicans increasingly worship at other times of the week. The latest figures suggest this milestone has already been passed in the Diocese of Bradford, which was founded in 1919 and covers the city, the western quarter of North Yorkshire and parts of East Lancashire, South-East Cumbria and Leeds. The crumbling of church membership is due overwhelmingly to a profound loss of spiritual purpose and moral nerve within the Church of England – and the vacuum is being filled by Islam. Instead of defending its own territory, and with it the religious and moral underpinning of British society, the CofE has decided to stamp upon its Jewish theological roots and instead appease -- through its strategy of Christian-Muslim dialogue -- the creed that seeks to supersede Judeo-Christian culture. The outcome is that Britain’s establishment is actively assisting the progressive Balkanisation of Britain, in accordance with the global strategy of the Muslim Brotherhood and their allies to take over the west. Astoundingly, the security and political establishment even now still chooses to embrace the Brotherhood, treating them as authoritative Muslim spokesmen and even employing them as counter-extremism advisers, on the ludicrous basis that they are merely religious ideologues who can be used to divide British Muslims and divert them from al Qaeda. The idiocy of this approach was recently underlined when the Brotherhood’s ‘supreme leader’ Muhammad Badi (sic) called for jihad to bring about the end of the US and Israel. As Barry Rubin observes: The leader of the Muslim Brotherhood has endorsed (Arabic)(English translation by MEMRI) anti-American Jihad and pretty much every element in the al-Qaida ideology book. Does that mean the Egyptian, Jordanian, and all the camouflaged Muslim Brotherhood fronts in Europe and North America are going to launch terrorism as one of their affiliates, Hamas, has long done? No. But it does mean that something awaited for decades has happened: the Muslim Brotherhood is ready to move from the era of propaganda and base-building to one of revolutionary action. At least, its hundreds of thousands of followers are being given that signal. Some of them will engage in terrorist violence as individuals or forming splinter groups; others will redouble their efforts to seize control of their countries and turn them into safe areas for terrorists and instruments for war on the West. In Britain, long turned into just such a safe area, there is alas precious little chance that this will be understood. This devastating analysis by Hadar Selaitemises the extent to which the Brotherhood has the useful idiots and malign ideologues of the British progressive establishment in its clutches. As she so bleakly states: There is barely an aspect of British life today in which Muslim Brotherhood and/or Hamas supporters lack influence. From the academic world, including student organizations, through politics and government, trades unions, the media, the legal system and even some Christian churches, they have succeeded in re-writing the prevailing narrative by means of the employment of the language of charity and human rights. Skilfully, they deflect criticism by the use of anti-racism laws and social mores and manage to market themselves as the face of ‘moderate Islam’ so successfully that they are often invited to act in an advisory capacity to decision makers and are even able to secure government funding. But of course, it is Islamophobic exaggeration and scare-mongering to say so. The capture of Tower Hamlets
Monday, 25 October 2010
People like myself who have warned for some years now about the steady Islamisation of Britain receive a torrent of scorn and abuse from the so-called custodians of our culture. Terms such as ‘scare-mongering’, exaggeration’ or ‘alarmism’ tumble out alongside the inevitable ‘Islamophobia’.
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