What they’re really measuring, of course, is which one’s the worst president. It’s still G-Dub — by a hair. By 47 to 45 percent, Americans say Obama is a better president than George W. Bush. But that two point margin is down from a 23 point advantage one year ago. “Democrats may want to think twice about bringing up former President George W. Bush’s name while campaigning this year,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “But that doesn’t mean that Americans regret their decision to put Obama in the White House in 2008. By a 50 to 42 percent margin, the public says that Obama has done a better job than Sen. John McCain would have done if he had won. And by a 10-point margin, Americans also say that Joe Biden has done a better job than Sarah Palin would have done as vice president,” adds Holland Is the lesson from this poll really that Dems should think twice before bringing up Bush? The most amazing thing about it is that, after more than a... The complicity of the whole of Americas Institutional Bureaucracy in covering for Islam and shaiah is not only criminal, it’s scary as well. We see before our eyes how a fascist and totalitarian minority can wrest control of a whole country. Those who believed it couldn’t happen in America are in for a rude awakening. I’m not sure this political and societal damage can be reversed. It looks to be deeply embedded and most of the American public don’t have the foggiest idea of what’s gone down. It’s not Obama he is only their up front image like the wizard in “The Wizard of Oz”. Yamit At a Washington seminar on “the state of domestic intelligence reform” sponsored by the Bipartisan Policy Center yesterday, three members of the blue-ribbon group known as Team B II challenged prominent members of the U.S. intelligence community (“Team A”). Pointed questions were posed about the Obama administration’s... There must be smiles and some relief in Jerusalem at this bit of news. Yamit Jones to Resign as Obama’s National Security Adviser President Barack Obama said his national security adviser James Jones will leave the administration later this month and be replaced by his deputy, Tom Donilon. “Jim has always been a steady voice” in private staff meetings or in meetings with foreign leaders, Obama said in making the announcement today at the White House. He said Jones had planned to serve in the administration “for about two years.” Jones, 66, is a retired Marine Corps general who served as North Atlantic Treaty Organization commander and Marine Corps commandant. His departure marks the fifth exit of a top level adviser to leave the White House since July, adding to the turnover of Obama advisers as the president heads into the second half of his term Read more IDB EDITORIAL With friends like these, who needs enemies? Pakistan has closed a badly needed border-crossing in response to CIA-directed strikes against suspected terrorist sites inside Pakistan. The stepped-up activity by U.S. Predator and Reaper drones in Pakistani airspace hasn’t happened in a vacuum. It came only in response to Pakistan’s unwillingness to help hunt down both al-Qaida and the Taliban groups operating within its own borders. This is entirely due to the Pakistani closure of the Torkham crossing, a key border point in the strategically vital Khyber... ‘We now have positive evidence they know exactly what they are doing’ By Bob Unruh President Obama twice in recent days has dropped from a quotation from the Declaration of Independence a reference to the “Creator,” and now a columnist at First Things has documented how a self-described “leading progressive legal organization” has dropped “under God” from the Gettysburg address. WND reported on the first incident, Sept. 15, when Obama told a meeting of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus that the document states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” But the actual quotation is: ... Laura: How can any parent be blamed for wanting to pull their children out of the public school system in view of the increasing pro-islamic indocrination going on along with the degradation and demonization of our own Judeo-Christian values. Like everything else the left-wing controls, the public school system is morally bankrupt and a failure. If parents can’t afford private schooling, they ought to home school their kids. Biased Textbooks: Texas Gets It But Florida Does Not By rich swier, Red County Dr. Francis Haithcock, Chancellor of Florida’s Public Schools, is the perfect example of a Catch-22. Catch-22 is a general critique of bureaucratic operation and reasoning. The phrase “Catch-22″ is common idiomatic usage meaning “a no-win situation” or “a double bind” of any type. Over seven months ago Aya Sewell, mother and parent with two children in Sarasota public schools, went to the School Board and requested the textbook World... By Andrew L. Jaffee, netwmd.com Michael Jansen, reporter for the Irish Times, either doesn’t know the difference between news and opinion, is completely naive, is uneducated, is brainwashed, or all of the above. He claims that, “…Israel is deliberately sowing discord among the Palestinians by granting access to holy sites to Christians…,” and that,”…Israeli policies ‘designed to cause animosities…,’” between Muslims and Christians. Say what? That doesn’t even make sense. Israel bends over backwards to grant access to Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Druze, Baha’i, Samaritan, etc., holy sites, yet Muslims nations/entities do not reciprocate by any means. As HonestReporting puts it, Jansen’s allegations are “absurd:” … the Irish Times is exploiting the issue to make unfounded claims that the settlements are to blame for Palestinian infighting. In an article titled, “Israeli... Newly declassified documents shine a light on the deliberations of Israel’s leaders during the early days of the Yom Kippur War in 1973 Media outlets around the world have reported that state archive documents declassified this week showed that Israel’s leadership considered using “drastic means” during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. On October 9, a day after Egypt repulsed Israel’s counterattack on the southern front, prime minister Golda Meir convened a top-level discussion in her office. The outlook was grim. Troop losses were high, and ammunition and weapons stores were running out. At one point, Meir blurted out that she had a “crazy idea.” That idea, however, was not a nuclear attack, but many believe a lightning visit to Washington to meet with U.S. president Richard Nixon. The visit was to be so secret that Meir advocated not even informing the cabinet. Defense minister Moshe Dayan supported her plan, but it was never... Laura: Unbelievable. How the hell could a teacher say to a student that his answer that the Times Square bomber was an “islamist motivated terrorist” is the wrong answer but that he was entitled to his own opinion? It is not a matter of opinion, it is a FACT that the Times Square jihadist was motivated by islam. He himself stated that he was a soldier for allah or something to that effect. Although I wouldn’t use the word “islamist” which really isn’t a word. The Times Square bomber was islamic, period. Even people who are on the right side of this issue still hesitate to flat out call the terrorists islamic or muslim. Anyway, we are living in dangerous times as it is from the islamic jihad beingCNN Poll: Was Bush better president than Obama?
‘Team B’ Tag-Teams ‘Team A’
Looks Like All The Rats Are Deserting The Sinking Ship….
By Roger Runningen and Hans NicholsPakistan has turned against the US
Pakistan has closed its border to NATO traffic and refuses to reopen it, knowing full well that this endangers American lives. It may be time to reassess our ties with this “ally.”
In the last week, several NATO fuel convoys have been attacked, leaving at least six drivers dead and causing severe logistical problems. As of Thursday, 127 NATO fuel trucks had been damaged or blown up.Now ‘under God’ dropped from Gettysburg Address!
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”Pro-Muslim Bias in Schools
Is Israel ‘deliberately sowing discord among the Palestinians by granting access to holy sites to Christians’?
Did Israel ever consider using nuclear weapons?
Whitewashing the Islamic Motivation for Terrorism
waged against us. But what is even more dangerous is the fact that our
political, media and academic leaders are engaged in attempts of outright denial
of who the enemy is that we face. Liberals will continue this politically
Saturday, 9 October 2010
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Britannia Radio