A vital case of Christian freedom will go before the High Court this Monday. Eunice and Owen Johns, a Christian couple from Derby, have been trying to foster for three years. However, Derby City Council has withdrawn the Johns' application because of their biblical views on marriage and the family. This case has huge implications for the freedom of Christians in the UK to foster or adopt children in the future. We are delighted that there will be an Adjournment Debate in Parliament at 10pm this Tuesday (2nd November) on ‘Informed Consent’– see here. Christian Concern led a series of events on 27th October to mark the 43rd Anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act and to highlight the ongoing scale of abortion. We are looking forward to a major focus on 'Not Ashamed' in November as we build up to‘Not Ashamed Day’ on 1st December. A new stock of T-shirts, caps and wristbands has just arrived. Please continue to gather signatures for the declaration here and send them into us. This picture inspired by the Not Ashamed campaign was sent to us by a supporter. Please send us your ideas as to how we can spread the word. Andrea Minichiello Williams has started a blog on the new Christian Concern website. The blog can be found here. Christian Today: Bus adverts to raise awareness of abortion rate Christian Today: A tale of two stem cells Christian Today: Nazir-Ali calls on education secretary to restore teaching of Christianity to schools Daily Mail: The Death of Principle Dr. Peter Saunders’ Blog: Richard Stearns’ huge Lausanne challenge to the church Daily Mail: Stay sober or go to prison: Alcohol fuelled criminals to face '24/7 sobriety or jail scheme' Daily Mail: Ice cream advert featuring two male priests about to kiss banned for mocking Catholics Politics.co.uk: 'Don't say you're religious': Atheists launch census campaign Christian Concern: Judges dismissed in Geert Wilders trial Andrea Minichiello Williams speaking on: 'The State of the Nation'Christian Concern - Christian Weekly News. View in your browser. Urgent Prayer Alert for Eunice and Owen Johns
Further details of the story can be found here.
Please can you pray for the Johns and pray that justice would be done.
Listen to Libby Blaxall, CLC discussing the case on HopeFM (second half of show).Abortion & Informed Consent – Please contact your MP this weekend
‘Informed Consent’ refers to ensuring that women facing an unexpected pregnancy are presented with all of the relevant information and advice about the consequences of, and the alternatives to, abortion.
This week, a ComRes survey commissioned by Christian Concern / Choose Life, revealed that an overwhelming majority of British adults support a change in the law regarding ‘informed consent’. You can read a headline summary of the researchhere. Whether people are ‘pro-choice’ or ‘pro-life’, giving women the 'right to know' should seem reasonable.
The survey also showed that the majority of British adults would like to see the number of abortions come down.
Please telephone or email your MP as soon as you can, asking them to attend the debate and to support ‘informed consent’.Please make reference to Christian Concern’s Choose Life campaign and the ComRes poll produced for it. You can download a summary of the research hereand data tables here. If emailing your MP, please attach these documents.
You can find contact details for your MP by entering your postcode here.
Further useful articles on the psychological impact of abortion are available here and here from the Christian Medical Fellowship.Choose Life Report
Over 100 people gathered in Old Palace Yard, opposite Parliament, to take part in a special vigil, where 572 models of babies in the womb at 10-12 weeks were laid out, representing the average number of abortions taking place each day in Britain. Following the Vigil was a Service of Lament and Repentance led by the former Bishop of Rochester, Rt Revd Dr Michael Nazir-Ali.
For further details of the day, please go here.
Listen to Andrew Marsh, Christian Concern, discuss abortion on BBC Leeds.Not Ashamed
New Blog
Abortion and End of Life
Independent Catholic News: Events to mark anniversary of Abortion Act
Guardian: Divine dispatches: a religion roundup
BBC News: 'Action needed' on multiple teenage abortions
Catholic Herald: Bishops regret proposal to tie abortion into overseas aid
Dr. Peter Saunders' Blog: New survey reveals widespread ignorance about the level of abortion in Britain
Dr. Peter Saunders’ Blog: The real answer to reducing maternal mortality is better education, obstetric and midwifery care not 'safe' abortion, CMF tells DFID
SPUC: John Smeaton Blog: Vigil for the unborn outside Parliament
Life News: Amnesty International Lobbying Peru to Make Abortions Legal
Daily Mail: Suicide law in UK 'would lead to 1000 deaths a year'Bioethics
Life News: Adult Stem Cell Research Far Ahead of Embryonic
Science Alert: New stem cell line for diabetes
Daily Telegraph: Letters: Adult stem cellsEducation
BBC News: School lessons 'a key source for sex education'
Daily Telegraph: The biggest threat now facing free schools is the enemy within
BBC News: Fifth of primaries full or overcrowded, figures showFamily
Daily Telegraph: Heroines of the home deserve headlines, too
Daily Mail: The £140 pension for all: Huge boost for stay-at-home mums and married couples in historic shake-up
Daily Telegraph: Nearly half of all children born out of wedlock, official figures showChurch and Faith
Spectator: The church's lost leader
Guardian: The evangelical identity crisis
Spectator: The Vatican reverses into a darker age
Christian Today: Christians more wary of Bible at work than atheist colleaguesSocial
Independent on Sunday: The new slaves: Children forced to work as farm labourers
Evening Standard: Judges warn: We won't be able to cope if 13 courts close in London
Independent: Figures show rise in drink-related hospital admissions for children
Daily Telegraph: EU will spend £33 million on new quangos despite cutbacks across Europe
Daily Telegraph: Cannabis debate: how California has defied WashingtonSexual Orientation
BBC News: Why would a straight couple want a civil partnership?
Evening Standard: London school teaches 'gay history' to beat 'homophobic' bullies
Metro: Homosexual fathers’ guide helps broody men kick-start their family
Evening Standard: Pink parenting boom in London as more same-sex couples adopt children
Daily Mail: Why the White House is turning slightly pink: Obama appoints more openly homosexual officials than any other U.S. presidentReligious Freedom
Daily Telegraph: Letters: The EU and sovereignty
Daily Telegraph: What the Pope's visit changed
CBN News: Woman Prosecuted for Christian Roommate AdIslam
Daily Telegraph: Mohammed, the nation's (secret) favourite name
Evening Standard: Freed hate preacher: Boycott poppies they fund murder
Mail on Sunday: Facing the axe: Diocese that has twice as many Muslim worshippers as Anglicans
Open Doors: Defamation of Religions at the United Nations: a Threat to Religious Liberty and Freedom of Speech
BBC News: Maldives police to probe foul-mouthed wedding ceremony
Daily Mail: Bin Laden threatens to launch terrorist attacks in France over move to ban burkas
Independent: Robert Fisk: Exodus. The changing map of the Middle East
The Jordan Times: Liquidity management body to facilitate investment flowsEvents
Sunday 31st October at the 9.15 am and 11.00 am Services:Parklands Church, Maes y Gollen, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 7BT.
George Carey speaking on: ‘Britain has become Anti-Christian'
Wednesday 3rd November: 'Britain has become Anti-Christian'
Royal Geographical Society (SW7) 6.45-8.30pm
Click here for more info and tickets
FOR: George Carey, Peter Hitchens, Howard Jacobson
AGAINST: Mathew Parris, Claire Rayner, Dom Antony Sutch
Andrea Minichiello Williams speaking on:'Secularism Reigns?’
Saturday 6th November: Men’s Breakfast, 7.45am
Cherington Arms, Cherington, Warwickshire, CV36 5HS.
Please book places in advance. click here for more information
Contact: Roger Maycock 01608 686404 / 07946 387323
State of the Nation Event
The ‘State of the Nation’ is a group of Christian leaders who come together for fellowship and prayer for the UK. They have organised a day of worship and prayer to seek God’s face. All are welcome to join. Date: Saturday 17 November from 10.30am – 4.30pm (doors open 9.30am for coffee). Please come to the Emmanuel Centre in Marsham Street, Westminster. Admission is free. There will be an offering to cover expenses.
Please click here for further details.
A list of other upcoming events can be foundhere. Support Us Christian Concern 70 Wimpole Street
Phone: 020 7935 1488
www.christianconcern.com Unsubscribe
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Friday, 29 October 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 16:51