Why the election pledges must be honouredMelanie Phillips
 Bruges Group event at the Conservative Party conferenceIt is a matter of great disappointment and regret that the Prime Minister has dropped his own manifesto commitments to take back powers from Brussels and to protect the UK from the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights; this is despite the fact that he was elected promising to do so. To make matters worse the pledge to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty was already abandoned.
At the 2010 Conservative Party Conference the Bruges Group made the case as to Why the election pledges must be honoured. And why the Conservative leadership must stop selling-out on Europe to the Lib Dems.    Click here to listen online to Roger Helmer MEP PODCASTS Click here to listen online to Melanie Phillips
Roger Helmer, Conservative MEP, said,
"Many Conservatives hoped that a Conservative-led government would take a firmer line on Europe. Yet despite all the loose talk of a 'Referendum Lock', we are now handing powers to Brussels arguably faster than Labour did. It’s time to take stock and ask why?"
Melanie Phillips said,
"'Abandoning the referendum pledge wasn't the half of it. The Tories are abandoning their undertaking to defend Britain's capacity to govern itself as an independent nation."
Robert Oulds, Director of the Bruges Group, said,
"We know that many of the key issues facing this country cannot be addressed without freeing the UK from the burdens that unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels place upon Britain. A useful first step for the Government will be to cut the billions of pounds of our money that is paid to the EU each year.
"Our present Government is not protecting the national interest and seems to be putting short term political expediency above honouring the pledges that were made at election time, above democracy and above |