Bill O'Reilly does it again. Not a week after CAIR got Juan Williams fired (for something he said on the O'Reilly show) Bill O'Reilly had notorious Jew hater and subversive Hamas linked Ahned Rehab in his show. Why? And why are the Muslim Brotherhood ties never mentioned or the multitude convictions against CAIR leadership for raising money for Hamas. O'Reilly will never have Bat Yeor, Wafa Sultan, Ibm Warraq, Robert Spencer et al on his show to speak of Islam (and this is their life work) but an Islamic supremacist thug? Instead he hosts the Rehab CAIRboy. Did O'Reilly mention Hamas, Holy Land, Israel hate, Juan Williams? No. Did O'Reilly let Ahab spew his propaganda and speak down to him? Yes. This is the umpteenth time O'Reilly has allowed another Islamic supremacist to spread their nonsensical narrative. We are not invited to respond. These supremacists spew on without interruption. When O'Reilly had me on to respond to the fatwa Islamic supremacist and hate sponsor Nihad Awad issued against me (go here to see Awad minute 3:58), he cut me off at every turn (watch that video here). And he didn't call me a "stand up guy." The thing is, we need to have this conversation and the American people deserve the facts, the concretes. Joe Kaufman write this: FOX NEWS’ BILL O’REILLY PRAISES ANTI-SEMITIC REPRESENTATIVE OF HAMAS-RELATED GROUP O’Reilly had Rehab on the show to discuss the subject of Muslims. Islamic supremacists are wholly intellectually bereft. They cannot answer the arguments of anti-jihadists, since anti-jihadists in general simply explicate what is in the Qur'an and Sunnah, and show how jihadists act upon these texts and teachings. So since they cannot engage their opponents on the level of ideas, they instead try to bludgeon them into silence. They do this either by ignoring us altogether, or by engaging in the Alinsky tactic of ridicule -- which allows them to adopt a posture of superiority, but only reveals their utter intellectual exhaustion and desperation. Examples of this abound. Most recently, Islamic supremacist metrosexual Ahmed Rehab of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group with numerous ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, has responded to my pointing out a lie he told about never ducking debate with adolescent ridicule and abuse rather than substance. Rehab's refusal to engage his opposition's arguments is a sign that he feels keenly his own intellectual vacuity. He knows that in light of it he can do nothing but ignore, mock, or try to bully people who speak the truth. Even the Soviet Union under Stalin was confident enough that its own people were sufficiently cowed, and that it had enough useful idiots among the intelligentsia abroad, that it was able to mount high-profile show trials of dissenters and Stalin's political rivals in the 1930s. But by the 1970s and 1980s, the Soviet regime had grown sclerotic, and had lost the assurance that its own people were still terrorized enough to keep silent, or that it could still count on a foreign intelligentsia willfully blind enough to defend the regime. And so instead of mounting flashy show trials, it packed off its opponents to mental hospitals under the cover of darkness. They simply didn't exist any longer. It was an effective tactic in the short run, as it certainly silenced their opponents of the day; in the long run, however, it was an expression of exhaustion, an admission of defeat. But as Rehab, his fellow Islamic supremacist metrosexual Reza Aslan, and others practice these tactics, the implicit admission ringslouder and clearer all the time: they have no arguments. They can't really explain away what's in the Qur'an and Sunnah -- the long-winded "refutations" and "proofs" that Islam is really a Religion of Peace™ are rendered hollow every day by the jihad news worldwide: if "Islamophobes" are really misunderstanding the peaceful teachings of Islam, then coincidence of coincidences, so are innumerable Muslims, including Islamic clerics and scholars, in exactly the same way. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 10:27 PM in CAIR: JIHAD IN AMERICA 2010 | Permalink | Comments (27) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! In 1973, the Saudis created an important arm of Muslim Brotherhood operations in the United States and domination of American Muslim communities: the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). NAIT “controls” approximately 80 percent of the titles/deeds to the mosques, Islamic organizations and Islamic schools in the United States, ensuring that the vast majority of Muslim facilities in this country are dominated by pure, Islam, origianl Islam, the most reactionary strains of Islam (more here.) A U.S. appeals court ordered that a lower court's reference to the North American Islamic Trust's (NAIT) association with Hamas be partially expunged. But the reporting on this has been less than accurate. See Politico's Josh Gerstein's wrong conclusions. Federal prosecutors violated the rights of a major American Islamic organization by including it in a list of unindicted co-conspirators in a terrorism-support case, a federal judge ruled in an opinion ordered disclosed Wednesday by a federal appeals court. Not so fast, tool. Download the two files below and read the document that the prosecution in the original Holy Land trial wrote when NAIT and ISNA asked to be removed as unindicted co-conspirators (UCC) in the original case, and then check out the Court opinion from earlier last week. Download 20 October 2010 - Appeal of NAIT on UCC-1 Download US_v_HLF_OppositionNAIT_ISNA[1]-1 I conferred with a number of legal experts, and I think the Court ruled as it had to -- but gave no more. It specifically refused to go any further by sustaining any arguments to overrule the facts giving rise to Appendix A. To defeat all of NAITs efforts in this case, all one needs to do is to say UCC and "and Joint Ventures" and all is good. The recent ruling concerning the Muslim Brotherhood groups did not exonerate these subversive groups of their terror ties. The next round of prosecutions would have been Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad, who founded CAIR. But just as in the Black Panther case, the DoJ under Obama is not doing its job. Those Holy Land documents are all but dispositive in that area, so I would suspect that CAIR and especially its leaders fall deep in the unindicted coconspirator side of the equation, whereas NAIT is closer to the "joint venturer" side -- because the focus of HLF was HAMAS, and CAIR was in the middle, whereas documents regarding NAIT just noted their habitual relationship. Z Street has a good piece on this here. Still Tainted by Terrorism Z STREET Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 12:19 AM in CAIR: JIHAD IN AMERICA 2010 | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Wow. The Senate Majority Leader is either stupid or compromised. Either way .............. Any one who votes for the traitor party in November is voting against America. It's not party, folks, it's country. EXCLUSIVE: Aide to Harry Reid Lied to Feds, Submitted False Documents About Sham Marriage An aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid repeatedly lied to federal immigration and FBI agents and submitted false federal documents to the Department of Homeland Security to cover up her illegal seven-year marriage to a Lebanese national who was the subject of an Oklahoma City Joint Terror Task Force investigation, has learned. Diana Tejada, Reid’s Hispanic Press Secretary, admitted to receiving payment for “some of her expenses” in exchange for fraudulently marrying Bassam Mahmoud Tarhini in 2003, strictly so he could obtain permanent U.S. residency, according to court documents. Tarhini, now 37, was held in jail and at an immigration detention center in connection with his 2009 indictment on felony charges, documents show. He pleaded guilty to entering a fraudulent marriage to evade immigration laws — a Class D felony — in November 2009, and he was deported in March 2010. Tejada, now 28, was never charged for her role in the crime. “We did not charge the woman, and of course we don’t discuss the reasons we don’t charge people,” said Bob Troester, spokesman for the Western District of Oklahoma U.S. Attorney’s Office, which prosecuted the case, which began as an FBI investigation out of the Oklahoma City Joint Terrorism Task Force. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement would not comment on why it took five years to investigate the couple's marriage. As recently as five weeks ago, on Sept. 21, 2010, Tejada appeared as a guest on a Spanish-language radio program in her official capacity as a spokeswoman for Harry Reid. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 10:07 PM in Critical Races | Permalink | Comments (4) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Late last week I spoke to Lauren Green (and blogged about it here) about "open mosque week," as if that were the problem. Islamic interfaith dialogue is one way. That's the problem. No, I think their shock is more about the fact that Muslims are taught that Jesus, Moses, and Jacob were Muslims. But MSNBC doesn't report that. This is a news story dripping with this Islamic dawah and supremacist propaganda. Q&A about Islam Check out MSNBC here. invited Shakeel Syed, executive director of the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, to take reader questions about the Islamic faith. This chat is moderated and will begin at noon ET. As many questions as possible will be answered within the time allotted. Extremist television. Broadcast news dawah. Check the above link: there is a "cover it live" dialogue box; I kid you not. A coalition of extremist Muslim groups called for "interfaith dialogue" to show their support for the right to build a mega-mosque at Ground Zero. They called for a "week of dialogue" on the weekend of Oct. 22-24. And the media is all over like white on rice. BTW, the antisemitic Syed is very active in the ongoing campaign to de-legitimize Israel and end the Jewish state. His group was "honored" to learn that they "made the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) top ten list of "anti-Israel groups" in the United States. I spoke with Lauren Green of FOX News on this latest propaganda attack on the American people by extremist Muslim groups. This relentless re-education/dawah (proselytizing to Islam) practiced on the American psyche is outrageous. Using our broadcast media to proselytize for Islam. Why do non-believers have to be subjected to this constant dawah and Islamic propaganda whitewashing of the most radical, intolerant ideology on earth? Did you ever see this for Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddism, Scientology? And those religions/ideologies have not engaged in a relentless, brutal war against the West, the world, and their own moderates. The American people are sick of being deceived and misled. Stop talking, start acting. Let's see Muslim supremacist groups lay down their arms against those of us who are exposing and reporting on jihad, and instead take up the fight against the jihadist "fringe" that is at war with the West. Why is Geller or Spencer their target? Why aren't the Muslim "extremists" their target? This is all about the Ground Zero victory mosque. Notice how they all close ranks and make it about "Islamophobia," when everyone knows it is a deeply offensive, deliberately provocative act. Opposition to the mosque is not "Islamophobia," it's "Islamorealism" (hat tip to Spencer, who coined that term years ago). The Ground Zero islamic supremacist mosque is a horrible idea. But the pain experienced by non-Muslims and Muslims of conscience is treated with contempt by these Muslim extremist groups. The 70% of Americans are looked down upon with disdain by these Islamic supremacists. The Cordoba House is a 16-story middle finger to the America. And yet they dig in their heels and no one goes off the reservation -- exactly the same modus operandi of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the 57-government bloc of Islamic nations. Get your teeth out of our neck. The prayers, the Koran and the people. They're the three things Muslims would like Americans to know about. Really? Says who? Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 09:03 PM in Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (11) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The latest attacks on those of us fighting for freedom are on "money." The idea that counter jihad work is "profiteering" is laughable. We can barely rub two nickels together. Would I have bought 20 buses a city or 2000, if money were plentiful? Anyone doing this for money gets paid in death threats, marginalization, defamation and character assassination. It's to laugh, it's to cry. Little Green Vomit and the Salon smearers are foaming at the mouth at yesterday's ridiculous hit piece by The Tennessean's Bob Smietana, an anti-Israel CAIR lackey. USA today had the story up yesterday but took it down because it was such biased, anti-American propaganda. The media is all over this disgusting lie like maggots on dead flesh. I ask where is the media's investigation of the millions upon millions of dollars given by the Saudis and the Muslim Brotherhood to "Islamic charities" and Muslim Brotherhood organizations in the United States? Millions and millions of dollars funnelling into stealth groups bent on "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within." The smear stops here. Steve Emerson is singular. Outside the military, Steve Emerson has done more to preserve, yes save, the republic than anyone. He is doing the investigative work of a now impotent and compromised FBI and NSA. I have no staff but there are counter jihaf organizations that do. How should they be paid? In good intentions? The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas-linked CAIR wants an investigation. I want an investigation of the 50 million the Saudis gave to CAIR back in 2007 and that's just we know of. I want Media Matters and Think Progress and Soros investigative for funding the overthrow of America. I want an investigation as to who is funding these lawfare lawsuits, litigation jihad, against me and my colleagues. This is a call to harassment. Further, the real objective is to discourage the folks contributing funds to these scattered efforts to stave off the onslaught of leftist/Islamic totalitarianism. How these Islamic supremacists must laugh at their leftwing slaves. Here's the Nazi propgandan mill's directive for today; CAIR Asks IRS to Probe Emerson and IPT PR Newswire: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 06:06 PM in FINANCIAL JIHAD: Funding Islamic Terror | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! I love this video! Do this. You are America. You can change the way forward. This is small but not insignificant. We are what we've been waiting for(hat tip Mansourian president). We need a landslide in November -- go. Make it happen. Get to work. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 01:45 PM in Take Back America! | Permalink | Comments (35) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! This is a strategy of the global jihad ..... to impose Islam on secular societies. In the culture war, the public school system is key. PARIS (Reuters) - Muslim pupils and parents in France are increasingly making religious demands on the state school system that teachers should rebuff by explaining the country's secular principles, according to an official report. [...] Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 11:52 AM in Education: Hijacking the System | Permalink | Comments (24) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Media Capitulation: If Juan Williams Is Fair Game…… Pamela Geller, Big Journalism I am grateful for this high-profile incident. Much like with the Ground Zero mosque affair, Americans have suddenly become aware of something quite terrible — a sea change, a profound transformation of a basic assumption, and a stunning reversal of their very basic unalienable rights. Their sensibilities are shaken. How could such a major seismic shift be kept hidden, kept so secret, until suddenly Juan Williams, a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, gets fired for telling the truth? Is it any wonder that recent polls show that the majority of Americans no longer trust the media? That is a good thing. To Williams’ point, we have an entire government agency, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), dedicated to protecting us from terrorists who are largely Muslim. We have torturous security procedures at every stage of air travel. We bear unfathomable costs in taxpayer dollars, but worse, in the surrender of privacy and individual rights because of Islamic jihad: because of the 9/11 Muslim terrorists; and the British Muslims who planned to blow up seven planes and kill 4,000 Americans and/or British people in the name of Islam in 2006; and because of Richard Reid, the Muslim with the exploding shoes; and the Christmas day bomber, the Muslim with the exploding crotch. And yet in watching the mainstream media coverage of Juan Williams affair, we witness the fact that the media still cannot face up to its own capitulation. It’s all over the airwaves, but no one will discuss what is actually happening — the loss of the freedom of speech to Islamic supremacism and domination. This is a deadly fight — Islam in the West and its suppression of free speech. When the horror of jihad is discussed, it is always in the context of a “fringe” element among Muslims committing violent jihad. The “extremists” are slaughtering people every day across the world in the name of Islam. But aren’t those who are destroying our constitutional republic, shutting us down, attacking free speech and demonizing the good and the truth tellers the real extremists and radicals? Isn’t CAIR, as well as the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim Students Association, the Muslim American Society, the Islamic Circle of North America, and the North American Islamic Trust the real extremists? The only difference between them and the military wing of Islam is their weapon of choice. Islamic supremacist groups in Western countries viciously attack our unalienable rights and chip away at our very legal and societal foundations. CAIR et al slaughter human thought. They are destroyers, as ruinous and destructive as the organizations of their fellow Muslims: Al Qaeda, Hezb’Allah, Hamas, Al-Muhajiroun, MILF, Islamic jihad, Fatah, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen, Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the Armed Islamic Group, Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, and all the rest of them. This is war. And fighting that war has been Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN), the Muslim Brotherhood’s man in Congress, who called Juan Williams, a black American, a “bigot” and “un-American.” Considering the notorious Islamic history of Muslims keeping blacks as slaves (abid) — to this very day in North Africa — it is the height of black humor (no pun intended) that this Islamic supremacist would call an honorable African American a “bigot.” Ellison is twisting the very definition of “American” to some perverted idea of sharia. This is rich coming from a man who took money from a group that is the American wing of an organization whose stated aim is “eliminating and destroying Western Civilization from within.” Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 11:25 AM in Atlas Articles, Free Speech Silenced, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD | Permalink | Comments (6)ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Check out my interview with Jamie Glazov in Front Page Magazine, here. FP: Pamela Geller, welcome to Frontpage Interview. I would like to discuss with your accurate prediction about a London borough becoming an Islamic republic. What’s going on? Geller: Thanks Jamie. As I predicted at my website Atlas Shrugs, a vile Islamic supremacist, Lutfur Rahman, has been elected executive mayor of the London borough of Tower Hamlets. And he has accomplished this through massive voter fraud — isn’t this always how they get their way? FP: It appears to be the case, yes. Tower Hamlets is the poorest borough in all of Great Britain, yes? Geller: Yes, Jamie, it is. Nonetheless, as Executive Mayor of Tower Hamlet council, Rahman will have control of over a billion-dollar budget. And remember, Rahman is an Islamic supremacist with links to jihadist groups. Mind you, Jamie, he was previously dropped from the Labour Party because of these troubling ties. He was elected as an independent. The Telegraph’s superb investigative journalist Andrew Gilligan has outlined what he calls Rahman’s “deeply problematic two years as council leader until he was removed from that post six months ago.” Gilligan explains that after Rahman “secured the leadership with the help of the IFE, millions of pounds were channeled to front organizations of the IFE, a man with close links to the IFE was appointed as assistant chief executive of the council despite being unqualified for the position and the secular, white chief executive was forced out. Various efforts were made to ‘Islamicize’ the borough. Extremist literature was stocked in Tower Hamlets’ public libraries.” And this election has made matters even worse. The Islamic machine went into overdrive and fraudulently gamed the system. FP: How did they do that? Geller: Jamie, Tower Hamlets changed from a conventional leader system to a mayoralty this year, after a successful campaign spearheading this change was waged by an Islamic supremacist organization known as the Islamic Forum of Europe. According to the local laws, just five percent of the electorate can petition a local council to change the system. So early in 2010, Abjol Miah, a Muslim affiliated with the IFE, started gathering signatures for such a petition – and in Tower Hamlets, which is only one-third Muslim, 99.3% of those who signed Miah’s petition were Muslim. And a large number of those were fraudulent. Authorities discovered that almost half of the signatures were invalid. Miah turned in whole pages filled with names and addresses that were all written in identical handwriting – on a petition that was supposed to have been signed by thousands of different individuals. Even more unbelievable, as many as 5,000 of the names were of people whose names were not in the electoral registration records at all. But the dhimmi court allowed it just the same. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 10:55 AM in Atlas Articles | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Yes, we are saddling up and heading out to the Lone Star State :) The organizers of the event say: "With the knowledge of what is happening in our world today under the banner of Islam and dismayed by the inroads it is achieving in our country to destroy our culture, we are proud to bring to Ft. Worth, Texas, two of the foremost fighters against Islamist Jihad in the United States." And we are proud to be there. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 01:13 AM in Atlas events | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Evildoers beware! Who would you want to dress up as for halloween? A freedom superhero or a full burka'ed character in the new cultural cartoon whitewash, "The 99?" Big Fur Hat is a friggin genius. Bwhahahahahahahahaha. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 11:38 PM in Blogosphere: The New Power, a wink and a nod | Permalink | Comments (23) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This!FOX NEWS’ BILL O'REILLY PRAISES HAMAS-LINKED ANTI-SEMITE CAIR THUG
(New York, NY) On Monday night, October 25th, popular Fox News television host Bill O’Reilly praised CAIR spokesman Ahmed Rehab, calling him a “stand up guy.”
Not once did O’Reilly challenge Rehab about the Hamas ties of his organization or about Rehab’s anti-Semitism.
CAIR or the Council on American-Islamic Relations was founded by Hamas operatives in 1994, under the leadership of then-global head of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook. The U.S. Justice Department has linked CAIR to the financing of Hamas.
Rehab, O’Reilly’s guest, has refused to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations. Rehab has also exhibited anti-Semitic tendencies, claiming that there is a “Jewish control over the media” and that “Jewish film producers… predate on weak minorities by default.”
Last Thursday, Megyn Kelly also had a CAIR rep on her Fox show as a guest. That guest, Ibrahim Hooper, has as well refused to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations.Tuesday, October 26, 2010
As you read through the 20 October 2010 opinion, it suggests that had the Holder DOJ followed up and prosecuted as planned and as it should have, the court would not have been required to render the current judgment. In fact, given that the DOJ did not follow through, it made the opinion somewhat necessary.
The court gave what was technically true and then seems to say: “we grant NAIT what the law demands, but gave not one fu++ing inch more!"
On reading it, you get the sense that those writing about it to date mischaracterize what the Court did (or did not do):
I read this to say that the Court knows that the trial court was wrong to publish Attachment A: List of Unindicted Conconspirators (it actually was wrong), but maybe the trial court judge understood this as well when deciding to put it out anyway.
A very hollow victory!
IMHO, this is a Holder/DOJ issue. To so publicly name an entity an unindicted co-conspirator for the purpose of following up and prosecuting them on the second round puts parties on notice.
Put aside what you personally think about NAIT, ISNA and CAIR. They are being made to wear a label that has not been made real by a follow-up trial to prove the guilt already clearly mapped out in the HLF trial. So when the Justice Department decided not to proceed on the case, it makes the UCC designation serve as a indice of guilt without trial. In this country, this is not right and ... if you think about it, the current Justice Department will let this serve as a mantle on which those entities can not unreasonably claim discriminatory practices -- if they are allowed to spin it as the media seems to be doing. By not following up with a court case, Justice made this a foreseeable outcome -- one that could actually validate the Muslim Brotherhood's narrative of harrassment. So once Justice decided not to follow through on the prosecution, it made the recent court opinion "correct" in the sense that it removes a status that has lost its relevance through failure to follow through.
I would not challenge the judges on this -- they played it close and gave NAIT nothing they did not have to, and certainly not the “prize.” (When you read at least the last few pages -- in bulleted statements above, I suspect you will see the point here). Again, this is in the purview of why Holder does not proceed with prosecution on a dead bang case -- lumping it with the New Black Panthers. IMHO, this is the nexus that has to be advanced! The evidence is overwhelming. This is what has to be made the issue and it must be directed towards why Justice will not undertake such a case!
10/25/10 Our attention was caught by a JTA story that suggested all of us CAIR-haters may not have CAIR to kick around anymore because of a court decision. But after reading the article, and the Politico article upon which the JTA apparently relied, we decided to do something radical and read the actual opinion.
RELAX everyone, we still have CAIR to kick around. And ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) and NAIT (North American Islamic Trust). You see, the courts did NOT decide that CAIR or its fellow-terrorist-travelers are not actually terrorists or not actually terrorist enablers.
What the courts did was rule that the government should not have made public a document it attached to a brief in May, 2007, which the government then referred to as a list of unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing case. The case determined that the so called Islamic Charity actually existed almost exclusively to support Hamas, the Arab Palestinian terrorist entity.
In fact, thank you so much to CAIR and to ISNA and to NAIT. In the course of trying to get the courts to clear their "good" names, those organizations gave the courts and the government lawyers nearly half a dozen opportunities to point out that the government presented evidence during the trial of the organizations' connections to Hamas. In other words - the fact that there was a violation of the organizations' Fifth Amendment rights because the organizations were publicly named as having close connections to terrorist entities in a document - and the organizations had no opportunity to defend themselves in that document - really didn't amount to a hill of beans because evidence was introduced at trial of those same connections. In fact, the government witness, testifying under oath, referred to CAIR as a Hamas front group.
The really fun reading is in the government's brief in opposition to CAIR's effort to clear its name. Smackdown! The trial court never even bothered to rule on CAIR's motion, presumably because the name-calling became justified by evidence introduced at the trial. Bottom line? The court REFUSED to remove the whiners from the official list of bad guys. The appellate court merely said that the lower court should publish its opinion, but that opinion only says the list attached to the government’s pre-trial brief should not have been published, and, again, NOT that the whiners were entitled to a court pronouncement that they were not connected to terrorists.Monday, October 25, 2010
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization today called on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to investigate allegations that Steven Emerson, one of a growing number of "self-proclaimed experts who spread hate toward Muslims," has used a non-profit "front" group to collect tax-exempt donations that are later transferred to his for-profit endeavors.
In a letter sent today to IRS Commissioner Douglas H. Shulman, CAIR wrote: "Given the evidence uncovered by the Tennessean's investigation, we believe the IRS has a duty to investigate Mr. Emerson's alleged misuse of his group's non-profit status."
A copy of the letter was sent to Rep. Sander M. Levin (MI), acting chairman of the House Committee on Ways & Means.
This. of course, is due to Bob Smietana's irresponsible allegations in The Tennessean. Emerson's Investigative Project on Terror responded here.
Cc: Smietana, Bob
Subject: letter to editor from the Investigative Project on Terrorism re Sunday's story
"It is becoming difficult for teachers to resist religious pressures," said the report, published in draft form by the newspaper Journal du Dimanche over the weekend. The final report will be presented to the government next month.
"We should now reaffirm secularism and train teachers how to deal with specific problems linked to the respect for this principle," it said.
France's strict separation of church and state relegates religion to the private sphere, an approach challenged by a growing Islamic identity among some of the five million Muslims in the country's 65 million population.
Teachers often faced objections when they taught courses about world religions, the Holocaust or France's war in Algeria, or discussed events related to Israel and the Palestinians or American military actions in Muslim countries,the study said.
"Teachers regularly find that Muslim parents refuse to have their children learn about Christianity," it said. "Some think it amounts to evangelisation."
"Anti-Semitism ... surfaces during courses about the Holocaust, such as inappropriate jokes and refusals to watch films" about Nazi concentration camps, it said. "Tensions often come from pupils who identify themselves as Muslims."
Teachers found they could discuss the trans-atlantic slave trade but met criticism from pupils when they brought up the history of slavery within Africa or in the Middle East.
Reflecting the promotion of anti-Darwinist thinking in Muslim countries, "evolution is challenged by pupils who posit divine or creationist action without any argument for it."
In some areas with large immigrant populations, many pupils shun school cafeterias for religious reasons, even though most offer alternative dishes when pork is on the menu.
"Demand for halal menus is strong, even for the very young in public crches," it said. "In some cities, there are petitions for halal -- and sometimes kosher -- meals."
During Ramadan, some Muslim pupils harass others who don't observe the annual daytime fast, it said. Boys who identify themselves as Muslims and reject French values harass girls who do well in class as "collaborators" with the "dirty French."
Some girls ask to be excused from gymnasium or pool sessions because they are not supposed to mix with boys, it added.
The report said French schools must insist on co-education, equal rights and mutual respect. "Being a French citizen means accepting challenges to one's opinions ... this is the price to pay for the freedom of opinion and expression.
"Must we recall that the crime of blasphemy has not existed in France since the French Revolution?" it asked.
"The principle of secularism leads to a profound relativisation of religion. This is a philosophical upheaval that religions only consent to with difficulty," it said.
(Editing by Tim Pearce)
First of all, you should familiarize yourself with your child's textbooks, particularly the Social Studies-History textbook. If you feel qualified, you can review the unit on Islam yourself, or you can request a local scholar to review it for you.
In either case, the review should be done in writing. All examples of misinformation should be cited, and most importantly, a corrected version of each example should also be provided.
Once the review has been completed and typed in an organized, clear manner, you should request a meeting with your child's teacher, as well as the Director of the Curriculum for the entire school district.
The teacher will be able to incorporate the recommended changes in the corrected version in his/her own classroom, and the District Director of Curriculum will be able to incorporate the changes in classrooms district-wide.
It is critical to remember that when meeting with the teacher and the director, a calm, friendly, yet concerned manner should be employed.
Blaming the teacher for the misinformation would be a grievous mistake.
Teachers are overburdened as it is just trying to teach their students, and they do not determine the contents of the texts.
The best approach is to take the position that you have some concerns about the treatment of Islam in the text, and that you would like to help alleviate some of the problems.
By taking the approach of a helper, you can change the entire dynamic of the meeting.
At that point, you can supply the teachers and director with the review and the corrections, as well as any additional material you feel would help the teacher teach more accurately about Islam.
For example, they can obtain An Introduction to Islamic History Teacher's Resource Book for Grades 7-12 (contact the Council on Islamic Education).
Additionally, you can request that one day, the classroom or entire school can have Muslim guest speakers come and make a presentation about Islam.
Also, refer the teacher to resources such as Islamic centers, the Council on Islamic Education, and other organizations.
Furthermore, consider donating a Quran and copies of An Introduction to Islamic History and Teaching About Islam: A Handbook for Educators to your child's school.
For further information, please contact the Council on Islamic Education at (714) 839-2929 or check out the CIE's website.BIG JOURNALISM FEATURED ARTICLE:
Check out my latest at Breitbart's Big Journalism -- here's an excerpt:FRONT PAGE INTERVIEW: PAMELA GELLER SHARIA IN THE UK
We will be speaking at a gala event in Fort Worth, Texas on November 12. Tickets are flying -- get thee to the box office -- here.Sunday, October 24, 2010
Here's Part II in the Counter Jihad Comic Series of freedom's fighters vis Islamic Supremacist evil doers. If you missed part one, go here: Freedom's Superheroes: Counter Jihad Dynamic Duo!
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
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Britannia Radio