In America: Communist, Socialist, Progressive = Democrat Are Christians Hypocrites, Losers And Liars? Terrorist Ayers Endorses Stewart/Colbert Rallies Black Conservatives Love the Tea Party Express Tours
Note that Llewellyn did not refer to his comrades as communists, socialists or Marxists, all of which would be accurate. He referred to his comrades as “progressives.” That’s because today’s hardcore leftist is no longer considered hardcore left, but rather “progressive.” Obama – Pelosi – Reid – Frank – Biden – Clinton – Dodd and every other Democrat politician is proud to proclaim openly the title of progressive......
by JB Williams
When a preacher who should be focused on God’s Word and calling the lost to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ rents billboard space around town to inform the world that Christians are no different than they are, the question must be asked: “Who then needs Christianity? Why would anyone want give their life to Jesus Christ if doing so made them no better than they were before and no different from anyone else in this.......
by Paul Proctor
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Sounding as anti-American as ever, Dohrn and Ayers complained about U.S. military aid to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Israel, and U.S. backing for “repressive” regimes. Ayers, who is retiring as an education professor for the University of Illinois, encouraged the audience to focus on “community power,” such as what they can accomplish in “the classroom.” He said, “This is the only power we have access to.”.....
by Cliff Kincaid
We the People/Tea Party Patriots are going to clean house this November voting out the dirty rotten scoundrels who forced Obamacare down our throats. However, this is only phase one of our mission to take back America from the Obama administration which seeks to “fundamental transform it.” Between now and the 2012 presidential election, we black conservatives acknowledge our moral duty to.....
by Lloyd Marcus
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
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Britannia Radio