Monday, 25 October 2010 08:20 'In an age of erratic weather and instability, it's increasingly important to develop a greater self-reliance when it comes to food. And because of this, more than ever before, farmers are developing new gardening techniques that help achieve a greater resilience. Longtime gardener and scientist Carol Deppe, in her new book The Resilient Gardener: Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times, offers a wealth of unique and expansive information for serious home gardeners and farmers who are seeking optimistic advice. Do you want to know more about the five crops you need to survive through the next thousand years? What about tips for drying summer squash, for your winter soups? Ever thought of keeping ducks on your land?' Read more: Food in Uncertain Times: How to Grow and Store the Five Crops You Need to Survive Monday, 25 October 2010 07:50 'Farmer Werner Harenberg woke up early in the morning of July 23, 1991 to discover Germany’s first spectacular crop circle near the village of Grasdorf, Lower Saxony in the historic Teutoburger Wald Area, not far from Hannover. This location is not far from the prehistoric site of Externsteine, part natural rock, part carvings, caves and bearing various signs of what seems like long and varied religious practices. After noticing that the straws were unbroken, merely bent, Harenberg stated that it could not have been made by amateurs such as had recently allegedly been at play further north in Schleswig-Holstein. A visitor to the farm, a man wearing a house painter’s outfit and a hanging moustache, turned up nine days later bringing along his metal detector. He searched all nine parts of the pictogram dropping a handkerchief in three spots as mark...all of them had a spherical symbol, less than a semi-circle attached to it. Then he went to his car to pick up a digging tool and a bucket unearthing a bronze, silver and gold plates at the three areas he marked.' Monday, 25 October 2010 07:41 'Just three days after the U.S. Coast Guard admiral in charge of the BP oil spill cleanup declared little recoverable surface oil remained in the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana fishers Friday found miles-long strings of weathered oil floating toward fragile marshes on the Mississippi River delta. Read more: Massive Stretches of Weathered Oil Spotted in Gulf of Mexico Monday, 25 October 2010 07:22 'Remember how one of the great ambitions of the Climategate “scientists” was to “contain” the “putative” Medieval Warming Period? Well – guess what – they’re STILL at it. Michael Mann, Phil Jones, Jonathan Overpeck, Eugene Wahl, Malcolm Hughes – just about anyone who’s anyone from the Climategate emails, in fact – have all been on a clandestine boondoggle to sunny Portugal, there to conspire how best to obliterate that embarrassing and inconvenient period of bounteous warmth between around 900 AD and 1280 AD known as the MWP.' Read more: Warmists Plot Secretly to Kill Off the Medieval Warming Period. Again Monday, 25 October 2010 07:16 'Ministers were accused last night of deliberately driving poor people out of wealthy inner cities as London councils revealed they were preparing a mass exodus of low-income families from the capital because of coalition benefit cuts. Representatives of London boroughs told a meeting of MPs last week that councils have already block-booked bed and breakfasts and other private accommodation outside the capital – from Hastings, on the south coast, to Reading to the west and Luton to the north – to house those who will be priced out of the London market. Councils in the capital are warning that 82,000 families – more than 200,000 people – face losing their homes because private landlords, enjoying a healthy rental market buoyed by young professionals who cannot afford to buy, will not cut their rents to the level of caps imposed by ministers.' Read more: City Councils Plan Social Cleansing Of London Poor Monday, 25 October 2010 07:11 'Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), the foremost occultist of the early 20th century, dedicated his life to the dark arts. A wealthy, Cambridge-educated world traveler, Crowley (rhymes with holy) associated with the artistic and cultural luminaries of his era, including such noted figures as Ernest Hemingway, W. B. Yeats and H. L. Mencken. Fully committed to the transformation and illumination of the entire world, Crowley (also known as the Great Beast) wrote numerous books detailing his vision of the ideal society: the strong over the weak, the maintenance of a patriarchal aristocracy ruling over a slave state, and the Darwinian killing of the unfit. According to the Beast, a small elite must rule over the masses: "You will observe that I am advocating an aristocratic revolution. And so I am!" Is there a connection between Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order that has been overlooked? Has Crowley influenced the ideology of the New World Order? Is there a secret numerical code in the events of 9/11 not understood by the general public? Is there a deeper meaning to the numbers used for the planes on the day of the event? Why are those numbers relevant to Crowley?' Monday, 25 October 2010 07:03 'Osiris...was successively god of the Nile, a life-giver, a sun-god, god of justice and love, and finally a resurrected god who ruled in the afterlife.... The most popular legend about Osiris is one of a resurrected god. He was killed by Set, the god of darkness... Osiris was then resurrected and went to live on high. Osiris became the first of a long line of resurrected deities—Tammuz, Mithras, Balder, Christ. Every spring the life of Osiris was re-enacted at Abydos in a stirring passion play, dating back to the eighteenth or nineteenth century before Christ. This play is the earliest record in history of drama.' Monday, 25 October 2010 06:43 'Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has rejected claims that the coalition's swingeing spending cuts threatened the economic recovery. Britain's new Nobel Prize winning economist, Professor Christopher Pissarides, has warned that the Government was taking "unnecessary risks" at a time when the economy remained weak. He accused Chancellor George Osborne of having "exaggerated" the threat of a Greek-style sovereign debt crisis unless drastic action was taken to tackle the UK's record deficit.' Monday, 25 October 2010 06:34
The discovery, which comes as millions of birds begin moving toward the region in the fall migration, gave ammunition to groups that have insisted the government has overstated clean-up progress, and could force reclosure of key fishing areas only recently reopened.'
Monday, 25 October 2010 06:17
'In creating MERS, these institutions actually changed the land-title system that this country - for much of its history - has relied upon to determine legal ownership status of land titleholders. Not only did the lenders sidestep (read that to mean avoid) paying billions of dollars in fees to local governments, they paid themselves from the fees that MERS collected.'
Monday, 25 October 2010 06:10
'Caroline Spelman, the Environment Secretary, is expected to announce plans within days to dispose of about half of the 748,000 hectares of woodland overseen by the Forestry Commission by 2020.
The controversial decision will pave the way for a huge expansion in the number of Center Parcs-style holiday villages, golf courses, adventure sites and commercial logging operations throughout Britain as land is sold to private companies.
Legislation which currently governs the treatment of "ancient forests" such as the Forest of Dean and Sherwood Forest is likely to be changed giving private firms the right to cut down trees.'
Read more: Ministers Plan Huge Sell-off of Britain's Forests
Monday, 25 October 2010 05:42
'The U.S. Department of Justice is seeking to dismiss a criminal prosecution against UBS AG that led to the Swiss bank paying a $780 million penalty and admitting it helped wealthy U.S. clients evade taxes.
In a filing on Friday in the U.S. district court in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, prosecutors said UBS has complied with an 18-month agreement to defer prosecution, after helping roughly 17,000 clients with $20 billion of assets hide their accounts from the Internal Revenue Service.'
Read more: U.S. Seeks to Dismiss UBS Criminal Tax Evasion Case
Monday, 25 October 2010 05:30
'The vaccine industry has now decided that injecting senior citizens with the "standard" vaccine dose just isn't working. (Gee, really?) So now they've decided the way to make it work better is to offer a quadruple viral potency vaccine that packs 400% more viral fragments into one toxic shot.
The target for this quadruple vaccine injection? Senior citizens, of course -- the very people most likely to suffer the most serious side effects from a vaccine overdose. The FDA reportedly approved the new vaccine in April even though no scientific tests have ever been done to show it reduces flu symptoms. Then again, since when did vaccines have anything to do with real science in the first place?'
Monday, 25 October 2010 05:20
'The monumental expansion of arms sales and the buildup of naval and air power in the Arabian Sea region are unprecedented. They are also alarming to the highest degree. A quarter of the world's nuclear aircraft carriers will soon be in the Arabian Sea.'
Read more: Ongoing Iran War Preparations? Arabian Sea: Center Of West's 21st Century War
Sunday, 24 October 2010 10:56