Sunday, 31 October 2010

EuroMed: Barroso addresses parliamentary assembly

  • On behalf of all European TAXPAYERS,...I hope all European Union employees had a wonderful Christmas (at our expense), as you do each year.

    We also hope that the 45 MILLION Euros travel expenses paid to you technocrats ( by the un-elected Council of Europe)...was enough ! Don´t bother with reciepts and if you need more next year,don't hesitate NOT to ask us. !

    Happy undemocratic New Year !

    VOTE in the June European elections for anyone willing to fight EU corruption.

  • just want say that like eu is a force of good its fantastic we have soft power they should make more eu programs on tv and radio. more pr eu is a great union love this from brommaman40.sweden sthlm.

  • The date is wrong surely?

  • Barroso, Kadhafi and free trade:

    What a happy combination.