“The Jews of Judea and Samaria would, in fact and in law, be well within their constitutional rights to remain living in those territories under the most significant law of the State of Israel, the Law of Return, that enshrines in its provisions the two-thousand-year-old Jewish Right of Return and, assuming Government abandonment, to take the necessary steps to govern themselves in an independent State of Judea and Samaria.” I fully agree with this opinion, and if it must be support the Jewish state of Judea! Yamit TO Members of the Lev Ha’Aretz Group Laura: The NYT does a hit piece on Pam Geller. Yet they will never publish anything negative about the nefarious characters behind the ground zero mosque. Make no mistake, the Times along with the rest of the msm are outright enemies of America. Why else would they shill for the likes of islamic supremacists while denigrating and demonizing American patriots? The New York Times: Outraged, Outrageous and Unhinged Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs As expected, the New York Times did an extraordinarily nasty and fallacious piece on me. It is full of distortions, inaccuracies and lies from beginning to end. But one thing I can tell you is that the numbers quoted from my divorce settlement are grossly, wildly inaccurate. I don’t want to air dirty laundry in public, but there is absolutely no truth to what Anne Barnard and Alan Feuer “reported” about this. And although I do not want to get into personal matters, how do they know that my deceased ex “didn’t always... THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT’S ABANDONMENT OF JUDEA AND SAMARIA
The core thesis of my book, The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law, is that de jure sovereignty over all of Eretz-Israel was vested in the Jewish People, i.e., world Jewry, as a result of the adoption of the San Remo Resolution of April 25,1920 by the Principal Allied Powers of World War I (Britain, France, Italy and Japan), a coalition of nations that defeated...NYT Hit Piece on Pam Geller
WW2 Britain blew up Jewish refugee ships
By Andrew Roberts, The Daily Beast
A new book uncovers shocking secret attacks launched on ships bearing Holocaust survivors en route to Israel. Andrew Roberts on the violent lengths to which post-war Britain went to appease oil-rich Arab states.
As Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, the pitiful remnants of History’s greatest crime, tried to make their way across an often hostile Europe at the end of the Second World War, toward at least a semblance of safety in the Holy Land, they had no shortage of problems with which to contend, including disease and malnutrition, Polish anti-Semitism, Soviet indifference, Allied bureaucracy, and Arab nationalism. Now we discover that they faced yet another peril in the shape of bombs planted on their transport ships by Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, better known as MI6.
A new book to be published next week entitled MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949, by the distinguished British historian Keith...
Israel Should Never Trust American Promises
If Ettinger is correct, it’s as I suspected the weasel BB was behind the freeze all along and would continue if he can get it through his coalition without doing himself political damage. BB is our biggest problem and can be even considered a national security risk. Yamit
Yoram Ettinger launches a stinging attack on Netanyahu–not only on Bibi’s reliance on US assurances, but also because–according to Ettinger–the whole idea of a settlement freeze originated with Netanyahu and actually caught the US by surprise. interview in Hebrew here
Netanyahu Criticized For Original Settlement Freeze–And For Trusting The US
by Amb. Yoram Ettinger
In order to enhance his own clout and Israel’s posture of deterrence – which constitute essential prerequisites to Israel’s national security, Israel’s strategic ties with the US and to the attainment of durable peace – it is incumbent upon Netanyahu to refute Obama’s,...
A View From Israel: Madman or prophet?
While many regard controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders as alarmist, others say he has deep perception of perils of radical Islam; West should heed his warnings.
Some call him “flamboyant and extremist,” while others regard him as the “second best politician” in the Netherlands. Geert Wilders, the controversial leader of the Dutch “Party for Freedom,” which became the third most dominant political party in the June 9 elections, is on trial for allegedly inciting racial hatred against Muslims.
Wilders has repeatedly called for the Koran to be banned, comparing it to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, and faces a hefty fine or a maximum of one year and three months imprisonment if convicted by the Amsterdam court.
The Koran may feature incendiary messages and calls for bloody murder in numerous verses, his critics say, but Wilders’ approach that all of Islam is radical and violent is flawed. Rather, it is the extremists who selectively choose the...
“Middle East Peace: Insoluble Doesn’t Mean Unmanageable”
By Michael Zebulon, AMERICAN THINKER
The perennial push to solve the ” ‘Palestinian’-Israeli problem” is predicated on a false premise: to wit, that the Arab-Jewish conflict on the territory of the former League of Nations Palestine Mandate is genuinely susceptible of resolution in this generation. Well, it isn’t. But surely you knew that — or, by now, suspected it. (Still — don’t breathe just yet; there’s more.)
Indeed, not only will it not be solved in the present generation — but it very probably won’t be solved in our lifetimes; or, altogether quite possibly, at any time during this century. Sorry; don’t shoot the messenger — I don’t presume to “make” the news, only to report it. (Okay, now you can breathe.)
Of course, we could discuss the reasons for the insolubility of the problem for this era — as well as the question of whether it was ever indeed in the cards for it to have...
Iraqi Refugees Don’t Want To Go Home, and What About The Oil?
The big loser in Iraq it seems is America. The big winners it seems are everybody else, but especially China and Iran. Is this due to American stupidity or is it by American design? Yamit
Right Truth
Counterterrorism, politics, religion, …
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) — your tax dollars at work — conducted an survey of Iraqi refugees and approximately one-half of the ones living in Syria are reluctant to permanently return to their home, citing political uncertainty, unstable security conditions, poor educational opportunities and housing shortages. The numbers are about the same for Iraq refugees in Jordan. I have no information of those brought to the United States, but I bet they want to stay here.
Syria is home to the largest number of Iraqi refugees in the region, with the UNHCR office in the country having registered more than 290,000 Iraqis since the start of the war in their country.
According to Government figures,...
To Build, or Not to Build — Why that Is the Question
“The in-gathering of the exiles, is what this place is all about.” In our national narrative, building towns and rebuilding a people are virtually synonymous”.
by Daniel Gordis
Summarizing the stalemate in the Israeli- Palestinian talks, a CNN anchor reported earlier this week that as soon as the settlement building freeze ended, “Israel sent in bulldozers to renew the building.”
The claim is patently false, of course, for “Israel” did no such thing. Groups of people, most of them living in the settlements, did begin building again, as the law permitted them to. So why did CNN portray the story that way? Most reasonable people understand that any eventual peace settlement will involve the creation of a Palestinian state on some significant portion of the West Bank. Some Israelis are in favor, some are desperately opposed and others are pained by the prospective loss of that land but have resigned themselves to the fact that there will be no alternative.
History teaches us: “Don’t capitulate to America”
Op-ed: Yom Kippur War protocols grim reminder of results of capitulation to US demands
Hagai Segal
The fascinating Yom Kippur War documents released here this past week include more than a hint that Golda’s real mistake was not arrogant disregard of Egyptian peace aspirations, but rather, exaggerated reliance on American promises.
In one of the documents, Dayan explains that because of Egypt’s anti-aircraft missiles it is impossible to offer Air Force assistance to the outposts under attack on the frontlines. He notes bitterly that the Egyptians and Russians had “three years to prepare.” He clearly refers to the period between the ceasefire forced upon us in the summer of 1970 and the outbreak of the war in 1973.
A necessary reminder: Three years before the Egyptians crossed the Suez Canal, the Americans formulated an Israeli-Egyptian agreement to end the War of Attrition. Golda was fearful, yet was unable to withstand the heavy pressures from Washington and the...
Good News, Israel
Compliments of Anglo Raannana Real Estate
Quote for the Week
“We can´t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
Albert Einstein (Governments tend to do this, private enterprise can´t afford to)
· The International Monetary Fund (IMF) – and if they don’t know who does? – forecasts 4.2% GDP growth in Israel in 2010 [4.2%? Who said 4.7%? We did. We’re getting closer.] up from 0.8% growth in 2009. This optimistic forecast is contained in the IMF’s bi-annual World Economic Outlook report that was published today on the eve of the IMF conference in Washington DC. Their forecast is higher than the Bank of Israel’s 4% prediction, which was issued on September 29, having been revised upwards from its 3.7% forecast in April. It all looks so good and that’s because it is.
· If you want to live longer, quite a lot longer, now’s your chance, no debilitating diets, no excruciating exercises all you...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel