The uses and costs of migrants. PC and its dangers. Is the influence of the influentials wearing out? The Socialists: “Close the store”? While the days of the rule of the “preaching knights of the PC code” might be numbered, the creed’s dangers shall not be left unmentioned. The verbal suppression of problems will seldom serve the cause of overcoming them. Problem denial’s equivalent in family finance is a credit to pay existing debt. “Postponed” does not equal “solved”. Here we need to remind ourselves that no unidentified, respectively unmentionable taboo problem can be solved. Currently, even bringing up some burning matters is “verboten”. Issues pronounced to be unmentionable have a tendency not to go away. At the same time, the longer the period of silent treatment, the higher will be the eventual fine.Green Flag, Red Cargo
1.Those that participated in most immigrations of history would have called themselves lucky had they encountered the conditions now offered in Western Europe. This holds true regardless of the fact that this world neighborhood does not consider itself to be in need or wanting unqualified immigrants. Europe’s immigration practice suffers from crises. The dominating PC fashion clouds issues. PC cloaks illegal entries, falsified asylums request, crime and welfare chiseling. It claims that the all of the foregoing is insignificant and part of the propaganda of nativist extremists.
Allegedly, the retirement systems of the region will collapse unless new settlers are found. Their contributions are to keep the system afloat. Indeed, some migrant groups, namely the ones with useable skills that enter from compatible countries or social backgrounds, do widen the base that supports the future retirees of an ageing population. Being well qualified, these people earn well –due to their skills, often above the locals’ level- and make corresponding remittances. On the other hand, the bulk of the migrants are of a less useful kind. They provide half of the welfare cases and, being three times as likely to be criminal, the majority of the jailed. As a novelty not experienced since the Germanic invasion of Rome and the appearance of the Huns and the Mongols in Europe, this makes immigration a red ink business. Not all of these hairs and dead flies that swim in the soup got there by accident. A part of the new migration has burdensome characteristics. These relate to geographical and cultural origins and imported attitudes. Undeniable is a tendency to enter and stay under false pretentions and to drift into crime or unemployment. The reason might be that a significant portion of the unskilled migrants is attracted by the host’s inclination to hand out support payments in exchange for “peace”. The motive for migrating is not to make use of the opportunities that are unavailable at home. An upshot is chronic welfare dependence. No surprise here; the support payments give access to a much better life than unqualified migrants have ever known. Therefore, living off the dole can become an acquired family tradition. Being a valuable skill it is frequently handed from one generation to the next.
Official politics pretends to have found, by subjecting the problem to a filtering through PC, an antidote. The provocative clash of life styles is attributed to what is politely labeled to be lacking integration. Typically, blamed is sinful “society” and never the dislike of the settlers for their hosts. Accordingly, the solution is to create state run integration programs. These efforts are dedicated to transmit knowledge about local ways, and also to teach elementary tautologies such as that crime is a no-no. Emphasis is also put on a brilliant insight about which no immigration had to be told. Namely, that some knowledge of the local language facilitates survival in conformity with the natives’ way. Some of this concern is understandable. Often the host’s language is not even mastered by those that have officially attended school in the new country.
Besides providing feree of charge language classes, the cultural toilet training of reluctant immigrants recruited by the threat of withholding welfare payments, is hardly a state function. No office can bring about integration because that is a personal duty. Once integration is principally resisted, then even if the state makes adaptation profitable by generous funding, the effort fails. One of the oddities that work against the policy of integration is when governments issue information –including voters’ pamphlets- and even driver exams in languages other than the official language of the realm.
2. PC has achieved that the challenging issues of our time cannot be discussed openly. Public figures, be that politicians, newsmen or whatever, need to be guarded. They hardly dare to articulate perceptions that correspond to the experience-derived sentiment held by a prudently silent majority. When it happens by accident, the condemnation by the official opinion makers is violent. The element that has the power to set the tone said to be ethical can pillory, quarantine or achieve dismissal in retaliation. A recent example for that is the Williams case in the USA. Increasingly, the public reaction, when the offender’s “removal” cannot take place in discreet silence, is negative. This revolt of the masses should make the praetorian guards defending the propriety that benefits them, concerned. The overwhelming and loudening support given to the object of the chastisement is repeated from country to country. Especially in the context of other tendencies, such as election results, the signs suggest that the influence of the influential as wearing out. The rubber band of putting up with sanctions and accepting pronouncements that go against the average person’s perception and sense of justice is stretched to snap. A dismissal of established elites and their replacement by newcomers might have already begun. More of the same is likely. America’s coming mid-term elections could prove to be the specific that supports the generalization.
3. Of late, the Socialists have discovered that their approach has lost much of its appeal as the instrument for redeeming the world. Many do not want to be saved because, thank you very much, they cheekily prefer to do that on their own. At the same time, the crowd is growing that does not want to be redeemed by this set of saviors. This means that a service is being colported whose customers refuse to consume it. If this is true then the time has come to think about closing the store. The Socialists are not stupid. Their problem is that, more often than not, they are, due to faulty programming, wrong. The signals have been received and read by those that steer the movement. Therefore, a changing of the colors of the flag is taking place. The ship that still carries the original cargo flies it. Now the still uncompromised green is the new hue covering up what used to be red. If therefore, you think that you hear a Green warning, and in case that the only correct solution suggested sounds familiar, you should not be surprised. Indeed, you have heard that tune before. This reduces the question to this: will the masses dance to the music that, played with different instruments, has left them unmoved before?
4. Have you noticed? (Careful, you were not supposed to!) Increasingly, China’s relationship to the outside world is not defined by reliance on political-cultural diplomacy. Nor do appeals to allegedly common interests served by cooperation dominate. Of late, regarding the outside world, the ascendant instrument applied to shape these is weight and military force. Some old hopes and pious expectations, such as that economic success civilizes foreign policy and democratizes the internal order, appear to be invalidated. The playful panda is transmuting into an assertive grizzly. The big bear emerging from its cover likes to stroll beyond the limits of its marked territory.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
From the desk of George Handlery on Fri, 2010-10-29 13:54
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Britannia Radio