Funny I keep searching and searching for evidence of a western concept of Moderate Islam but can’t seem to find any. I’ll keep searching. Yamit Malaysia’s ‘Moderate’ Islam Means Racism and Oppression Once Inside Islam, No One Gets Out In April last year, I wrote about the totalitarian aspects of Malaysia’s society. Since that time, the situations described then have been repeated and appear to have worsened. General elections were officially due to take place in 2009, but last month, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi suggested he would be bringing these elections forward. The elections may take place as early as March this year. Malaysia’s population of 27 million is, according to the UK government, 55% Muslim. The U.S. State Department maintains that 60% of the population is Muslim. Ethnic Malays are automatically classed as Muslim on their identity cards (MyKad) which are issued to everyone at age 12. Any... This essay I dedicate to AE and Narvey: Enjoy Of course by multi-religious, he means Malaysia is an Islamic state which pervasively discriminates against non-Muslims. Malays are automatically treated as Muslims and subject to Sharia law. They are not allowed to become members of another faith, without applying to an Islamic Sharia court. And without official recognition, the law forbids them from marrying Christians or Buddhists. The Lina Joy case is an example of how non-Muslims can remain in limbo under... A mass rally-demonstration entitled “For the truth, for Israel” will be held in Rome this Thursday. It is being organized by Fiamma Nirenstein – journalist, MP, and vice president of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Italian Chamber of Deputies – and other leading European personalities. The rally will be held at the Temple of Hadrian (Tempio di Adriano), Piazza di Pietra, on Thursday, October 7 at 6:00 PM. Ironically, it was the Roman Emperor Hadrian who, late in his reign, suppressed the Bar Kokhba revolt in Judea in 145 C.E., and renamed the province Syria Palestina. The rally is billed as “the first European, bipartisan event aimed at restoring the truth regarding Israel, putting an end to the barrage of lies that are hurled at Israel every day and to the double standard used by the media and international organizations.” More than 80 personalities, politicians, intellectuals, artists and journalists from all over Europe are... Israel Must Tell America NO! Then let the chips fall wherever they fall. America is no real dependable friend to Israel and we can not only survive without America, we will thrive. Yamit But is this widely-held view true? What would happen if, as a result of Israel’s refusal to acquiesce in American demands for a Palestinian state and West Bank settlement freeze, America terminated its special relationship with Israel and cut off all monetary aid? To be sure, this scenario is highly unlikely as America would be loath to end its friendship with the only democracy, and the most powerful country, in the Middle East. In addition to being... Governor Palin on Fox News Sunday – February 07 2010 Her grammer isn’t the best but her grasp of the issues is. She knows who she is, what she is doing and where she stands on the issues. Two months or one month it will be permanent! Will lead to delineation of borders without the Arabs conceding a thing. No building will take place therefore on any areas designated as Palestinian borders. They can with American approval go to the UN and declare their state without Israeli approval . Once Israel agrees to borders what’s to stop them? BB must be dumped yesterday. He is putting the whole country in mortal jeopardy. Yamit Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to extend Israel’s freeze on settlement construction by 60 days, the London-based newspaper Asharq al-Awsat quoted Israeli officials as saying on Monday. The Asharq al-Awsat report came amid recent claims that U.S. President Barack Obama had offered Netanyahu an incentive package in exchange for keeping settlement construction at bay, a move which could quell Palestinian concerns over settlement building and consequently bring them back to the negotiations table. According to... Yamit; I posted this on Sep 25 2010; Looks from here that it was 100% accurate! See Here A survey conducted by the Dachaf polling company for Israel’s Channel 2 News has revealed that a clear majority of Israelis would like to see the government allow Jews to build in Judea and Samaria, and oppose a continuation of the 10-month construction freeze. The Palestinian Authority, with backing from the United States, is demanding that Israel continue the freeze and has left the long sought negotiations because of the issue. 54% of respondents rejected the demand and said Israel should continue to build, while only 39% said Israel should freeze construction a second time in order to ensure that talks continue. The poll also showed the political Right gaining power in comparison to the Left. If elections were held today, the Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu block would have a total of 41 seats compared to 36 for Kadima and Labor. Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu currently... by MK Ya’akov “Ketzaleh” Katz, INN One year and seven months have passed since Binyamin Netanyahu became Israel’s Prime Minister, and it is time to assess the situation. When the current government was established, there was a coalition agreement on the table with the National Union. It was only natural that Netanyahu ally with his natural partners and establish a traditional national coalition consisting of 65 seats out of the 109 members of the Jewish parties in the Knesset. This national-traditional coalition was a natural continuation of the Likud’s Zionist nationalistic elections campaign, headed by Netanyahu. After all, at the top of the Likud’s list were people who were considered loyal to Israel and its pioneers. “Israel must not be tempted to adopt US President Barack Obama’s suggestion to declare a two-month settlement construction moratorium, “During my recent visit to the US I learned that Washington is planning to force a permanent agreement on Israel – two states for two peoples along the 1967 borders, plus-minus 3 or 4% of the territory exchanged,” Lieberman said. “This is the objective of a continued freeze – to give the US and the international community two months to come up with a solution that will be forced on Israel.”Moderate Islam Means Racism and Oppression
by Adrian MorganIslamophobia, Cartoon-O-Phobia and Equalityphobia
Prime Minister Haji Abdul Razak of Malaysia has offered to help Obama overcome “Islamophobia” by sending “experts in Islamic studies” to America in order to correct misconceptions about Islam. Malaysia’s Deputy Education Minister, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, stated, “We qualify to send our experts as we have the experience of administering a country which is multi-ethnic, multicultural and multi-religious like the US.”
Mass European Rally for Israel
Does Israel Need America?
Ask the average Jew on the street and he’ll tell you: Israel needs America in order to survive. Indeed, this view is so entrenched in the Jewish community that few dare question it. Just as a baby needs his mother and an injured person needs his crutches, it seems obvious to many that Israel needs America.
Palin, looking back.
‘Netanyahu agrees to extend settlement freeze by 2 months’
Survey: Political Right Gaining Voters, Most Oppose Freeze
Opinion: Netanyahu’s Strategic Failures
Tzipora Livni, head of the list of Likud dissidents who brought us the catastrophe of the expulsion from Gush Katif, announced an agenda according to which an Arab state would be established in the heart of our country, whose cities are...Leiberman is the key
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
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Britannia Radio