I watched the whole debate, I believe I could have done a better job of it than any of the panelists incl; Ayaan hirsi but they did a good enough Job. Interesting that they could not get one pro Muslim expert to debate in favor of the question is Islam a religion of peace. The very Topic. The presumed need to debate this topic is proof enough that it isn’t. Long but worth viewing. The young American Indian girl debating in favor of Islam is gorgeous. I’ll watch again just to see her. Yamit DOUGLAS MURRAY- AYAAN HIRSI ALI DEBATE ‘MODERATES’: IS ISLAM A RELIGION OF PEACE:……? Islam a Religion of Peace: From Intelligence Squared US, Click here to view the embedded video. NOTE: During the debate, both the US constitution and the issue of slavery came up, and it bears further clarification. Due to ignorance of the panel in their comparisons with scripture and the constitution, they insinuated that the US constitution is a “living... Martin Sherman explains why Israeli election results are often meaningless Consider the following remarkable facts regarding Israel’s parliamentary history: (a) For 20 of the 28 years between 1977- when the Likud first won the elections on a platform of “Greater Israel – and 2005 – when a Likud government withdrew unilaterally from Gaza in stark contradiction to its electoral pledges – the Israeli government was headed by a prime minister from the Likud.? (b) When the Likud came to power, the entire Sinai Peninsula was under Israeli control, any suggestion that Israel might evacuate the Jordan Valley was virtually unthinkable, any thought of dividing Jerusalem was tantamount to blasphemy, and any hint of withdrawal from the Golan was almost akin to treason.? Right Wing News polled more than 250 right-of-center bloggers on which candidate they’d support if the 2012 Republican primaries were today. The following 72 bloggers responded: See Here The bloggers voted on three different groups of candidates. The first grouping included the big name candidates that were likely to run, the second asked which of those candidates the bloggers would be LEAST LIKELY to support, and the last list was expanded out to cover 20 candidates, including some that are currently considered unlikely to run. Now, here are the results, See Surprising Results Here From Martin Sherman II urge you to read this very perceptive talkback regarding the inaptness of “branding“ as a dominant element in Israel’s public diplomacy effort, and the ineptness of those who insist that it should be. 29. Why Israel persists in this policy since 1993? [This totally discedits the CBS poll and assertion that Israel Stands Alone] The hawkish Emergency Committee for Israel is coming out with a poll today that backs its view that the U.S. has a deeply pro-Israel electorate, one that’s alarmed about Iran’s intentions and skeptical of President Obama’s outreach to the Muslim world. They’ve shared GOP pollster John McLaughlin’s survey of 1,000 likely voters, and its cross-tabs, in full. And while there are always reasons to be skeptical of polls by advocacy groups that back their views, the sample — 51% of those surveyed have a favorable view of Obama’s defense and national security policy — tilts if anything slightly more toward the White House than other recent public polling. By Andrew L. Jaffee, netwmd.com In Israel, I was treated like a full citizen for the first time. - Younes Nazarian For years, anti-Israel sentiment has been spreading across California college campuses (Irvine, Berkeley, LA…), but UCLA — helped with an endowment from an “Iranian-Jewish immigrant couple” — has struck back, giving Pro-Israel advocay a boost on the “Left Coast.” According to theJewishJournal.com: UCLA (The University of California, Los Angeles) formally inaugurated its Center for Israel Studies, the first of its kind on the West Coast, with speeches, songs and a generous buffet of Middle Eastern delicacies on Wednesday evening (10/5). The buffet, along with a $5 million endowment for the center, were provided by Younes and Soraya Nazarian, the Iranian-Jewish immigrant couple in whose honor the center is named. Despite heavy rains, some 250 invited supporters, academicians and members of the Iranian community crowded into a... Laura: You have to wonder about the psychological makeup of a Jewish lesbian feminist who stands in solidarity with genocidal anti-Semites, violent misogynists and homophobes. But such is the case with this anti-Israel whackjob, Berkeley Professor Judith Butler. Of course she is hardly alone in her profession as the same academics who sign petitions to boycott Israel, refused to sign a petition opposing islamic practices such as “honor” murders, wife beatings, FGM and the discrimination of women and gays in muslim countries. by Prof. Phyllis Chesler, Israel National News Don’t academics seek objective truth? Read about a study that proved just the opposite. Academics, intellectuals—even journalists—are, presumably, concerned with objective truth and trained to recognize and avoid bias or extreme distortion. In addition, a physicist is expected to know something about physics and a Women’s Studies professor is, presumably,... More Recent ArticlesIs Islam A Religion Of Peace:……?
Who really runs Israel?
By Martin Sherman
(c) Yet today, over a third of a century since Menachem Begin’s dramatic electoral victory, all the above are either already faits accomplis or are widely considered...Polling Conservative Bloggers On Their Preferred Presidential Candidates For 2012
Re-branding Israel doesn’t work
This is a very perceptive and true article. Imagine a man blamed for killing somebody and possessing his property, who claims in his defense that he is a good scientist, musician and married to a beautiful wife. This is the distorted logic of Israel PR (Hasbara): no correlation between the allegations and the defense. Indeed if you have taken somebody’s else country as is falsely alleged against Israel, this branding becomes irrelevant. It is the lies propagated in relation to the “occupation”, “illegality of the settlements” etc. that should be refuted. But despite multiple appeals to Israel’s MFA to revert to this logical policy,...Poll: Americans pro-Israel, scared of Iran, skeptical of outreach
The results suggest that President Obama’s stance toward the Middle East is not as popular as his foreign policy as a whole, with a plurality disapproving of his handling of Israel...Sea-change? UCLA inaugurates Center for Israel Studies, ‘the first of its kind on the West Coast’
Hypocritical Anti-Semitic Academics
Ted Belman
Monday, 11 October 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 08:48