# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 6:09 PM

Exclusive Early Warning.
China Confidential analysts monitoring the Hugo Chavez New World Order Tour--click here and here for the news reports--say the Venezuelan strongman assured the presidents of Iran and Syria that if Iran comes under attack by the United States or Israel, his government will make every effort possible to facilitate retaliatory attacks on American, Israeli--and Jewish community--"interests" by Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and Hezbollah operatives presently stationed in Venezuela.
Venezuela-based IRGC-Hezbollah reprisals could include a wide range of war crimes and atrocities, including but not limited to: attacks with weapons of mass destruction--meaning, biological, chemical, and radiological bombs--suicide bombings by individual terrorists; massive truck and car bomb attacks; coordinated, Mumbai-style swarming assaults; kamikaze-style aircraft attacks; and Scud-in-a-bucket-style, ballistic missile strikes launched from containerized systems concealed aboard cargo ships flying flags of convenience.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 2:30 PM