Sunday, 10 October 2010

Chemotherapy Destroys Brain Tissue, Cognitive Function

'New research out of Indiana University adds to the growing list of harmful side effects caused by chemotherapy. According to scientists, the chemical cancer treatment destroys gray matter in the brain associated with cognitive function and memory.

Published in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, the study is the first of its kind to use brain imaging scans to verify the negative effects of chemotherapy on the brain. However, previous studies have already found that chemotherapy damages cognitive function, providing the basis for the popular term used to describe this condition known as "chemobrain".'

Read more: Chemotherapy Destroys Brain Tissue, Cognitive Function

The Nightmare: The Iraq Invasion's Atrocities, Unearthing the Unthinkable

'Over the last several weeks I have again researched in depth, invasion's atrocities in Iraq, unearthing the unthinkable, switching off emotion and reading of terror, torture, monstrous wickednesses, word after sickening word. Then, Fallujah revisited (1) with document after document revealing the depth of the darkest depravities towards others, which can be plumbed, by "some mother's son" - or daughter. Indeed, some child's father or mother, able to shoot the children, toddlers, babies of others, in cold blood, drive over them in tanks, leaving the pathetic remains to be eaten by stray dogs.

Photographs viewed have included many which even hardened investigators have deemed: "too disturbing to view." This is not a view I hold. If family members who have survived, emergency workers (when not incinerated by U.S., troops themselves) medical staff, if not shot, imprisoned, tortured, or tied up with a bag over their head) can view, identify, bury with love and respect - or in the case of medical staff, carefully photograph, and note time, location of finding, then number, wrap and retain for a period, before burial, hoping a relative will claim the charred, mutilated, or worse, remains. It is a duty for those with any "voice", from countries responsible for this first documentable U.S., U.K., genocide of the 21st century, to draw attention to it, in the memory of and in tribute to, the voiceless, nameless, uncounted victims, in the hope that eventually, legal recourse might result.'

Read more: The Nightmare: The Iraq Invasion's Atrocities, Unearthing the Unthinkable

The Karzai Family Fortune, Courtesy of U.S. Taxpayers

'The average Afghan — and, indeed, the average American — may be deriving very little benefit from the United States’ continued occupation of Afghanistan and the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars that continue to be poured into that country, but in both countries the well-connected make out quite handsomely. In Afghanistan, the key to prosperity and power, it seems, is having the surname of Karzai, as in President Hamid Karzai.

"In recent years," the New York Times’ James Risen reports, "dozens of Karzai family members and close allies have taken government jobs, pursued business interests or worked as contractors to the United States government, allowing them to shape policy or financially benefit from it." "American officials," Risen writes, "say the Karzais and a handful of other well-connected families have benefited from the billions of dollars that the United States has poured into the country since 2001. That money has helped pay the salaries of some Karzais who are government employees, kick-started real estate development and construction projects involving family members and created demand for businesses tied to the Karzais".'

Read more: The Karzai Family Fortune, Courtesy of U.S. Taxpayers

Iran Says Ready to Probe 9/11 for UN

'Iranian lawmaker Mohammad Kowsari says Iran's Parliament (Majlis) is ready to form a truth-finding committee on 9/11 and present the results to the UN. "We hope that the UN pays attention to the suggestions made by [Iran's President] Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and permits UN investigators to form this committee," deputy head of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said on Saturday.

Addressing the United Nations General Assembly in September, Ahmadinejad called for the establishment of a UN truth-finding mission to find out who carried out the attacks on 9/11.'

Read more: Iran Says Ready to Probe 9/11 for UN

Pakistan to Reopen Key NATO Route

'Pakistan's foreign ministry says the government has decided to reopen the supply route from Pakistan to Afghanistan at Torkham. "After assessing the security situation in all its aspects, the government has decided to reopen the NATO/ISAF supply from the Pakistan-Afghanistan border at Torkham with immediate effect," the ministry said in a statement.

"Our relevant authorities are now in the process of coordinating with authorities on the other side of the border to ensure smooth resumption of the supply traffic," it added.'

Read more: Pakistan to Reopen Key NATO Route

Worm by David Dees