Here is your Crux PM update:
AGFLATION: Food prices are exploding higher
"Food producers all around the world are scared and are buying up every grain and kernel they can..."
Silver guru Morgan: A selloff is imminent...
... But silver is headed much higher next year.
A huge catalyst for gold and silver stocks that most investors ignore
Watching the price of gold in U.S. dollars is not enough...
CNBC's Rick Santelli: "Nixonian" price controls coming
"That is, pure and simple, the end game."
Top risk analyst: 2011 could be far worse than 2008
"The U.S. banking industry is entering a new period of crisis..."
Superinvestor Mark Mobius: Global bull market is now underway...
... But a "big correction" could be coming soon.
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux