Wednesday, 6 October 2010

The following are new clips from the MEMRI TV project. They include interviews with clerics from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, as well as a program from the Gaza strip.

Visit the MEMRI TV Project ( daily for the latest clips.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2623 - Egyptian Cleric Salama Abd Al-Qawi: Flogging in Islamic Law Follows Certain Regulations

Following are excertps from an interview with Egyptian cleric Salama Abd Al-Qawi, which aired on Al-Nas TV, on October 13, 2009:

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Salama Abd Al-Qawi: Our religion, our moral values, and our Islamic law forbid a Muslim from torturing another Muslim, using any implement of torture. This is categorically forbidden. One might say that Islamic law permits the torture and floggings of, say, a fornicator, or of someone who slanders others, and so on. Islamic law permits flogging. But the fact is that in Islamic law, flogging is not for the sake of torture. The purpose of the flogging is Islamic law is not to skin a person.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2625 - Saudi Cleric Abd Al-Aziz Al-Fawzan Blasts "Deviant" Fatwas that Permit "Crimes and Abominations" Like Fornication and Homosexuality

Following are excerpts from an interview with Saudi cleric Abd Al-Aziz Al-Fawzan, which aired on Daleel TV on July 9, 2010:

To view this clip, visit

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Abd Al-Aziz Al-Fawzan: This globalization, which is supported by the political, economic, and cultural hegemony of the West, and which spreads Western values – which run counter, in many ways, to true Islamic values, conveyed by all the divine revelations... This globalization cannot succeed. Indeed, it has failed, as you can see, despite all the political, economic, and cultural means of hegemony at its disposal...

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2615 - Gaza Man Who "Spawned" Hundreds of Offsprings: It Is Fun to Have So Many Wives

Following are excerpts from a report on a Palestinian from Gaza with hundreds of grandchildren, aired on Press TV on September 8, 2010:

To view this clip, visit

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Reporter: According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, CBS, more than 4,000,000 Palestinians reside in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In the past 13 years, their population has grown by over 45% – one of the highest population growth rates in the world. But in Gaza the population is rising by about 5% every year, and the average marriage age is twenty. A Palestinian woman gives birth to three children on average.

MEMRI TV Clip No. 2614 - Egyptian Islamic Scholar Dr. Suad Saleh: Women Should Not Wear Bathing Suits

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian Islamic researcher Dr. Suad Saleh, which aired on Al-Mihwar TV, on July 16, 2010:

To view this clip, visit

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Interviewer: I am told I should ask you about the Chinese bathing suit.

Dr. Suad Saleh: I haven't seen this bathing suit, but I am against any swimwear for women.