Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Government Collusion in Human Medical Experiments No Longer Just a Conspiracy Theory

It is now an admitted fact that the U.S. government conspired with the pharmaceutical industry to conduct medical experiments on innocent victims. (This has actually been known for a long, long time, but only now has the mainstream begun to admit to it.) Thus, the U.S. government really does engage in "conspiracies" with Big Pharma. And this means reports of such conspiracy theories can no longer be blown off as mere "conspiracy theories" -- a term thrown around by skeptics who try to pretend there is no such thing as a conspiracy in our world.

A "conspiracy" simply means two or more parties working together in secret to accomplish a particular agenda. Once you understand that, it becomes clear that virtually everything Big Pharma does these days involves a conspiracy of one kind or another... a conspiracy to manipulate the data, a conspiracy to achieve FDA approval, a conspiracy to hide the negative studies, a conspiracy to bribe doctors, and so on. Most of what is called "modern science" is actually made up of multiple layers of devious conspiracies that have yet to be fully uncovered and exposed.

Now that we know the U.S. government has engaged in conspiracies with Big Pharma (because the Guatemala incident is just one of a great many such conspiracies), we can ask the question: "Is the U.S. government still conspiring with Big Pharma today to achieve some particular agenda?" '

Read more: Government Collusion in Human Medical Experiments No Longer Just a Conspiracy Theory

Students to be Biometrically Scanned to Receive Their School Lunch?

'The Los Angeles Unified School District is pushing a plan to fingerprint some students before they can get their lunches. Critics say the plan to biometrically identify students could lead to civil rights violations, but the district insists a cashless food system would pose no security or privacy risks.'

Read more: Students to be Biometrically Scanned to Receive Their School Lunch?

Iran Ready to Give Lebanon Military Aid

'Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki expresses Tehran's readiness to provide "unlimited" economic and military support for Lebanon. "Stability and peace in Lebanon is a gift that benefits all countries," Mottaki said on Monday.

"Iran is ready to provide unlimited economic and even military support for the Lebanese government and people," IRNA quoted Mottaki as telling the Syrian daily Al-Watan. The Iranian foreign minister's comments come as Israel has so far launched two wars on Lebanon in 2000 and 2006 -- the second of which left almost 1,200 Lebanese dead.'

Read more: Iran Ready to Give Lebanon Military Aid

These People are Mentally Ill: Once Again the Police Provide the Muscle for Social Workers to Seize Children, Says Christopher Booker

'The target is three-foot-five and wearing pajamas. Be brave, men, and watch for the mother.'

'Eleven days ago a Kent mother noticed a small mark on her five-year-old son’s ankle. He couldn’t say what had caused it. She dabbed on some antiseptic cream and thought no more about it. Two days later his school noticed the mark and contacted social services. The mother was summoned to hospital and told to sign a form allowing her two children to be kept in care by social workers until she had been interviewed by the police.

She was driven 15 miles to Folkestone police station where she was interviewed and held in a cell until midnight. The police then confiscated her BlackBerry, saying it was needed as evidence, and told her she would have to walk home.

Terrified and crying, she walked 15 miles in the dark, arriving home as dawn was breaking, She then discovered that at 9.45 the previous evening, three police cars had arrived at the house with sirens blaring. Four policemen and a social worker had woken her seven-year-old daughter to remove her, sobbing, in her nightclothes.'

Read more ...

Banks May Need New Bailout, Warns Think-Tank

'Taxpayers should be braced for another multi-billion bail-out of Britain’s banks, a left-leaning think tank claims today.

Financial institutions face a funding shortfall next year as existing borrowing ends, forcing them to look for another £13 billion a month, or £156bn a year, the New Economics Foundation (Nef) warned in a report into the banking crisis.'

Read more: Banks May Need New Bailout, Warns Think-Tank

Medical Marijuana, Gateway to Big Brother?

'Marijuana has traditionally been referred to as the “gateway drug,” reputed to introduce one to harder more dangerous substances. If Colorado lawmakers have their way, a new system of policing to oversee Medical Marijuana sales frequency, quantity, buyer activity, and final point of use, will be introduced soon. Pot may once again become known as the gateway drug, however this time it will be to introduce Big Brother style tracking technology to the general market place.'

Read more: Medical Marijuana, Gateway to Big Brother?

Newfoundland Police Need No Reason to Stop Drivers

'Police in Newfoundland and Labrador will be able to pull over drivers without having to give a reason beginning Friday. Legislative changes made to the Highway Traffic Act to address safety on the province's highways come into effect Oct. 1. Government Services Minister Kevin O'Brien said it's part of an effort to crack down on impaired driving.

"We brought that forward because the police were having a problem in regards to having a specific item to pull a driver over, had to be visual and if you didn't have a specific item to pull them over and they were impaired or under the influence of drugs, or whatever, there is a perception that it wouldn't hold up in court," O'Brien said Thursday.'

Read more: Newfoundland Police Need No Reason to Stop Drivers

Britain's £100bn Mental Health Crisis

'Mental illness in England cost the nation more than £100bn last year, highlighting some of the most serious emotional and psychological problems in Europe. More than £21bn was spent on such health treatments as antidepressants and social care such as befriending services, an increase of 75 per cent since 2003.

Experts warned that the figure is likely to rise as government cuts to public services start to have an impact. The statistics, released today by the Centre for Mental Health, show mental health-related sick leave and unemployment cost the economy more than £30bn. The true impact is likely to be much higher, as the costs of underperformance and poor productivity are not included.'

Read more: Britain's £100bn Mental Health Crisis

Another Propaganda Hoax: British Intelligence Denies US Terror Warnings Sparked by New Info

'The US's warning to Americans to be vigilant in Europe added fresh impetus to the scares. The Foreign Office upgraded its threat warning to Britons going to France and Germany, although the terror threat level in Britain remained the same.

European officials again made it clear yesterday they were "irritated" with the US for leaking stories before they could gather more intelligence. There was no evidence that a plot was imminent, and intelligence was described by a well-placed Whitehall official as "ill-defined".'

Read more: Another Propaganda Hoax: British Intelligence Denies US Terror Warnings Sparked by New Info