Monday, 18 October 2010

Dear Newsmax Reader:

Please find below a special message from our sponsor, Independent Living. They have important information to share with you. Thank you.

came the sober warning from a Nobel Prize-winning MIT economist... "probably the kind of disorderly run that precipitates a global financial crisis..."
...while other monetary experts now warn, "We're in the terminal stages of the world's most gigantic pyramid scheme" set to vaporize assets of the average citizen.
Heed the unmistakable warning signs in this Fall 2010 URGENT ALERT, or risk missing your FINAL CHANCE to protect what's left of your nest-egg, before the crushing weight of national debt collapses the once-mighty U.S. Dollar, rendering...
Dear Concerned American:
All signs point toward the U.S. dollar – which has already shed fully a third of its value relative to foreign currencies – streaking at supersonic speed for a precipitous and historic crash.
Anyone holding dollars (or dollar-denominated assets) is sitting on a ticking time bomb with the Zero Hour fast approaching. Given the massive currency inflation generated in just 18 months by a grossly misguided Obama administration, we've no time to lose before a worldwide rush to the exits.
Your family's security rests on you reviewing this Fall 2010 Urgent Alert right to the end. I urge you: read this letter now, because if you wait 'til later, you may indeed be too late.
Unmistakable warning signs – each of which I'll reveal here in detail – point to a monetary crisis on the verge of spinning wildly out of control, leading to massive INFLATION and quite possibly, a sudden and catastrophic dollar collapse that will change our nation forever.
Let's take a closer look at events unfolding now, and the best steps you and I can take today to protect ourselves.
Under intense pressure to generate immediate cash flow to shore up a virtually bankrupt U.S. Treasury, federal regulators are systematically destroying, seizing, and otherwise transferring to federal control trillions of dollars in private assets. The all-but-certain impact on our currency, on your purchasing power, and on your standard of living could be both sudden and devastating.
Obama & Co. spent recklessly to gain controlling interests in the titans of the U.S. banking, insurance, and auto industries. At one point, Mr. Obama chortled in front of C-Span cameras –
"We are out of money now. We're operating in deep deficits..."
For months we were told that the full impact of Obama's bailout would come to oh, no more than $787 billion. Then the independent Congressional Budget Office checked the math and found that just this first bit of "Obamanomics" will, in fact, bloat deficits by $862 billion. But even that is just the tip of the iceberg of what's already been spent or committed.
Major foreign investors such as China are quickly catching on to the hard reality of burgeoning U.S. debt and our impending insolvency. They see that we are out of moves, and are coming to the inescapable conclusion that the only way Washington can keep its Ponzi finances going is to run the monetary printing presses non-stop. (More about what this means in a moment.)
US Dollar Falling Fast
While ALL currencies on the globe are falling against
tangible assets, the U.S. dollar is falling faster.
As I mentioned, the dollar has already surrendered fully a third of its value relative to other weakening world currencies in less than a decade. This and other facts lead inescapably to the conclusion that Western economies and markets will shrivel relative to those of ascendant countries in Asia.
A massive, catastrophic dumping of the devaluing U.S. dollar looms large like a dagger over our heads. The upshot is – if you don't immediately begin taking basic precautions with your money as I'll outline right here, you stand a good chance of acting too late and getting caught with your britches down.
The good news is that you don't have to sit by passively and watch your fortunes erode along with those of your country. Not only can you protect yourself, but you can actually profit from the selected types of opportunities that my years of detailed research and analysis have developed.
Even mega-investor and high-profile Obama cheerleader Warren Buffett has caught wind of what's happening. The Oracle of Omaha has admitted publicly that the recent spate of frantic spending and money creation will soon trigger a currency-destroying inflation that will be much more severe than in the 1970s. Translation: get out of the dollar now!
Another truly big-time investment guru, Jim Rogers, dispatched this sobering assessment in a strongly worded email –
"The world at large does seem to understand
innately that governments are bankrupting themselves
and destroying paper currency
"Bankrupting." "Destroying." Strong words indeed, but truly meaningful only to those savvy enough to take action now before the other shoe drops with a thud. And specifically which nation's government and currency are on a fast-track to monetary doomsday? As Rogers recently told TIME magazine,"America is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world."
Do I have your attention? I trust that I do, because this is but the tip of the iceberg...
The Dollar's Coming "Reckoning Day":
National Turmoil on Par With
Pearl Harbor and 9/11?
The dollar's coming Reckoning Day will be a traumatic, game-changing milestone in the decline of our beloved nation as a financial powerhouse.
As I'll detail in a moment, the sheer havoc unleashed by a dollar crisis will be nationally jolting at least on a par with the 1929 stock market crash, Pearl Harbor, JFK's assassination, and 9/11. Yes, it's fully possible (if not likely) that the bottom will drop out in just one harrowing day.
Here's just a glimpse of the likely fallout as I see it:
  • A PRICE EXPLOSION as Americans scramble over one another to obtain tangible assets or simply hoard basic necessities, before the dollar's purchasing power evaporates fully.
  • WIDESPREAD SHORTAGES, sparse grocery store shelves, and the return of long gas lines.
  • FAILED BUSINESSES and economic dislocations far eclipsing anything we've seen to date.
  • A BREAKDOWN IN COMMERCE, as longer-term transactions become impossible to do.
  • RISING CRIME with rampant unemployment far beyond today's "official" 10% jobless rate.
  • GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS DRYING UP, with the dependent class – angry, hungry, and desperate – taking to the streets. Looting, arson, and general lawlessness will quickly follow.
I want to give you the inside skinny on the steps prudent citizens are quietly taking right now to gird themselves against the economic and civil consequences of the coming greenback collapse... and even prosper through intelligent preparation and prudent asset allocation.
You can – in fact, you must – take key steps to protect your family's way of life. And you must do it soon. "Waiting it out" is not a plan for anything short of a catastrophe. I'll explain.
Respected economist and forecaster George Whitehurst-Berry has offered an astute explanation of the financial gyrations rocking U.S. markets, as quoted in the opening of this letter:
"We are in the terminal stages of the world's most gigantic pyramid scheme," he explained, referring to the ultimate collapse of the U.S.-led monetary order that will permanently impoverish millions while making a handful of smart thinking, ahead-of-the-curve investors very rich.
Even the Pentagon is Secretly Planning for
Dollar-Collapse Scenarios that Dramatically
Tilt the Geo-Political Balance
The looming dollar crisis is no idle theory.This threat is so real that top Pentagon experts are running live "planning scenarios" in which resource-rich nations like Russia and China exploit U.S. indebtedness to wreak sudden havoc in our financial system and basic economy.
In the 2009 Unrestricted Warfare Symposium at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, intelligence analyst James Richards unveiled a blueprint detailing how U.S. foes could manipulate the dollar – dropping its value by a shocking 75%, crippling our economy overnight.
This report's conclusions are nothing short of chilling. So vulnerable is the U.S. to this scenario, Richards urges U.S. intelligence agencies to pay close attention to global gold supplies and financial maneuverings of rival powers (something I do on virtually a daily basis for my valued subscribers).
Richards' prescient paper came out days before Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of China's central bank, challenged the U.S. to step aside to allow a new global currency to replace the dollar.
The international news media recently reported another Chinese connection to the coming doom of the dollar. The Financial Times of London, for one, noted: "China has quietly almost doubled its gold reserve to become the fifth biggest holder of the precious metal." Yet as usual, the celebrity-obsessed U.S. media totally glossed over another harbinger of what is to come.
Or as the always-reliable Casey Report added: "On the bigger global screen, this revelation [about China's gold hoarding] stops the concept of gold as a 'barbarous relic' as bankers had hoped it would become in the past 50 years..." Translation: The day of the paper-backed dollar is coming to an ugly end, and soon.
You Must Plan for the Coming Inflation: NOW
My friend, the handwriting is on the wall. It's not good enough to know what's going to happen. You have to know what to do. This is the heart of why I am writing you today.
Specifically, you must have a practical, doable plan to put yourself ahead of the 99% of Americans who are going to get caught completely off-guard when the terrible fundamentals of the U.S. dollar wipe out the purchasing power of their salaries and their retirement savings.
The coming wicked inflation will wreak economic and social havoc far beyond skyrocketing prices. Widespread fuel and food shortages, relentless crime waves, and the government's endless socialistic machinations will devastate the American way of life like a giant tornado.
My name is Lee Bellinger, publisher of the private monthly financial, health, privacy, and taxation intelligence advisory Independent Living. In my three decades of publishing discreet inside information about government power-grabs and scams, never have we produced as important a document as my new mega work, the 155-page Dollar Destruction Defense Manual: Everything You Need to Protect Your Way of Life Against the Coming Inflationary Ruin.
I'll send it to you FREE because I know for a fact you, as a think-outside-the-box, self-sufficiency-seeking individual, are the kind of person who will profit mightily – while avoiding substantial financial pain – from its red-hot information on the coming collapse of the dollar.
I don't like being lied to. And I don't like being ripped off. That's why I made it my business to understand the government's shocking financial dilemma – how serious and unprecedented it is, and how they are making their problem into your problem, at least if you don't act.
Experts Deliver Dire Prognosis on the Future
of the U.S. Dollar: Your Hard-Earned Money
Will Be Debased
to Alleviate Federal Insolvency
The late Nobel Prize winning economist Dr. Paul Samuelson – Harvard doctorate, advisor to two U.S. presidents and author of the best selling economics textbook of all time – characterized U.S. financial imbalances as so severe and "irreversible that we must accept that at some future date there will be a run on the dollar. Probably the kind of disorderly run that precipitates a global financial crisis."
Or as Dr. Ron Paul, presidential candidate and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, recently noted about the rampant, unprecedented money creation going on, "If we continue doing what we are doing right now, we will literally destroy the dollar."
U.S. Finances Are an Even Bigger Mess
Than is Generally Understood
Even before Obama was sworn in, unfunded federal liabilities had blown past $500,000 per U.S. family of four. In fact, federal finances are in such shambles that David Walker, Comptroller of the Currency, resigned in disgust at the tail-end of the Bush administration.
Worse is what's happened since Walker resigned. As Rep. Ron Paul recently wrote, the trillions of dollars created to bail out banks in just the past six months have added the equivalent of a whole new federal establishment to Uncle Sam's bloated obligations.
Obama's new spending obligations stagger the imagination, amounting to...
  • More spending than the socialistic New Deal...
  • More spending than the Korean War...
  • More spending than the 1980s savings and loan bailout...
  • More spending than the entire Iraq War...
And that was even before the Congressional Budget Office discovered that minor little $75 billion miscalculation I mentioned earlier in the Obama team's math.
Now another CBO report shows that rising unemployment and falling tax revenue will likely force the Social Security "Trust Fund" into the red as soon as this yeara full decade before the Comptroller General's office had previously warned it would happen.
The Next Financial Train Wreck
Could Be the "Fail-Safe" Bond Market –
Are You Properly Hedged?
Recently Bloomberg tabulated the continuously-growing U.S. government takeover of the private-sector (in the form of loans, guarantees, and other commitments). So far, taxpayers have been saddled with an ADDITIONAL $12.8 trillion in unpayable debt.
These federal bailouts now amount to 90.14% of America's annual gross domestic product – nearly our entire output for a year! Imagine that for every $1.00 you make, brand new federal bailouts now have a claim to more than 90% of your hard-earned money.
What's especially infuriating to me is the Fed's refusal to disclose who has been on the receiving end of all its bailout dough, or exactly what's now on its ballooning balance sheet. The Fed's own Inspector General in recent Congressional testimony admitted after much waffling and obfuscating that she cannot account for trillions of dollars in off-balance-sheet transactions and has absolutely no idea how much the secretive central bank is losing on its "investments."
As scandalous as the massive corporate bailouts are, they pale in comparison to those that will be required for Social Security and Medicare. An editorial in Barron's stated flatly – "Medicare, Medicaid, pensions, indeed the full freight of the federal government constitutes a Ponzi scheme in plain sight. Income is recycled to pay benefits; no new wealth is created."
How ironic that the feds locked up Bernie Madoff and threw away the key (and rightly so) over his multi-billion dollar Ponzi swindle...
...when the U.S. government itself is the operator and tireless defender of the most gigantic, multi-trillion dollar Ponzi scheme ever, with you, me, and millions of Americans holding the bag!
U.S. public and private debt now amounts to nearly four times the gross domestic product. In the midst of the Great Depression, total debt topped out at three times GDP. That suggests the current financial crisis could be even more severe in magnitude and length.
So it should come as no surprise that Standard & Poor's quietly reported last year that Treasury bonds are poised to lose their AAA-rating because of the way Washington is indulging in emergency cash creation and massive spending.
Lest there be any doubt over the reliability of the warning from S&P, Moody's Investors Services issued the identical warning on February 3, 2010. When Moody's and S&P both cast a dark shadow over the safety of hallowed U.S. Treasuries, any investor, taxpayer, and regular American citizen ought to sit up and take notice.
Yet when asked by ABC News to share his own views on Moody's latest warning of a coming downgrade in U.S. Treasury ratings, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner predictably replied: "Absolutely not. And that will never happen to this country."
If you believe that happy talk, you might as well throw this letter away. I can't help you. But if you have a hunch as I do that when both Standard & Poor's and Moody's are onto something and that U.S. Treasuries are headed for trouble, please stay with me.
MarketWatch recently reported another disturbing and telling warning sign: The cost to buy insurance against U.S. sovereign debt has surged by a factor of seven as compared to two years ago.
A collapsing U.S. bond market will spell disaster for the pension funds, mutual funds, and insurance companies that hold bonds by the billions. Of greater concern to me, when the bond market ruptures, millions of retirees on fixed income could find themselves destitute.
I don't want you to be among the tragic victims of this looming meltdown. Fortunately, you can take effective steps right now to hedge any exposure you have to the bonds (if you have a retirement plan or a life insurance policy, you are in particular danger). You can even set yourself up to profit from the coming decline and fall of U.S. Treasuries.
My Dollar Destruction Defense Manual shows you exactly how!
Financially, the U.S. is on a Road with No Turns
Global worries about the debasement of the dollar are quite VALID. Massive expansion of the money supply at the end of the Bush administration has been eclipsed by even more massive dollar-printing by the Obama administration. With U.S. economic output stagnant, massive inflation is inevitable as the Federal Reserve and the politicians try to prop up the economy with loose money.
Financial Sense analyst Brian Pretti has produced a thoroughly documented report demonstrating why the Fed has had no option but to begin directly funding U.S. government debt (nearly $2 trillion worth of new IOUs were issued in 2009 alone) through the creation of even more printing press money because of flagging demand from China, Japan, and private investors.
We are witnesses to the end of a 39-year experiment – in which global currencies linked to the dollar (and with no gold backing anywhere) are reaching the final inevitable stages of all fiat money. When the Weimar Republic, and more recently, Zimbabwe, began to monetize their debt, the countries plunged into hyperinflation.
In short, the United States is attempting to print its way out of debt and recession. And that means the value of the dollars you hold is destined to go down significantly. Fortunately, you still have time to prepare – and I will eagerly help you.
The Smart Money Stampede Out of the Dollar
Has Already Begun
If you've already heard a little voice in your head warning you that Wall Street paper assets are highly-manipulated certificates of financial folly, you got this letter just in time. While rampant money creation may force the DOW upward in nominal terms, the DOW index itself has been collapsing against the value of hard assets for some time.
Dow Falling Fast
The Dow may once again fall to a
1:1 ratio with the gold price.
For example, it currently takes barely 8 ounces of gold to buy a share of the DOW industrials. Yet as recently as 1999, it took 44.8 ounces of gold to buy a DOW share – that's a whopping 80% crash in the real value of the DOW.
The money magicians in Washington can fool millions of investors in the short-term, true. But they can't fool those who measure their wealth in terms of precious metals, which retain their value over time. Gold is the mortal enemy of big government borrow-and-spenders. When the gold price shoots up, it signals to the world that the currency upon which government Ponzi finances operate is losing value.
For more than four years now, my Independent Living newsletter has discreetly advised my subscribers to accumulate physical precious metals. The investor flight to precious metals I predicted would occur (back when gold was quietly trading in the $400s) has, since the onset of the financial crash of 2008, been global in scope and has resulted in physical gold and silver flying off the shelves everywhere.
So now that I've stated the problem, let me tell you about your PERSONAL solution.
For over two years, my research staff and I have been busily preparing a brand-new, blockbuster manual with a practical, easy-to-implement game plan appropriate to inflationary times, The Dollar Destruction Defense Manual.
ALERT! Why You MUST NOT Fall for the
Illusion of "Sector Diversification"
What really motivated me to do this project is one of the biggest myths that, even now, they continue to perpetuate on Wall Street: The false security of "diversification." Your broker and the Wall Street media tout the value of diversification – and in theory, they are right! BUT mostly their diversification is limited to dollar-denominated stocks and bonds. Never forget – anything denominated in dollars loses its purchasing power with each passing month.
If you've ever tuned into Jim Cramer's Mad Money on CNBC, you've seen this faulty logic in action in a segment called "Am I Diversified?" A caller will indicate that he has one utility, one tech stock, one financial, one industrial, and one durable goods stock, and presto – the mad money maven blesses the portfolio as "diversified." But since most U.S. investors load up on dollar-denominated instruments, such a portfolio is likely to lack the safety of true diversification.
What YOU need to know about and engage in is true diversification – among currencies, stock markets, financial instruments, commodities, and precious metals which are not tied directly to the sinking dollar. Yes, most brokers recommend investment in many sectors of the U.S. economy but this is of little value if ALL your investments are tied to a declining dollar.
Sadly, millions of Americans will be impoverished by the coming dollar devaluation. But you can be one of the select few who survive and even prosper in these wildly turbulent times.
Yes, You Should Own Some Gold –
But Gold Alone Won't Be Enough
To develop this must-read work, we began by systematically researching what far-sighted individuals did to prosper during the inflation-ravaged 1970s. But we added an important feature: Today there are many MORE options, financial instruments, and tactics that can help you preserve the value of your assets.
But that's just the beginning. Packed with much more than investment advice, the Dollar Destruction Defense Manual gives you scores of tips and strategies to prepare your everyday life for runaway inflation.
Instead of wasting time you really don't have doing thousands of hours of research, you can get dozens of intelligent, meaningful, doable action items at your fingertips right now, and FREE with the special offer I've prepared for you today.
My manual shows you step-by-step how to not only survive financially but to thrive and prosper – especially if the coming inflation tsunami is as devastating as indications suggest it will be. Even better, the manual is designed to help you without requiring you to make radical changes to the way you live or invest. Quite simply, it is the very best insurance policy money can buy.
Sure, there are lots of "gold bugs" out there, but this manual goes far beyond precious metals. You need a comprehensive strategy to save yourself from the government's inflation deception. I'm not talking about a bunch of theories, but practical steps you can take right now so you are not left holding the bag like millions of our uninformed fellow citizens will unfortunately be.
I guarantee even if you've already taken steps to establish an inflation-hedged portfolio and lifestyle, you'll find a great deal of interest and value in my Dollar Destruction Defense Manual.
Don't Follow the Herd Off the Cliff:
Act Today and Prosper!
In this treacherous environment you can't afford not to own my Dollar Destruction Defense Manual: Everything You Need to Protect Your Way of Life Against the Coming Inflationary Ruin. It contains information the Wall Street media will never share with you. Information the Washington political elite would do almost anything to stop you from getting.
Here's a sampling of the unique inflation-beating insights and solutions you'll have at your fingertips with your very own copy of the Dollar Destruction Defense Manual:
  • How to avoid the coming nightmare millions of people will face: Rising costs of everyday needs across the board and further decimation of retirement nest eggs.
  • No, you don't have to liquidate all your conventional financial assets to buy the protection of gold! The Dollar Destruction Defense Manual shows you how to get the maximum asset protection of gold and 10 easy ways to do it.
  • The untold truth behind widely recommended so-called "life cycle funds" and why ignorance about them can be downright dangerous.
  • 5 key reasons your broker is likely wedded to Wall St. Pollyannas who insist the dollar is sound and fail to see how inflation will severely devalue stocks.
  • The appalling performance ahead for "inflation-protected" government bonds, and how the faulty premise behind them is hidden from plain view.
  • GENUINE inflation-protected instruments that REALLY work.
  • Beware the "International Emergency Economic Powers Act" and how it can be activated to seize what's yours. This one tip alone makes my Dollar Destruction Defense Manual most worthy of your time and attention.
  • Use precious metals to fund your IRA/401K with total ease and safety – information most stock brokers wish would go away.
Take Control of the Situation –
Important Tips to Protect Your Lifestyle
  • How to keep precious metals transactions totally confidential – and 10 signs the precious metals market is peaking.
  • Proven overseas havens to protect the value of your net worth – far safer and easier than ever – but probably not something your broker will even mention.
  • Learn to follow this critical gold-to-silver ratio like the highest rollers do, and you too can position yourself to maximize gains in the precious metals sector.
  • Shocking details of America's true financial condition. These are the sordid details our own government is trying to hide from Wall Street investors – you need this information now before it becomes public knowledge and it's Katie-bar-the-door.
  • Essential steps to TRUE diversification in an inflationary environment using savvy but little-known financial instruments not available to 1970s investors.
  • Common (and expensive) mistakes precious metals buyers make every day – how to avoid getting ripped off by scam artists hiding among legitimate coin dealers.
  • How you can safely own foreign-based investments in your regular U.S. accounts – a tactic most conventional brokers have no idea even exists.
  • The shocking truth about Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) your broker probably doesn't want to discuss with you – but it is knowledge you must have before you even think about investing.
  • How smart investors are quietly buying multiple non-correlated markets that generate real value over time. And if you don't know what this means, that's one more reason to get your hands on this report right away.
  • The little-known "inflation-whipping" stock that turns in good performances year after year and with minimal danger.
  • Get the inside-industry skinny on what coin dealers and precious metals merchants are (and are not) required to tell Uncle Sam about their customers – you need to know this if your privacy means anything to you at all.
  • Frequent traveler alert: How federal agents can accost you at the airport -- without cause and or a warrant -- simply for possessing "too much" cash or gold coins, then seize it all from you on the spot. Learn how savvy travelers carry gold bullion in a specific form which legally prevents the government from hassling them.
This is Information You CANNOT
Get Anywhere Else!
The Dollar Destruction                                             Defense Manual
  • If you thought $140 oil was bad, wait til the next time exploding Asian demand overwhelms global markets and America's suppliers cut us off. You must take the steps I spell out, and soon, to secure your own energy independence.
  • Congress plans the greatest fleecing of retirees ever conceived by anyone. Not one retiree in 100 will see it coming because their Congressman will never actually vote to cut Social Security or Medicare. You'll be among the few to spot the tell-tale signs of the politicians' cowardly "stealth default" on retirement promises.
  • You've heard of enriched uranium – now use it to enrich your portfolio. How to cash in right away on the exploding (not literally) uranium market!
The Dollar Destruction Defense Manual: Everything You Need to Protect Your Way of Life Against the Coming Inflationary Ruin offers precious insight found nowhere else.
Were I to make this confidential, highly-specialized manual available to the general public, the price would be $199 or higher. That price falls within the range for many specialty investment reports and financial newsletters. But in the interest of getting the word out to my cherished family of subscribers – the people I answer to – I've arranged a far better deal.
Free 1-ounce Pure Silver                                           Coin

Pure Silver Coin -
Yours Free!
You can get The Dollar Destruction Defense Manual FREE, by trying a trial subscription to Independent Living – the MUST-READ monthly private intelligence advisory that smart investors, savvy taxpayers, and health-conscious Americans are increasingly turning to as an alternative to the tell-no-truth mainstream media.
In addition, you are eligible to get FOUR GREAT BONUSES:
  • Free Bonus Report #1: SMART HOARDING 101: Do It Right and Save Big Money by Stocking Up on Food, Water, and Yes, Fuel
  • Free Bonus Report #2: SECURE YOUR CASH IN STRONG CURRENCIES: Five Strategies that May Soon Be Illegal
  • Free Bonus Report #3: THE COMING SILVER AGE: 10 Fundamental Reasons Why "The Poor Man's Gold" Will Explode in Price in the Years Ahead
  • Extra Free Bonus: A Gorgeous and Valuable One-Ounce PURE SILVER COIN!
You Don't Have to be Ben Franklin to Retire
"Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise"
Independent Living is about smart, ahead-of-the-curve planning. Using the system to your advantage. Protecting your assets. Reducing your profile. Being clued in to the best medical care and most exciting breakthroughs the public won't learn about for years. Getting the most out of your tax planner. Living the highest possible quality of life nearing and in retirement.
Independent Living exists to help our readers attain the most from life! Our sole mission: to strengthen and protect your health, financial independence, security, privacy, and prosperity especially in this rapidly-changing economy and challenging legal, regulatory and tax environment.
Why should you consider Independent Living? Quite frankly, the powerful combination of our unique perspective and our tenacious pursuit of powerful yet little publicized information has resulted in a windfall of valuable, actionable intelligence for our readers –
  • It wasn't necessarily what readers wanted to hear, but in 2006, while most homeowners were in a state of disbelief over the housing bubble, Independent Living suggested that anyone who had a home for sale offer a steep discount before the market demanded even lower prices. Home values have since plunged 29% nationwide according to Standard & Poor's.
  • While the Wall Street/Washington-beholden media were still touting a strong economy in '07, Independent Living said we were entering a recession (as the feds finally admitted a year later).
  • When most experts saw crude oil as overpriced at $50, Independent Living called $100+ oil "inevitable."
  • Then as crude surged toward $145 in spring '08, Independent Living warned prices could fall back below $80 as the economic contraction intensified.
  • Independent Living warned readers that even after the initial plunge of REITs in summer '07, they were still grossly overvalued. REIT values have fallen by half in the ensuing 24 months.
  • We urged subscribers to avoid the U.S. financial sector before the floor fell out. Long before the collapses of Bear Stearns, Countrywide Financial, and Indymac, Independent Living specifically warned that the banking system was a house of cards and led readers to get out of the most dangerous banks and brokerages.
  • Our readers were specifically urged not to get suckered in by the apparently high yields offered by the stocks of American Home Mortgage and New Century Financial. Months later, these flim-flam companies ingloriously went down in flames.
  • While investors fled out of sketchy assets and into the "safety" of U.S. Treasuries, we said investors were merely blowing up a new bubble that was about to burst. In the first half of 2009, the Treasury market took its worst hit since 1994. Instead of taking losses, Independent Living readers were clearly directed to specialty "inverse" instruments that yielded profits of 30-50%.
  • While a panicky Wall Street (along with a slew of investment newsletters) told people to sell stocks at the very bottom of the crash, Independent Living readers were urged in early 2009 to snap up mining stocks, gold, silver, energy, and other prime assets that had been thrown out with the bathwater. Most of the sectors we picked are up more than 100% in just the last 15 months!
Events Are Unfolding At Lightning Speed...
Lock in this great offer now!
To get your Dollar Destruction Defense Manual, all I ask is for you to try a subscription to Independent Living for one year (12 issues) for a mere $49 -- that's $90 off the regular rate, for a savings of more than 60%!
But because I think you can profit from the information I've dug out, I want to offer you my very best deal: Get a satisfaction-assured trial subscription to Independent Living for two years for a steeply discounted $79 (24 information-packed issues for $199 off - a savings of 72%!) and along with the Dollar Destruction Defense Manual, you ALSO get the THREE FREE bonus reports and the FREE one-ounce pure silver coin.
You should understand I and my staff spent two years researching the Dollar Destruction Defense Manual for my own education and planning purposes – and for my friends, family, and my cherished subscribers. That's how I know the contents of this blockbuster manual are vitally important and will stand you in good stead in the coming dollar collapse.
You don't have to be a fat-portfolio big-shot to benefit from its contents, either. Inflation is a hidden tax on everyone, small and large. This manual will position you to be better off than 99% of the American people. This I guarantee.
My Personal Full One-Year Assurance of Complete Satisfaction
This blockbuster manual is yours regardless. If for any reason during the next year you don't think Independent Living is right for you, you can cancel your subscription, get a FULL refund, and KEEP THE MANUAL, with my compliments!
So you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. You'll get this blockbuster manual plus three must-read reports and a trial subscription – and you can cancel your subscription to Independent Living and still get a full refund for up to a year (and KEEP the manual and bonus reports). But you must act now.
Once the masses realize they've been had – or once the declining dollar meets its inevitable date with destiny – it will instantly become too late to protect your assets or benefit from the inside knowledge I've prepared for you.
By taking these steps now, you'll guard yourself against the likelihood of being fleeced with the rest of the American people. With my iron-clad assurance, you have nothing to lose. You have everything to gain by getting my Dollar Destruction Defense Manual: Everything You Need to Protect Your Way of Life Against the Coming Inflationary Ruin.
Order now – Washington politicians, central bankers, and international financiers are working around the clock to gain control of your assets and your life. That's why I'm working sun-up to sundown to help you protect yourself! There is truly no time to lose.

Yours in Freedom and Prosperity,

Lee Bellinger                                                 Signature

Lee Bellinger, Publisher and Editor
Independent Living