Every Friday CCFON will bring to you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation. Click on titles for full stories.
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Campaigns, Highlights, Abortion and Bioethics, End of Life, Education,Church and Faith, Sexual Orientation, Religious Freedom, Islam,Events
Choose Life - Join us on 27 October
Wednesday 27 October is the 43rd anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act (1967). Since then over 7 million babies have been aborted in the UK.
Life is a precious gift from God and as Christians we must speak out against abortion with courage and compassion. | ![]() |
Please join us in central London on 27 October for a vigil outside Parliament (12 – 1pm) and afterwards for a service of national lament and repentance (1.15pm – 1.50pm) at the Emmanuel Centre, Westminster (light lunch available). Please let us know if you plan to attend by replying to this email.
If you can’t come, you could hold a service of repentance at your local church on the 27th.
Please click here to see the Choose Life poster. Please put this poster up in your local church if possible.
Passionate about ‘Not Ashamed’
The ‘Not Ashamed’ campaign is gathering pace. Watch Alan Craig (Christian Peoples Alliance) and Helen Azer (Heartcry for Change) explain why they’re backing Not Ashamed.
Not Ashamed (60 secs) |
Not Ashamed (2 minutes) |
Please help us increase the number of signatures on the ‘Declaration of Christian Hope for our Nation' by signing here. Please make the most of this Sunday to collect signatures for the declaration. To visit the Not Ashamed website please click here.
Andrea Minichiello Williams elected to General Synod
Andrea Minichiello Williams, Director of Christian Concern for our Nation and the Christian Legal Centre, has been elected to the General Synod for five years.
Her election address can be found here. | ![]() |
Christian Legal Centre seek to stop Islamist preacher entering the UK
The Christian Legal Centre is supporting Reverend Mahboob Masih in his application to the Court to support the government’s ban on hate preacher Dr Zakir Naik from entering the UK on a preaching tour. | ![]() Mahboob Masih |
Dr Zakir Naik is currently seeking a judicial review of the government's ban.
Andrea Minichiello Williams warned: "Dr Naik’s views are extreme and inflammatory, and we do not think they should go unchecked. Being allowed into this country is a privilege and we should not allow extremism to be encouraged in the UK. We fully support the actions of Revd Masih."
For further details please click here.
Abortion and Bioethics
Created4Life (Video): Reveal humanity of unborn child in public.
Daily Mail: Scan of a 17-week foetus reveals a big smile.
Belfast Telegraph: N. Ireland abortion law changes urged as conference defies protests.
National Post: Anti-abortion movement continues to be stuck in neutral.
BBC News: IVF children not owed duty of care after mix-up.
Daily Mail: Row as couple who discovered their unborn child had Down's want to abort.
Daily Mail: Healthy baby born from frozen embryo that is twenty years old.
Top News: Banked umbilical cord blood to save lives.
End of Life
Oxford Times: Former Oxford GP calls for the right to die.
Peter Saunders’ Blog (CEO of the Christian Medical Fellowship):
Montreal Gazette: Canadian doctor warns against legalizing euthanasia.
Daily Mail: Why is atheist Nick Clegg considering sending his son to Catholic school?
Daily Telegraph: Children of married couples 'should be given priority for Catholic school places'.
Daily Mail: Children from broken homes 'twice as likely to be disruptive'.
The Local (Sweden): Christianity prioritised in Swedish schools.
World Net Daily: Commentary: US government schools hoodwink Christian parents.
Church and Faith
Christian Today: Black majority churches keen to reach white working class.
Associated Press: Pope takes biggest step to revive Christianity.
Sexual Orientation
CNA: Same-sex attraction doesn’t justify redefining marriage, Minnesota bishops explain.
New York Times: US politician strongly defends remarks on homosexuality.
CNN News: Rabbi withdraws endorsement for NY gubernatorial candidate after apology.
One News Now: US: Homosexual group wants to 'out' marriage supporters.
World Net Daily: US Judge orders to repeal 'don't ask, don't tell' policy.
Washington Post: Commentary: Christian compassion requires truth about harms of homosexuality.
RIA News: Russian patriarch slams Spanish homosexual 'marriage' propaganda.
Religious Freedom
M&C News: Italy's tax breaks for Vatican may be ‘illegal’, EU warns.
C4Israel: Mass rally in Rome challenges de-legitimisation of Israel.
ADF blog: US secularists unite to destroy parental authority and religious liberty.
CNN News: US woman charged for destroying offensive Jesus art in Colorado.
Guardian: How radical Islam seduced the academics.
Sunday Mercury: Muslim woman asked to take off her veil in court.
Guardian: Middle East company to launch Muslim newspaper in UK.
Daily Telegraph: Rape within marriage is 'impossible', claims Muslim cleric.
Daily Mail: McDonald's admits halal meat in one of its most popular meals.
Wall Street Journal: Free speech on trial in Holland.
The Local (Germany): Sharia law being used in Germany in Muslims' domestic disputes.
Spiegel Online: The role of Islamic law in German courts.
Human Events: Commentary: Sharia law’s threat to free speech.
Daily Telegraph: Al-Qaeda magazine published 'tips on how to kill Americans'.
Reuters: Arab Christians face political Islam threat, official says.
Catholic Culture: Pakistan: Violence against Christian girls ‘part of daily life’.
Question Time
Question Time is due to be held in London on 11 November. Please click here and follow the links to the right if you are interested in applying for tickets. It's a great opportunity to ask good questions.
Abortion: The Case for Life
Speaking: Stephanie Gray (Co-founder and executive director of Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform) at 7.15pm 16th October at Worthing Tabernacle, 64 Chapel Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1BN.
For more information call 0844 822 1767 or e-mailprolifeandy@hotmail.co.uk
‘Does Britain Need a Moral Reformation?’ Wilberforce Dialogues 2010
Jonathan Bartley, Chair of Ekklesia and Andrea Minichiello Williams will engage in dialogue with each other and then with the audience.
Date & time: 7pm 19 October. Venue: St, Mary's Church, Juntion of Chapel Road and St Mary's Street, Southampton SO14 1AQ.
Upcoming debate on Assisted Suicide
Held at the Royal Geographical Society on 19 October at 6.45-8.30pm
Motion: Assisted suicide should be legalised.
For: Emily Jackson, Debbie Purdy, Mary Warnock
Against: Alex Carlile QC, Ilora Finlay, Richard Harries
National Day of Prayer about Abortion
The event is organised by ‘image’, the Christian pro-life organisation. It will be held on 27 October 2010. Click here for more information
Debate: Islamic Values or Christian Values – Which are better for Society?
For Islamic values: Abdullah Hakim
For Christian values: Alan Craig
Held at 6pm on 27 October at City University, Poynton Lecture Theatre, Centenary Building, Spencer Street, London EC1V 0HB.
A list of other upcoming events can be found here.
Andrea Minichiello Williams
Christian Concern for our Nation
Andrea can be contacted at andrea@ccfon.org and 020 7935 1488
Our work depends on financial contributions from the Christian community.
Find out how to support us by clicking on the link below.
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CCFON Ltd : October 2009 Promotional Video : Long Version - 15min
CCFON Ltd : October 2009 Promotional Video : Short Version - 4min