Friday, 29 October 2010

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Christian Concern
Christian Weekly News

This week there are two very important developments - the Eunice and Owen Johns case (which will have wide-ranging implications for Christian involvement in society) and a Parliamentary debate on Abortion and 'Informed Consent'. Please take the time to read below, pray and take action.

In this edition
Prayer Alert, Action Alert, Campaigns, Highlight, Abortion and End of Life, Bioethics, Education, Family, Church and Faith, Social, Sexual Orientation, Religious Freedom, Islam, Events

Christian Weekly News

Action Alert

Urgent Prayer Alert for Eunice and Owen Johns

Eunice and Owen johnsA vital case of Christian freedom will go before the High Court this Monday. Eunice and Owen Johns, a Christian couple from Derby, have been trying to foster for three years. However, Derby City Council has withdrawn the Johns' application because of their biblical views on marriage and the family. This case has huge implications for the freedom of Christians in the UK to foster or adopt children in the future.

Further details of the story can be found

Please can you pray for the Johns and pray that justice would be done.

Listen to Libby Blaxall, CLC discussing the case on HopeFM (second half of show).

Action Alert

Abortion & Informed Consent – Please contact your MP this weekend

Choose Life imageWe are delighted that there will be an Adjournment Debate in Parliament at 10pm this Tuesday (2nd November) on ‘Informed Consent– see here.

‘Informed Consent’ refers to ensuring that women facing an unexpected pregnancy are presented with all of the relevant information and advice about the consequences of, and the alternatives to, abortion.

This week, a ComRes survey commissioned by Christian Concern / Choose Life, revealed that an overwhelming majority of British adults support a change in the law regarding ‘informed consent’. You can read a headline summary of the research
here. Whether people are ‘pro-choice’ or ‘pro-life’, giving women the 'right to know' should seem reasonable.

The survey also showed that the majority of British adults would like to see the number of abortions come down.

Please telephone or email your MP as soon as you can, asking them to attend the debate and to support ‘informed consent’.Please make reference to Christian Concern’s Choose Life campaign and the ComRes poll produced for it. You can download a summary of the research hereand data tables here. If emailing your MP, please attach these documents.

You can find contact details for your MP by entering your postcode

Further useful articles on the psychological impact of abortion are available
here and here from the Christian Medical Fellowship.

Action Alert

Choose Life Report

Photo of Choose Life VigilChristian Concern led a series of events on 27th October to mark the 43rd Anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act and to highlight the ongoing scale of abortion.

Over 100 people gathered in Old Palace Yard, opposite Parliament, to take part in a special vigil, where 572 models of babies in the womb at 10-12 weeks were laid out, representing the average number of abortions taking place each day in Britain. Following the Vigil was a Service of Lament and Repentance led by the former Bishop of Rochester, Rt Revd Dr Michael Nazir-Ali.

For further details of the day, please go

Listen to Andrew Marsh, Christian Concern, discuss abortion on BBC Leeds.

Not Ashamed

Not Ashamed ImageWe are looking forward to a major focus on 'Not Ashamed' in November as we build up to‘Not Ashamed Day’ on 1st December. A new stock of T-shirts, caps and wristbands has just arrived. Please continue to gather signatures for the declaration here and send them into us. This picture inspired by the Not Ashamed campaign was sent to us by a supporter. Please send us your ideas as to how we can spread the word.

Action Alert

New BlogPhoto of Andrea Minichiello Williams

Andrea Minichiello Williams has started a blog on the new Christian Concern website. The blog can be found here.

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