October 17, 2010Elite Admits to Secret Social Engineering
The Illuminati bankers wage a relentless secret war on society, and call us "haters" if we dare to notice. (left, the freshman class at McMaster Univ. School of Medicine.)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Recently, in a mainstream newspaper, an educational consultant confessed to an agenda of attacking the psyche of male youths. Referring to school textbooks for Grades 7-10, (ages 12-15) he said:
"If you had a picture of a person doing something positive, winning a race, performing an experiment successfully, etc., [you had to] make sure it was of a girl," he said.
"If you had to have a picture of someone doing a bad thing - bullying, making a mistake, being unsure which course of action to take, etc. - the image was invariably of a boy."
"The side effect was to show the boys that they are rarely winners and we expect less of them," he said. "The unstated assumption was that boys did not need the same degree of encouragement."
This confession is framed in terms of encouraging women to enter the sciences, but let's not be deceived. They didn't need to disparage boys to do that. Their purpose was to shatter the confidence of young males and encourage female contempt and distrust for boys.
Is this what schools have become? Brainwashing factories controlled by Rockefeller social engineers? Evidently so.
The same applies to the mass media. The confession above is a feeble attempt at "balance" in a major campaign by the Globe and Mail, "Canada's National Newspaper," to foist more women into positions of power.
Newspapers used to maintain a pretense of objectivity. But for the last two weeks, the Globe has been browbeating its readers to demand that women get more power. They have even run stories suggesting quotas for members of parliament.
The campaign hasn't been working. Readers have not been taking their medicine. To a poll which asked, "Should political parties be offered incentives to nominate women in winnable seats?" readers responded, 13% YES; 87% NO
The Globe also thinks women are underrepresented in the corporate world. Another poll asks: "Many companies today still have no senior female executives and no women on their boards. Are they losing anything?"
45% said YES 55% said NO.
This dovetailed with an article entitled "More women in the workplace is good for business," (Oct. 12) which intoned:
"When we look to the people holding the most senior positions in Canada, it's clear women haven't "made it." Women hold only 17 per cent of corporate officer positions in FP500 companies and 22 per cent of seats in the House of Commons. An astounding 45 per cent of public companies on the FP500 don't have a single woman on their boards of directors."
Indeed. When we look at the Globe and Mail masthead, six-out-of-nine executive positions belong to men, including Publisher and Editor in Chief.
The Globe is owned by the Woodbridge Company, which has no female executive listed, and Bell Canada which has two female Directors on a Board of 15.
Another poll asked: "What's the best way for Canada to help more women reach positions of power?" It suggested: "Mentoring; flexible work hours etc. have companies and political parties set "targets" i.e. quotas; and management development programs."
Obviously, we're not talking about equality here. We're talking about discrimination against males. Equality is gender and color blind. People are judged on the basis of their ability.
In an Oct 16 Globe poll, 43% of males said they suffered discrimination on basis of gender. Only 24% of women did. But you don't hear the Globe making this an issue, because they are responsible for this discrimination.
You don't see the Globe bellyaching about the fact that women outnumber men two-to-one as university undergraduates. The reason is that the
Illuminati, i.e. the central bankers feel they can control women easier than men. Especially when women feel beholden to "feminism."
Do you really think the Illuminati bankers give a damn about women? They promote female power as a way of neutralizing male power. Women used to empower men. Now they emasculate them. The Illuminati use their house organs like the "Globe and Mail" to destabilize society.
Also, a woman's career used to be her family. The Illuminati bankers can't allow that. They want everyone to work for one of their branches.
Heaven forbid that women don't want to be corporate weasels; heaven forbid they have better things to do than chase a buck.
Here are the titles of other Globe propaganda pieces:
"How a stellar career was almost cut short by a baby"
"Portraits of power: How nine women rose to the top"
"How Home Depot Canada's CEO decided 'to become the conqueror'"
"How a spunky Newfoundlander seized the 'opportunity of a life time."
Someone should remind the hypocritical Globe and Mail that a newspaper is not a bully pulpit. For this reason I will never spend a cent on it.
Clearly, the brainwashing (and hypocrisy) does not end in school.
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Britannia Radio